

风景园林 2016年11期








1 简介


2 千瓦时/平方米:一个调查设计项目

当我成为荷兰的风景顾问的时候,我开始对能源的转型产生兴趣,同时面临着有关风力涡轮机的热议。其中的一部分人认为这些机器可能会影响视野,其他人认为这是应对气候改变首要的引领方式。在向3个部门推荐的过程中②,我很快发现,这其中的阻力不仅仅是因为受到空间条件限制,还受很多层面的限制:威胁到未来将要发生的“存在的恐惧”③, 因为守旧的表现主义逐渐走向尽头,以这些新纪元的符号作为象征④。针对空间或风景园林的组成,有许多反对意见逐渐出现。我慢慢意识到,非常明确的技术问题也同样是文化问题,需要相应地解决。


作为演练,对来源于热能、电能和燃料多种形式的制造进行了足迹分析。这3方面是能源转型的主要部分。在突出空间的表现上,对足够的热能、电能和燃料建立了系统的比较,用以支持维灵厄梅尔的一百万户家庭日常耗能(2010年荷兰),就好像这些能源来自圩田⑤(图1-3) 。

调查的第一步是建立能源方案。我们与荷兰环境评估机构和荷兰能源中心两家公司建立了两个不同方案。这两种方案展示了到2050年,CO2的排放量将减少80%。第一种方案假设到2050年能源消耗将增加30%,第二种方案则假设相比2010年,能源消费将极端紧缩30%。根据顾问的意见,如果你想要拥有一个舒适的工业社会环境,这是涉及你在能源节约上能走多远的假设。这个紧缩的方案反映了能源存储的重要作用,是减少CO2排放最划算的方式。由于生产、交通以及转换都会产生损耗,根据生产,每减少1兆瓦的能量就可节约3兆瓦的耗能。每一种情景都可以用一种叫做桑基图的形式表现,直线的厚度表示了流量的大小(图4-5) 。






3 鹿特丹市案例





4 可再生的挑战


5 能源转型的机遇

5.1 热能



5.2 燃料



5.3 电能



5.4 通信学会理事会


至少就来源而言,在这个风能充足的地区有大量可持续发电的机会,还有相对充足的日照,但是如果存在一个空间至关重要的地区,那么就是这里 (图14)。

6 一步一个脚印


6.1 2020:基础




6.2 2030:潮流的转变


6.3 2040:后续通过

一些很大范围的可再生能源项目的数量将会随着2030 CO2增值税的引进而加速发展。卡车运输的电气化在A15公路上变的可行。与船舶的液化天然气和氢能用量相结合,这会很大程度地提升鹿特丹地区的空气质量,特别是在气溶胶的含量方面。到现在,对太阳能的利用成为大范围的、集合的形式。在韦斯特兰地区,温室园艺部门通过完善中性能源温室的方式来确保他们持续的竞争力,能源生产温室的前景是非常可观的。在港口地区,现存的风力涡轮机将逐渐被新型有效的种类取代,使地面风能的生产能力达到最大。到目前为止间歇问题已在区域尺度得到解决,通过创造一个靠近海岸的、在北海的抽水蓄能水电厂提供电力缓冲的人工蓄水池。当生产能力过剩时,由风力涡轮机产生的电能可用于蓄水池向海洋排水。对电能的需求增加时,海水就会被再次引入蓄水池,用位于堤坝之间的水力发电车间发电。


6.4 2050:工业回收


7 北海项目案例

在2016年国际建筑双年展委员会中,马丁·哈杰尔(Maarten Hajer)作为负责人,我们实施了一个关于如何让北海发展成为欧洲能源政策发电站的项目:“2050年活力史诗”⑦。我们记叙了数千台风力涡轮机如何构成能源景观并且能够适合于世界上最集中利用的过沿海水域。它直接分割了渔场和航线,包括指定的自然保护区和军事区,规模可比肩摩天大厦的石油钻井平台和数不胜数的油气管道。由投射在巨大高科技底板上(5.5x8m)的12分钟动画展示的叙述向展览会解释了这些是如何做到的。

7.1 方案

与“景观和能源”研究很相似,这个叙述将方案作为主干⑧。同时,北海地区国家(英国、挪威、丹麦、德国、比利时和荷兰)每年大约消费5 500太瓦时能源。让我们一点一点地解决这个巨大挑战:

16-17 两张来自2050年活力史诗的剧照(H+N+S景观设计师、埃科(Ecofys)、汤斯敦(Tungsten)2016鹿特丹国际建筑双年展)。一个10分钟的动画展示了风力涡轮机在大范围收集北海地区风能的逐渐发展过程。

左侧: 2015:展示了石油和天然气基础设施,第一个风电场,以及海岸上收集CO2的废弃的天然气和油田(在放大镜中)。

右侧: 2049:展示了风电场的分布。绿色阴影标示这些地区将被列入渔业保护区。缓解捕鱼行动密集的北海海洋生态系统的压力。在放大镜中,风电场在雷达探测到有鸟类迁徙时会临时关闭。

Two stills from ‘2050: An Energetic Odyssey’ (H+N+S Landscape architects, Ecofys, Tungsten for IABR—2016). A ten-minute animation showing the gradual occupation of wind turbine parks to harvest the wind energy of the North Sea on a massive scale.

