

光散射学报 2016年1期


(1.中国科学院半导体研究所,半导体超晶格国家重点实验室,北京 100083;

2.CGC,University of Cambridge,9 JJ Thomson Avenue,Cambridge CB3 0FA,UK)




2.CGC,University of Cambridge,9 JJ Thomson Avenue,Cambridge CB3 0FA,UK)





二维层状材料的层间剪切模(C模)和层间呼吸模(LBM)直接反映了层间耦合的性质[16-17]。对于一个N层的层状二维材料,存在N-1个的C模和LBM模,我们将其记为CNN-i和LBMNN-i(i=1,2,…,N-1),其中CN1和LBMN1表示频率最高的模式[8-9,18]。多层石墨烯的C模已经被成功地观测到,并且可以用来探测狄拉克点(Dirac point)附近能量为几个meV的电子激发[19]。到目前为止,因为对称性和相对弱的电声子耦合等原因,多层石墨烯的LBM在常温下还未能被观察到[20]。



本文所用的t(m+n)LG是通过机械剥离法或者转移法制备的。同时利用光学衬度方法[22-24](optical contrast)和原子力显微镜(atomic force microscopy)确定了样品层数。所涉及到的拉曼光谱测试是采用法国Horiba Jobin Yvon公司的LabRam HR800共焦显微拉曼光谱仪。所使用的能量为1.58和1.71 eV的激光是来自钛宝石激光器,能量为1.96,2.03,2.09和2.28 eV的激光是来自He-Ne激光器,能量为1.83,1.92,2.18,2.34和2.41 eV的激光是来自Kr+激光器,以及能量为2.54和2.67 eV的激光是来自Ar+激光器。为防止出现样品的加热效应,测试拉曼光谱所用的激光功率低于0.5mW。为了探测超低频率的拉曼信号,我们采用了四块光密度(optical density)为3,光谱带宽(spectral bandwidth)为5~10 cm-1的体布拉格光栅(BragGrate notch filters)去除瑞利线(Rayleigh line)。当激发光能量为2.41 eV时光谱分辨率为0.54 cm-1。转角多层石墨烯的能带结构是由DFTB+软件包[25-27]计算的。另外,我们采用紧束缚方法计算了光学跃迁矩阵元[28-29]。


图1a为t(1+1)LG和t(1+3)LG的光学图像,图1b展示了它们的光学衬度谱。与(m+n)LG相,比t(m+n)LG的光学衬度谱多出了一个吸收峰。这个吸收峰来自于界面层间旋转导致的能带结构变化,这点将在后文进行详细地讨论。图1c画出了t(1+3)LG的拉曼光谱。在G模两侧存在着两个相对较弱的模式,通常称其为R(1510 cm-1)和R’(1618 cm-1)模。这两个模式是来自于上下两层石墨烯旋转之后产生的超晶格[30]。根据这两个模式的频率我们可以定出这个t(1+3)LG界面处层间旋转角θ为10.6°。在37和22 cm-1处,我们观察到了两个C模,根据它们的频率,我们将其分别指认为C31和C32。同时在93和116 cm-1处,我们也观察到了两个相对较宽的模式。根据第一性原理计算的结果[31],这个两个模式可以被指认为LBM42和LBM41。另外,通过对称性分析发现,t(m+n)LG (m≠n)具有C3对称性,其对应的C模和LBM的拉曼张量如下[32]:


Fig.1(a) Optical image of a flake comprising a t(1+1)LG and a t(1+3)LG.(b) Optical contrast of t(1+1)LG and t(1+3)LG.For comparison,the contrast of 2LG and 4LG is also plotted.(c) Stokes/anti-Stokes Raman spectra in the C and LB spectral range,and Stokes Raman spectra in the G peak region for 1.96 and 2.33 eV excitation.Polarized Raman spectra are also shown

