

空中之家 2016年4期


The Chinese tea farmers have a saying: “The first harvest is mellow, the second is tart. The third is so good we save it for last.” This line perfectly describes the differences between tea harvested in the seasons of Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Tea, like people, assumes unique characteristics as a result of the climate, geography, and other factors.


It's the end of March. Gentle spring breezes waft across the boundless fi eld at Jiqingli Black Tea Valley, Yingde. People are preparing themselves for the hard work of harvesting the tea leaves that have sprouted during Spring.

Lu Yu, a connoisseur of fi ne teas who lived at the height of the Tang Dynasty, described the“excellent fl avour” of tea from Shaozhou (modern day Guangdong Province) in his Chajing (Classic of Tea). His work is now upheld as the def i nitive encyclopaedia on everything related to tea. Modern day Yingde is also part of ancient Shaozhou.

Yingde Hongcha (black tea of Yingde), Qimen Hongcha (black tea of Qimen, or Keemun), and Yunnan Dianhong (black tea of Yunnan) are 3 of the most famous and highly regarded black teas of China. Yingde's black tea was grown using the large-leaf tea bushes bred from parent lineages selected from Yunnan in the 1950s. Like the famous Sri Lankan black teas, Yingde's fi ne black tea quickly became a popular hit amongst many tea lovers. In the 1960s, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain once used black tea from Yingde to serve her guests, and listed it as a tea for use by the royal family.

Yingde's black tea carries a rich aroma, bright red coloration of the resulting liquor. The most famous blend would be Yinghong 9, uniquely fl avored with orchids and lychee branches that epitomises the thickness, strength, freshness, and clearing properties of Yingde black teas.

The region of Yingde has a southern subtropical monsoon climate with no harsh winters or summers. Frost periods rarely exceed 10 days every year. The soil is slightly acidic with a pH of 4.5 to 5. These geographical features make it perfect for growing tea shrubs. The soil and water determine the tea. The same Yingde bush would produce vastly different teas when grown in other regions.

Yingde's black tea is harvested in 3 seasons, leading to the differences between Spring, Summer, and Autumn teas. Spring teas are harvested during the months of March to April and is known for its rich aroma. Summer teas, harvested from May to September, are known for their strong fl avour but slight bitterness when compared to Spring and Autumn teas. Finally, Autumn teas harvested from October to November offer a sweet and refreshing taste.







Dr. Wang Yifeng is an expert on tea. Despite being over 70 years old, his tea-drinking habits make him look 20 years younger. Having researched tea over the last 50 years, Dr. Wang explained how these seasonal differences give rise to different tea characteristics. Spring tea experiences gradual warming after a cold winter, and thus provides better fragrance. Summer teas grow in higher temperatures and thus contain more tea polyphenols which lead to a slight bitterness. Autumn teas experience gradual cooling and less rain which lead to a buildup of sugars within the plant to provide a sweet fl avour.

What are the processes needed to convert a freshly plucked tea shoot into black tea?

Dr. Wang told us that a freshly harvested tea leaf contains about 75% water. The fi rst step in tea processing would be withering. Ventilation and heating are used to remove the water content from the leaves. This is followed by maceration where external forces are applied to bruise or cut the tea leaves and disrupt their cellular structures. Maceration is then followed by the key step of fermentation. Fermentation often takes 4 to 8 hours to complete and requires stringent controls on temperature, oxygen and humidity. Yingde black tea requires 2 rounds of drying to reduce water content to 4-6%.

The complete Yingde black tea is ready for brewing after drying. For brewing, pour boiling water on a pinch of tea leaves. Let it stand for 5-8 seconds and swirl slightly to disperse the liquor and its fi ne aromas. There is no better way to symbolise the Chinese way of serving guests than a cup of fi nely brewed tea.

Prof. Wang Yifeng, senior advisor & agronomist at Jiqingli.英德积庆里红茶谷高级顾问、高级农艺师王医凤教授。











Text by Ge Rufeng Photos by Zeng Jian, Jiqingli Black Tea Valley 特别鸣谢:积庆里红茶谷


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Happy Afternoon Tea
24味暖春茶香 1周急速瘦15斤