Left: 2015: showing the oil and gas infrastructure, the first wind farms, and (in the magnifying glass) the empty gas and oilfields where CO2from on-shore industries will be injected.

Right: 2049: showing the distribution of the wind farms. The green shade indicates that these areas will add fishery lee zones. A relieve for the marine ecosystem of the North Sea that is very intensively being trawled. In the magnifying glass: wind farm shutting down temporarily when the bird radar detects a flock of migratory birds approaching.


首先,节能在欧洲的议程上需要得到重视,这就是为什么我们把目标定得尽可能地高,并说明达到相对于2015年的30%的减排量是可行的:节约了不少于1 500太瓦时。


考虑到正确的目标,我们的研究表明每年通过离岸风生产1 200太瓦时的电能是可行的。这将提供满足北海国家90%的总电力需求,和大约1/3的总能源需求。通过地区合作,北海将成为欧洲在能源转型项目上最大的资产。

要注意的是,即使北海项目的规模是巨大的,但它仍然为地面基础能源项目留下了一个令人印象深刻的任务。尽管考虑到高人口密度、程序上的障碍和NIMBY(对本地发展持反对态度的)型挫折,余下的1 400太瓦时的可再生能源项目仍然可以完成,通过这6个国家之间大型和小型的、集中和分散的举措的拼接。这将由有潜力生产其余的可再生能源的项目组成,这些能源有太阳产生的热量和燃料、水能、风能、地热能、生物能和潮汐能。

这些数字都是抽象的,直到我们意识到这意味着在2050年我们将需要建造25 000台风力涡轮机,他们的平均容量为10万瓦特,加在一起他们将会形成一个能够覆盖约5 700km2面积的网络。


7.2 创新和增长的脚步



7.3 风景和海洋生态

运行好的规划和设计可以确保北海海洋生态最优。大约25 000座高塔和水下石结构增加了好客的人工鱼塘,所有种类的水下动植物都能附着于其上。使用最先进的打桩技术或以重力为基础的解决方案可以极大地缓和建造过程中产生的消极影响,确保海洋哺乳动物迁徙不受影响。




7.4 条件


7.5 研究型设计的力量






1 Introduction

For most countries, the Paris Climate agreement of 2015 implies that by 2050, we will have to reduce the CO2eq by 80-90%. That is very ambitious. To attain that goal, a complete reset of our energy system is needed, a full-blown transition that will be felt down to the very veins of our society. In reports, roadmaps, and Excel sheets, the transition paths are mapped out for us, but no one seems to have asked the questions of how much space all these new infrastructures would need. Or, the question of whether our cultural landscapes can cope with these changes, and ultimately what our landscapes and cities will look like in 2050. To gratify this curiosity I started a project called kWh/m2 that ultimately resulted in the 2014 book publication of 'Landscape and Energy'①. The book was reviewed in ‘Landscape Architecture, # 2015. This article concisely describes the results of this research-by-design project and goes in depth on one of the cases: the Rotterdam region and its major harbour seemed interesting for the Chinese reader. In 2016 this project was complemented by a project on the seascape of the North Sea as a future energy landscape. The presentation of the last project serves as the closing paragraph of the article allowing not only the conclusion that landscape architecture can play a role but also that research-by-design is a strong instrument to help policy making

2 kWh/m2: a research-by-design project

My interest in the energy transition started when I was the State Advisor on Landscape for the Netherlands, and was confronted with theheated debates on wind turbines that for some were supposedly a form of horizon pollution, and for others were the first and long-overdue steps in the battle against climate change. In the process of making recommendations for the three ministries involved,②I soon found out that the resistance was not only spatial, but had many layers, from hindrance to real 'existential fear’of what will happen now that the age of fossil expressionism③was gradually coming to an end, symbolized by these tokens of the new era④. Many of the objections were projected on space, or formulated in landscape terms, but went deeper. It dawned on me that what at fi rst seemed a rather straightforward technical problem is (also) a cultural problem, and should be dealt with accordingly.

The research-by-design project kWh/m2that I started in 2010 tried to address both angles of the energy transition: the infrastructural and the societal/cultural. It also aims to construct a link between the worlds of the energy expert and the spatial expert, both of whom seem to be stuck in their own silos, and often stand back-to-back.