图2给出了t(1+2)LG,t(1+1+1)LG,t(1+3)LG,t(2+2)LG,t(2+3)LG和t(5+5)LG的拉曼光谱。它们的旋转角度与对应的激发光能量都被标注出来。我们在t(1+2)LG中观察到了C21(31 cm-1)模和LBM31(109 cm-1),而在t(2+2)LG中观察到C21(31 cm-1)模和LBM41(109 cm-1),在其他的t(m+n)LG中也观察到了类似的情况。也就是,我们在t(m+n)LG中观察了分别来自于nLG和mLG的C模和来自(m+n)LG的LBM。在t(m+n)LG中,转角的界面阻隔了层间的剪切耦合,使得C模局域在AB堆垛的子系统内。而这种阻隔对呼吸耦合并不起作用,因此LBM模仍为(m+n)LG的模式。


Fig.2Stokes/anti-Stokes Raman spectra in the C and LB peak region and Stokes spectra in the G spectral region for six tMLGs.Eexis also indicated.The spectra are scaled and offset for clarity.The scaling factors of the individual spectra are shown.Vertical lines are guides to the eye

Fig.3(a) Linear chain model (LCM),LCM with the twisted interface (tLCM) and LCM with second-nearest interlayer coupling (2LCM).(b) Experimental (Exp.,open crosses) and theoretical (tLCM,open circles,and 2LCM,open diamonds) data of C and LB modes in tNLG

在图1c中,我们发现当激发光为1.96 eV时,t(1+3)LG的拉曼信号得到极大增强,是激发光为2.33 eV时的拉曼强度的30倍左右。由此可见,在t(m+n)LG中,存在着拉曼信号增强现象。共振拉曼信号的增强现象可以用二阶微扰理论来解释。因为只有光学跃迁允许的能带才能在拉曼过程中有贡献,在这里我们引入光学跃迁允许的联合态密度[8]:

Fig.4(a) Band structure of 10.6° t(1+1)LG.The optically allowed transitions are marked by dashed arrows.The transitions with energy ~1.15 eV between parallel bands along K-M are forbidden,as indicated by solid arrows with crosses.(b) Squared optical matrix elements of the corresponding band pairs in (a).(c) Band structure of 10.6° t(1+3)LG.Some typical transitions are indicated by vertical dashed lines.(d) A(G) of t(1+1)LG,(e) A(G) and A(G+) of t(1+3)LG,and (f) A(C31),A(C32),A(LBM42) and A(LBM41) as a function of laser excitation energy.The filled circles,open diamonds,open triangles and open squares are the experimental data,while the lines show the simulations.The dash-dotted lines in (e) are the electronic joint density of states (JDOSs) of all the optically allowed transitions (JDOSOAT) in t(1+3)LG along G-K-M-G.The VHSs of JDOSOATare indicated with arrows




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Interface Coupling in Twisted Multilayer Graphene by Resonant Raman Spectroscopy

WU Jiang-bin1,ZHANG Xin1,HAN Wen-peng1,QIAO Xiao-fen1,M.Ijäs2,A.C.Ferrari2,TAN Ping-heng1*

(1.StateKeyLaboratoryofSuperlatticesandMicrostructures,InstituteofSemiconductors,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing,100083,P.R.China;2.CGC,UniversityofCambridge,9JJThomsonAvenue,CambridgeCB3 0FA,UK)

Abstract:The C and LB modes of t(m+n)LG are studied systematically by Raman spectroscopy.In the t(m+n)LG,the C modes of nLG and mLG and LBMs of (m+n)LG are observed.We fit the positions of C and LB modes by an improved linear chain model.We find the interlayer shear coupling at the twisted interface is ~20% of that at Bernal stacked interfaces,but the layer breathing coupling at the twisted interface is closed to that of Bernal interface.Moreover,the next-nearest interlayer interaction,which is 9% of the nearest interlayer interaction,must be considered for LBMs.The Raman intensity of the C,LB and G modes is significantly enhanced in t(m+n)LGs for specific excitation energies.This behavior is assigned to the resonance between van Hove singularities in the joint density of states of all optically allowed transitions in twisted multilayer samples and the laser excitation energy,during the optical absorption and emission steps of the Raman process.Beyond tMLGs,the interlayer interaction of other heterostructures can also be measured by Raman spectroscopy.

Key words:graphene;shear mode;layer breathing mode;2D heterostructure;Raman spectroscopy







收稿日期:2015-07-11; 修改稿日期:2015-09-20