As an exercise, a footprint analysis was made of all the modalities of producing heat, electricity, and fuels. These three aspects are the main players in the energy transition. A systematic comparison was constructed by projecting the spatial expression of the production of enough heat, electricity, and fuels to supply 1 million (Dutch, in 2010) households onto the ‘Wieringermeer’ (our fi rst Zuiderzee polder), as if this energy had been produced in the polder.⑤(Figures 1, 2 and 3)

The first step in the research was the construction of energy scenarios. We produced two different scenarios in corporation with the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and the energy think-tank ECN (Energy Centre of the Netherlands). Both scenarios show an 80% reduction of CO2by 2050. The first scenario assumed that energy consumption will rise by 30% by 2050, and the second assumed an extreme austerity of 30% savings compared to 2010; according to both advisors, that is about as far as you can go in terms of energy savings if you still want to have a comfortable industrial society. The austerity scenario reflects the important role that conservation has to play, being by far the most cost-effective way of reducing CO2emissions. Because of production losses, transportation losses, and conversion losses, every reduction of one MW saves a stunning 3 MW in terms of production. Both scenarios are represented in so-called Sankey diagrams where the thickness of the lines indicates the size of the fl ow. (Figures 4 and 5)

By comparing the 2050 energy household of 2010 (in this illustration, in the Netherlands) with that of 2050, one gets the idea of the enormous challenge that our societies face. By looking at these diagrams, you will also see that there is no role for nuclear energy in 2050. That is one of the reasons that we had these scenarios custom made, because we wanted our assumptions to follow Germany in their ‘Atom-Ausstieg’. Essential to our approach is that we analysed and designed on four different levels of scale [elsewhere you say 3 levels] when discussing the spatial impact of the energy transition. The fi rst is on the European scale. We mapped out the energy potentials of our continent to know where which form of renewable energy harvesting is the most promising.

The possibilities for a varied and completely renewable energy supply are plentiful. Europe has windy coasts, sunny regions, several large-scale agricultural areas, highly urbanized metropolitan zones, mountain ranges, and volcanic areas. These landscapes offer bountiful opportunities for generating heat, fuel, and electricity. An overview of the European energy infrastructure in 2050 is presented. (Figures 6 and 7)

Second, on the national level (of the Netherlands), we produced the scenarios mentioned above. And third, on the regional level, it all comes together. We made region-specific scenarios and created potential mapping, and then confronted these not only with the demand, but also with the existing landscape, and then made energy designs. We made a step-by-step design for four Dutch (-Belgian-German) regions, where progress is shown for every decade: 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050. The regional designs were produced in close corporation with the local authorities and stakeholders. (We will go into more depth for one of those regions, Rotterdam, in the next paragraph). Finally, we looked at the implications of the energy transition on the level of the individual household. (Figures 8 and 9)

The work was lead by H+N+S Landscape architects, informed by many stakeholders and specialists, and complemented by master studios at TUDelft and Wageningen University. My position at TUDelft helped me to interest design students in different disciplines: industrial design, architecture, building technology, and landscape architecture. They all looked at elements of the spatial consequences of the transition.

3 The Rotterdam case

In Rotterdam, the city, the port, and energy are all inextricably linked. Rotterdam's appearance is largely dominated by super-tankers carrying crude oil, ref i neries, large oil terminals, and petrochemical industrial complexes. The power stations recently built on the Maasvlakte, favourably situated for coal and biomass deliveries, have reinforced this image. Rotterdam could be described as the major consumer and importer of fossil fuels in the Netherlands. But it is also a major transit harbour for fuel to the hinterland. The port’s huge energy needs are largely met, as things stand, by fossil fuels.(Figure 10)

It was in the 20th century that Rotterdam’s harbour fi rst started to present itself as an energy port. Initially, this was linked to the rise of the Ruhr Region and the growing demand for iron ore and coal. But it was with the discovery of the importance of petroleum and the construction of the petroleum docks and the Europort that the energy port really took shape. Once it reached the sea, and the two Maasvlakte terminals were built, the harbour was equipped to allow even larger ships with even more raw materials and cargo to dock there.

But it is not only the port that is known for its thirst for energy. The City of Rotterdam itself, which witnessed astronomical growth with the rise of the port, and more notably still the Westland region (which contains the largest greenhouse horticulture complex in the Netherlands), also consume vast quantities of energy. The Westland’s favourable climate conditions have made it great. With the greatest annual amount of sunshine in the country and relatively mild winter temperatures (because of its coastal location), the region was already attracting interest as a horticultural area in the 16th century, initially for grape-growing. Since it was located between growing cities and was well connected to them by waterways, the demand for the Westland's horticultural produce gradually increased, inducing economies of scale. The introduction of greenhouse cultivation, after the agricultural crisis of 1880, generated increased demand for energy in the form of heat. Today, the 'City of Glass', as the continuous complex of greenhouses has been dubbed, is a prosperous and innovative region, in which many new techniques are developed to enhance the functionality of the horticulture sector. Lack of space is the primary constraint here. To remain competitive, entrepreneurs experiment with ideas such as multiple uses of space (stacked greenhouses) and smart energy consumption (energy-producing greenhouses), but such advanced technologies have not yet permeated the mainstream..

Over the years, the Rotterdam region has expanded to such an extent that the southwest area of the Randstad conurbation is now a single interlaced urban fabric. It is a region in which landscape and open spaces are scarce; only Midden-Delfland and the area around the Rotte River lie like green buffers amid the urban sprawl. These landscape buffer zones consist mainly of peat-grazing areas, which have a recreational function for day-trippers from the city, fulf i lling a key condition for attracting businesses. But they are also signif i cant in terms of water management, agriculture, and ecology. Since the water levels are kept artificially low in the peat-grazing areas for the benef i t of dairy farms, peat is burned, releasing CO2. This, in addition to the spatial constraints, adds to the challenges of the transition for this region.

4 The Renewable Challenge

The Rotterdam region, as a major consumer with very limited space, will for many years continue to be dependent on fossil energy sources, and may indeed always be an energyimporting region. Rotterdam's fi rst goal should be to drastically reduce its energy consumption and CO2emissions, partly by recycling heat, and also by the capturing and storage of CO2. In the short term, fossil energy consumption must be made as clean as possible. At the same time, the energy transition must be initiated. This will become a quest for smart combinations of renewable energy production with existing and new urban functions that can reinforce the image and competitiveness of Rotterdam’s industries, including a gradual shift in industrial uses from fossil fuel to vegetable raw materials − ‘bio-based industry’. In this endeavour, Rotterdam can exploit the enormous scale of the port and the Westland region, which are without equal in Europe.

5 Opportunities for Energy Transition

5.1 Heat

The opportunities for the Rotterdam region come in two categories. In the short term, much can be gained from reductions in energy consumption and CO2emissions. In the longer term, there is ample scope for the generation of renewable energy, although the shortage of space might suggest otherwise.

Great benefits can be reaped from the recycling of residual heat (at high temperatures),which is primarily produced by the chemical and petrochemical industry and the power stations in the harbour. This heated water, which is currently discharged directly into the harbour basins, could be used to meet the regional demand for heat at lower temperatures, for instance for the horticulture sector and the city. This could gradually render some of the gas-fired CCGT power plants and CHP installations obsolete. This cascading principle has already been proposed on a municipal scale (in 'Rotterdam Energy Approach and Planning', REAP 2009⑥), but could also provide far greater gains if applied on a regional scale. This calls for the construction of a largescale heat network, making it possible to link the heat supply to the demand for it. The first steps in this gigantic ‘plumbing operation’ have already been taken, with the construction of heat pipelines from the Botlek area to the city, linking up to the existing municipal heat network. Since this region also provides good opportunities for geothermal energy, investing in a heat network is by def i nition a sustainable investment. If the supply of heat at high temperatures declines in the longer term (for instance as a result of a shift to bio-based industry), the network can be partly fuelled by geothermal sources. A number of geothermal sources are already in use both in the Westland area and in the cities, albeit on a small scale(Figure 11 ).

5.2 Fuel

Fuel is the second main character in the energy transition. Fuel stands for kinetic energy, for movement, for transport: in short, it stands for all forms of mobility, from super-tankers to scooters. In Rotterdam, ‘fuel’ has a double meaning in terms of opportunities for the energy transition, as it does in all harbour cities where massive transport (trucks, barges) are squeezed to the hinterland through a densely populated area. The aerosols and fi ne dust that are emitted by all these combustion engines measurably inf l uencing public health. So the need, and indeed the call, for sustainable transport solutions is great, and this will turn Rotterdam into a pilot area for new kinds of transport. There is a policy in the harbour that favours LNG-fuelled barges, there is a great deal of public support for infrastructure for electrical vehicles, and studies are even being done on partially electrifying the harbour’s main transport axis for trucks.

The second angle that the ‘fuel’ discussion takes in Rotterdam is that the harbour is one of the fossil powerhouses of Europe. As things stand, the petrochemical industry, power stations, extensive oil and coal storage, and throughput via shipping do not yet present a sustainable, clean image, but the port itself, in particular, has enormous potential for transformation. Gains that can be made from the recycling of heat, CO2, and residual waste fl ows are especially promising; to achieve them, extensive underground energy networks need to be built. Our scenario for Rotterdam shows the gradual transition from the petro-chemical to the biochemical industry(Figure 12 ).

5.3 Electricity

The combined roof surface of the large, densely-populated city, the busy port, and the horticultural area (which is entirely covered with glass) all provide possibilities for the generation of unprecedented quantities of sustainable energy. The roofs of the buildings in the city and port are generally bare and unused. The transformation into an 'elevated landscape' could add a new dimension to the city.

In the Westland area, multiple uses of space of this kind would be inappropriate. In this area experiments and studies involving ‘energyproducing greenhouses’ represent an attractive prospect for the vast horticultural area. The studies are based on the principle that only part of the sunlight that reaches the glass roofs of the greenhouses is useful for cultivating crops. With new techniques, the unused solar energy can be captured and converted into electricity and heat, both of which are needed in the greenhouse. The efforts in terms of electricity production by wind parks are restricted to the harbour area and nearshore locations(Figure 13).

5.4 CCS

Since fossil energy sources will continue to be needed in this region for a long time to come, it will be important to focus on the recycling and storage of CO2. This can be achieved by capturing CO2in power stations and in industrial processes. The CO2can be used in the greenhouse horticulture sector, and stored in empty gas and oil fi elds in the North Sea.

There are ample opportunities for the sustainable generation of electricity in this windrich region, with a relatively large number of hours of sunshine, at least as far as sources are concerned. But if there is one region in which space is on a critical path, it is here (Figure 14).

6 One Step at a Time

The spatial energy concepts illustrate highlypromising future scenarios for the Rotterdam region. For each spatial entity, they exploit the most logical energy mix and the way in which this can be achieved in spatial terms. The changes will need to be made one step at a time, however, and may perhaps take longer in Rotterdam than in other regions. The following paragraphs discuss the way in which this transition will take place, and the incentives we think are needed to achieve it, for each phase of the process.

6.1 2020: Foundations

The fi rst steps towards the recycling of heat and CO2have already been taken. Both the City of Rotterdam and the Port of Rotterdam are already taking part in a number of ambitious initiatives. They have drafted plans intended to achieve sharp reductions in CO2emissions (for example REAP, Rotterdam Climate Initiative, Green Deal on Heating in South Holland). The region's potential for geothermal energy is also being explored, and heat sources are being tapped on a small scale, especially in the glasshouse horticulture areas.

Much is already being done to generate sustainable wind energy. The Voluntary Agreement on Wind Energy in the Port Region sets the goal of achieving a 300 MW increase in installed capacity by 2020. Where heavy transport is concerned, the port is largely focusing on reducing CO2emissions by encouraging the use of LNG as fuel for ships. In addition, the number of multimodal hubs is being increased, making it possible to achieve more eff i cient and cleaner forms of goods transport in the region. On a small scale, CO2from the fossil industry is being pumped to the Westland, where it boosts plant growth in the greenhouses. The fi rst stages of a CO2pipeline network are being laid.

In this period, research will be needed into ways of implementing other sustainable forms of energy. Particularly important will be researching possible combinations of sustainable forms of energy with urban functions and with sectors that are crucial to the economy, for example the use of energy-producing greenhouses.

6.2 2030: The Tide Turns

The recycling of heat is already on the agenda, but the 'legislation on heat pollution', possibly in the form of a ban on the discharge of residual heat such as that introduced in Copenhagen, thought to be introduced in 2020, will provide a strong boost to the installing of a thermal grid, cofi nanced by the fossil industry. At the end of this decade, most residual heat will be reused. While the previous decade will have witnessed mostly small heat networks and small-scale initiatives (such as private geothermal installations), this period will see connections being made between the port, the Westland, and the city, as well as the creation of larger networks. But there will also be shifts in energy supply and demand. The transformation of the chemical and petrochemical industries to bio-based industries means that sources will be supplying heat at lower temperatures. At the same time, more energy-efficient homes will reduce the energy consumption of urban households. The Westland, too, will witness a sharp fall in the demand for heat, since greenhouses will increasingly be able to supply their own heat. Clean geothermal sources and thermal energy storage facilities may be added to the network, making it more robust. The CO2network will be expanded, since there will be CO2storage in empty gas and oil fi elds in the North Sea, and connections will be made with the Ruhr Region and Antwerp. In this decade, the 30% renewable target will be surpassed, and it will be vital that infrastructure is installed to counter the intermittency of the renewable sources of solar and wind. Home-produced solar energy will be stored in a new generation of lithium-ion batteries, and even in the batteries of parked electric cars. The introduction of a smart electricity grid is conditional for this development. Other superfluous electricity will be transported to Norway, where a pumped storage facility in one of the fjords will makes it possible (although with great transport and conversion losses) to store energy.

6.3 2040: Following Through

A number of large-scale renewable energy projects will gain momentum from the introduction of 'carbon added tax' (CAT) in 2030. The electrification of the truck transport on the A15 motorway in the port will become viable. In combination with the increased use of LNG and even hydrogen for shipping, this will strongly improve the air quality in Rotterdam region, especially with regard to aerosols. By this time, there will be large-scale, collective use of solar energy. In the Westland area, the greenhouse horticulture sector will have ensured its continuing competitiveness by completing its conversion to energy-neutral greenhouses, and the prospects for energy-producing greenhouses will be favourable. In the port, existing wind turbines will gradually be replaced by newer and more efficient types, maximizing the capacity of land-based wind energyin this region. The intermittency problem will by now also have been tackled on a regional scale, by creating an artificial reservoir as a near-shore, pumped-storage hydroelectric plant in the North Sea to provide a buffer capacity for electricity. When there is over-capacity, the electricity generated by the wind turbines can be used to drain the reservoir into the sea. As soon as the demand for electricity rises again, the seawater will be let into the reservoir again, generating electricity with a hydropower plant in the intervening dike.

The larger but frequently separate heat networks will be connected in this period into a single robust network, producing a 'smart grid'. Geothermal sources will supersede residual heat sources, which will gradually be phased out.

6.4 2050: Industrial Recycling

The entire energy transition will certainly not be completed in Rotterdam by 2050, but renewables will definitely have ousted fossil fuels from their primary role. Even so, there will still be a net demand for energy in the Rotterdam region, which will remain particularly dependent on large quantities of biomass. Between 2040 and 2050, Rotterdam will develop into a hub for hydrogen production. Hydrogen will compete with LNG, and will develop into one of the alternatives for transport fuel, not only for cars but also for trucks, barges, and even sea shipping. This Powerto-Gas industry will be fuelled by the massive offshore wind projects on the North Sea that take intermittency measures to a new level, that of the industrial scale.(Figure 15)

7 The North Sea case

In commission of the International Architecture Biennale 2016,and its curator Maarten Hajer, we did a project on how the North Sea can develop into the powerhouse of European energy policy: '2050, An Energetic Odyssey'⑦. We produced a narrative on how an energy landscape of thousands of wind turbines can be fi tted in the most intensively used coastal waters in the world. It would have fi shery and shipping routes cutting straight through, containing designated nature reserves and military zones, oil rigs the size of skyscrapers, and countless oil and gas pipelines. For the exhibition, the narrative explained how this can be done, via the voiceover for a 12-minute animation, projected on a giant floor plate (5.5x8 meters) surrounded by technical side stories on fl at screens.

7.1 Scenario

Much like the studies in 'Landscape and Energy', the narrative uses scenarios as a backbone⑧. Together, the North Sea countries (the UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands) annually consume approximately 5,500 TWh of energy. Let’s unravel this enormous challenge bit by bit:

Currently, 8-9%, or about 500 TWh per year of the energy consumed by the North Sea countries, already comes from renewable sources.

First of all, energy conservation needs to be high on the European agenda, and that is why we are setting the bar as high as possible, and stating that a 30% reduction relative to 2015 has to be attainable: a saving of no less than 1,500 TWh.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have to take into account various sectors for which there will still be no alternative to fossil fuels by 2050, such as mining, heavy transport, steel production, etc. We estimate that some 900 TWh per year will suff i ce for the North Sea region.

Our research indicates that it is feasible, given the right ambition, to generate 1,200 TWh of electricity per year by offshore wind. This will provide a dazzling 90% of the total electricity demand of the North Sea countries, and roughly one third of their total energy demand. Through regional cooperation, the North Sea could become Europe’s biggest asset in the energy transition.

Please notice that even this massive North Sea project still leaves an impressive task for landbased energy projects. Even taking into account the high population density, procedural hurdles, and compensating for NIMBY type setbacks, it should still be possible to accomplish the remaining renewable objective of 1,400 TWh with a patchwork of large and small, centralised and decentralised initiatives in these six countries. This would consist of projects with the potential to produce the rest of the renewable energy, heat and fuel from solar, water, wind, geothermal, biomass, and tidal sources.

Numbers like these remain abstract until one realizes that this means that by 2050, we will need to have installed some 25.000 wind turbines with an average capacity of 10MW, that together will have a net coverage of some 57,000 km2.

This means installing 15 turbines a week on average. It is clear that we need to start thinking on a different scale. This is a huge undertaking, one that demands the utmost in terms of planning, funding, design, and implementation. The positive impact on employment is signif i cant. On all levelsand stages of the supply chain, there will be jobs for workers of all skill levels: blue growth for the economy⑨.( Figure 16 and 17)

7.2 Innovation and incremental steps

Due to its scale and timeline, this European mega-project will be a breeding ground for innovation: the development of new materials, ever-larger wind turbines, technology required to facilitate maintenance of turbines at sea, and floating wind turbines in order to utilise deeper sections of the North Sea. The mission itself will drive the innovation. Sooner than we imagine, fundamentally new technologies will emerge for harvesting wind energy, not only in deeper water, but also at higher atmospheric levels involving giant kites. All of these innovations and economies of scale will drastically reduce the levelled cost of wind energy. This plummeting price will be the tipping point between the observation that things always take longer to happen than you think, and that they happen much faster than you think they could.

Other essential and ground-breaking technology will be needed to store superfluous energy during times of scarcity. Currently, conversion to hydrogen seems a promising option for this intermittency problem. As a fuel, hydrogen can also serve as an alternative to diesel.

7.3 Landscape & marine ecology

Good planning and design of the operation can ensure optimal alignment with the marine ecology of the North Sea. The roughly 25,000 towers and submerged stone structures add welcoming artificial reefs, onto which all kinds of underwater plants and animals can attach themselves. Using state-of-the-art pile-driving technologies or gravity-based solutions can largely mitigate the negative effects of the construction process, ensuring that sea mammal navigation remains undisturbed.

Combining the construction of wind farms with the establishment of fishery-free zones and marine reserves forms a promising synergy.

Last but not least, spatial planning is taking bird migration routes into account when selecting wind farm locations. The zone closest to the coast, which birds use for orientation, should be left untouched where possible. In addition, farms can temporarily be taken out of operation if the radar detects a fl ock of migratory birds approaching.

A positive effect of this careful planning is that the view from the coast for tourists is not affected. Placed outside of the twelve-mile zone, the curvature of the earth reduces the visibility on a clear day to a white haze on the horizon produced by the tops of the turbine blades.

7.4 Condition

All of this can only be done if a strong tailwind can be organized in the shape of realistic pricing, or taxation of carbon dioxide, that would provide the invisible hand of the market with green gloves. An energetic society in its struggle with the energy transition needs an entrepreneurial state, guided by an unwavering political course⑩.

7.5 The power of research-by-design

I started this article by stating that landscape architects can play a productive role in the energy transition. Our main task will be the (re) designing of the 'receiving landscape' of all this new infrastructure, and making meaningful energy landscapes of the 21st century. But I want to end with a specif i c contribution that we can make, and also make some remarks on the position and power of research-by-design.

The book Landscape and Energy and the installation 2050: An Energetic Odyssey are both products of research-by-design trajectories. We are not only able to show 'what it will look like' as glorified illustrators: research-by-design can also open up a dialogue with policy-makers and stakeholders, and can show them what they ‘can want’(11). By research-though-design, we are able to break through the crisis of the imagination that we seem to be struggling with. We have long been well aware of the risks of belching out CO2, but we seem as petrif i ed as rabbits caught in the headlights. Risks alone will not get us into action. We have to reframe. We have to exchange the frame of risk for the frame of opportunity. And for this, we need new 'imaginaries', images of a future that can work, that give us perspective and hope, and that is exactly what research-by-design has to offer.

The book showed experts in the spatial and the energy silo that they have to work together to make the transition work. Just as energy and mass are linked in Albert Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2, energy and space can also be seen in relation to each other. Throughout human history, there has been a notable interaction between the use of energy and the use of space, between the production of energy and spatial design. Landscape and Energy contributed to giving space a role on the energy agenda, and giving energy a role on the spatial agenda.

2050: An Energetic Odyssey took the dialogue a few steps further. The interactive production of the installation, in the cultural domain, forged a coalition of key actors. It is the result of an intense collaboration between designers and scientists, and a snowball effect of an expanding consortium with expert input from builders, offshore specialists, ministries, energy firms, a transmission system operator, port authorities, and environmental NGOs. Stakeholders used preliminary versions for their deliberations. Environmental NGOs organized a conference of marine ecologists from the North Sea countries, with the animation used as a backdrop to discuss the pros and cons of such an operation, as well as the ecological development possibilities that they could identify. Showing the early concepts of the presentation started a buzz, word got around, and ultimately we were invited to show this giant floor projection to the Energy Ministers of the 28 European countries during the Dutch presidency of the EU. On June 2016, an agreement was signed between the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, France, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands to boost cooperation on turning the North Sea into our central energy landscape. Of course, this agreement is not design driven. But showing the animation and the narrative to colleagues played a modest but signif i cant role in this process, according to the press release of our minister.

Research-by-design can play a signif i cant role! (Figure 18 and 19).


①德克·西蒙斯(Dirk Sijmons)(编辑).景观和能源,设计转型,NAi010出版商,2014年鹿特丹.

Dirk Sijmons (ed.).Landscape and Energy, Designing Transition, NAi010 publishers, Rotterdam 2014.


Government Advisor for Landscape, Wind turbines in the Dutch Landscape, Chief Government Architect, The Hague, 2006.

③德国哲学家彼得·史路特戴(Peter Sloterdijk)的术语,安德鲁布特尼克·苏卡普(Anthropotechnik Suhrkamp)出版社,法兰克福,2009.

A term borrowed from the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk Du musst dein Leben änderen! Über Anthropotechnik Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2009.

④德克·西蒙斯(Dirk Sijmons)和迈克尔·万·多斯特(Machiel van Dorst).强烈的感受性.带有有情感的景观风力涡轮机;西文·斯瑞蒙克(Sven Stremke)和安迪·万·德比尔斯迪(van den Dobbelsteen)(编辑),可持续能源景观、设计、规划和开发(佛罗里达州波卡拉顿:CRC出版社,2013年,45 – 67).

Dirk Sijmons & Machiel van Dorst.Strong Feelings. Emotional Landscape of Wind Turbines’, in: Sven Stremke and Andy van den Dobbelsteen (eds.), Sustainable Energy Landscapes. Designing, Planning, and Development (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013, 45-67.


Electricity: Nuclear Power, Coal, Lignite, Waste incineration, Hydropower, Solar, Wind. Heat Geothermal Energy, Residual Heat, Peat, Natural Gas, Shale Gas, Biomass. Fuel: Petroleum, Tar Sands, Biofuel, Algae.

⑥安迪·万·德比尔斯迪(Andy van den Dobbelsteen),杜赞·德佩尔(DuzanDoepel)和尼科·蒂莉(Nico Tillie). REAP(鹿特丹能源评估计划),荷兰代尔夫特科技,代尔夫特(Delft),2009年.

Andy van den Dobbelsteen, DuzanDoepel and NicoTillie. REAP, RotterdamseEnergieAanpak Plan (Rotterdam Energy Assessment Plan), TU-Delft, Delft, 2009.

⑦H+N+S风景园林设计师,埃科(EcoFys),汤斯敦(Tungsten)(马丁·哈尔·恩·德克·西蒙斯)2050:一个充满活力的史诗:乔·布格玛斯(George Brugmans)IABR-2016第二大经济体,2016年第七届鹿特丹国际建筑双年展目录.

H+N+S Landscape Architects, EcoFys, Tungsten (Maarten Hajer en Dirk Sijmons).2050: An Energetic Odyssey In: George Brugmans ed. IABR—2016 The Next Economy, Catalogue of the 7th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2016.


On the basis of the EU-High RES scenario (Energy Roadmap 2050) our advisor EcoFys produced a quantitative scenario for the North Sea countries, and also calculated the investment needs, employment consequences, et cetera.

⑨埃科:北海能源收集项目期望产生310 000工作岗位,即使在离岸化石燃料工业上有超过280 000的工作将丢失。EcoFys: 310,000 jobs are expected to be generated by this North Sea energy harvesting, even outnumbering the 280,000 jobs that will be lost in the offshore fossil fuel industry.

⑩玛丽安娜·马祖卡托.创业阶段.国歌出版社.伦敦.2014. Mariana Mazzucato.The Entrepreneurial State, Anthem Press, London, 2014.

(11)德克·西蒙斯. 设计休假政策IABR.2016第二经济.2016年第七届鹿特丹国际建筑双年展目录.

Dirk Sijmons. When Research by Design Takes Politics on a Sabbatical Detour,IABR—2016 The Next Economy, Catalogue of the 7th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2016.

Landscape and Energy

Text: Prof. Dirk Sijmons
Translator: LI Jia-yi
Proofreading: WU Xiao-tong

Now that the most important countries ratified the Paris agreement of 2015 concrete actions are gaining momentum to drastically reduce the CO2-emissions. The most promising way to do so is a transition from fossil fuels to renewables and other CO2poor sources. In a quantitative way space is not on the critical path in this transition, with a possible exception of producing biomass. In qualitative terms, in its guise as ‘landscape’ though, space will be the battle ground where the transition will be lost or won. What at first seems a rather straightforward technical problem is (also) a cultural problem, and should be dealt with accordingly. Spatial planning and design could play an important role here. This thesis is founded by two cases, both recent research-through-design projects. The Rotterdam case is produced with local stakeholders for the 2014 ‘Landscape and Energy’ book publication. This land-oriented case is complemented by a project on the seascape of the North Sea as a future energy landscape in the IABR-2016 project 2050: An Energetic Odyssey. Especially the last case not only justifies the conclusion that landscape architecture can play a role but also that research-by-design is a strong instrument to help in policy making.

Energy transition;Spatial planning; Role of Landscape Architects; Research through design; Europe; Rotterdam area; North Sea; Offshore wind






德克·西蒙斯/ H+N+S Landscape Architects 设计事务所创始人及高级顾问/荷兰代尔夫特大学环境设计教授/荷兰首席国家风景园林师


Dirk Sijmons is a co-founder and senior advisor f H+N+S Landscape Architects, and Professor of Environmental Design as well as Chair of Landscape Architecture at theTechnical University in Delft, Netherland. Dirk was appointed first State Landscape Architect of the Netherlands for the period of 2004 to 2008 to advise the Dutch government on landscape matters.


李佳怿/ 1993年生/ 女/ 吉林人/ 北京林业大学园林学院风景园林学硕士生/ 研究方向为风景园林规划设计与理论(北京100083)


LI Jia-yi, who was born in 1993, is a master student in School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. (Beijing 100083)




Wu Xiao-tong, who was born in 1992 in Inner Mongolia, is a postgraduate student in Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University. Her research focuses on Landscape Planning and Theories.


