

风景园林 2016年11期










西方国家环境能够得到改善的重要原因还在于新型能源逐步替代了煤炭,其中核能扮演着主要角色。1992年我曾参观过位于德国卡尔斯鲁厄附近的一个核能发电站,原野上那两个高高耸立的冷却塔令人过目难忘。这个核电站提供着德国巴登-符腾堡州大部分居民用电。参观这个核电站还获赠了一个印有核电宣传口号的环保袋,后来一段时间里,每当我随身携带这个袋子时,就会不时遭到路人的责备。德国人大多反对核电,他们的理由是“irren ist menschlich”(是人就会犯错),而核电站一旦有所闪失,后果将不堪设想。难怪2011年德国环境部宣布,将于 2022 年前关闭境内所有的核电站。

With the promulgation of various environmental laws and regulations, the propulsion of environmental governance and industrial transformation, the quality of the environment of the developed countries gradually improved after the 1980s, haze has gradually vanished. Big chimneys, the symbol of the industrial revolution, eventually quit the stage of history, and were protected as an industrial heritage.




It is after the 13th century that Europeans began to use coal as fuel. Up to the industrial revolution, coal completely replaced the wood to be the main fuel in Europe. The structure of human energy consumption has undergone fundamental changes, there with the landscape of cities transformed.


不同灌注液量在经皮肾镜术中对容量变异指数的影响……廖 飞,陈静宜,朱雁鸿,陈粤丽,李永兴,黄 靖(43)




Marco Polo have mentioned Cathay Province where been in the Yuan Dynasty map in his travel notes, " all over the Cathay there is one type of black stone existing in beds in the mountains, which they dig out burns like firewood. If you supply the fi re with them at night, and see that they are well kindled, you will see them still alight in the morning."

This black stone should be the coal. In China, people have long been aware of coal can be used as fuel, but in the long period of farming, wood is the most direct raw material accessing to energy, both for cooking and heating. Although plant can be regenerated, once the amount of use exceeded the woods’ increment, it will no longer be unsustainable. In the travel notes, Marco Polo also said that "it is true that they have plenty of wood…with the vast number of people and the number of baths and meals they maintain, the wood would not suffice for the purpose." As woods continually to be overcut, forests in northern China have been diminished or even depleted, causing various environmental problems such as soil erosion and climate change.


In those colorful works of impressionist painters, the juxtaposition of natural and industrial landscape can be frequently seen. Row of smoke-filled chimneys acted as the distant view are in the painting Bathers at Asnieres by Seurat. In the history of art, Sunrise Impression by Monet is of epoch-making signif i cance, in which the sky and the rising sun is ref l ected in the sea water, while the thither buildings, port, cranes, ships are looming with chimney smoke and clouds. The scene is dim, the scenery is shrouded in the morning mist or smoke haze? Impressionist painters are ref l ecting the social reality or celebrating the achievements of the industrial revolution?

Along with the progress of industrial revolution, more and more chimneys appear in the city with smoke billowing, even overstepping the amount of bell towers in churches in some area as the new landmark. However, the discharge of vast coal dust and a variety of harmful gases bring serious environmental problems. The ancient building was smoked into the color of haze, London turns into the city of fog, and subsequently the incident of "London haze" broke out in 1952.


An important issue account for the improvement of the environment in the West is the gradual replacement of coal with new energy sources, in which nuclear energy plays a signif i cant role. I once visited the nuclear power station near Karlsruhe of Germany in 1992, the scene that cooling towers erecting in the wilderness is still impressive to me till now. This nuclear power station provides most of the residential electricity consumption of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Are usable bag is received with slogan about nuclear power printed on when visiting the nuclear power station. A period of time after that, I would be criticized by the passers-by from time to time whenever carrying it alongside. Most of the Germans against nuclear power, their reason is "irren ist menschlich" (which means people will make mistakes), yet once mishap occur in nuclear power station, it would turn out to be a catastrophe. No wonder the German Ministry of Environment announced in 2011 that all nuclear power station would be closed by 2022.


However, people can’t survive without energy, how would the energy gap be fi lled after giving up nuclear energy. Wind energy dose make a way out. Windmills seemed to be a patent of Dutch twenty years ago, but it is dotted over Germany's wilderness today, in which way the wind power to promote the change of the German landscape.

Windmills are far from spreading only in Germany. Giant trucks transporting windmillsrushing on the highway can be frequently seen in China. I haven’t been to the north of the Jiaodong Peninsula for two years, and once again I got there lately and found that the whole look has changed, huge windmills are interspersed everywhere on the hills. In Prairie Sky Road in Zhangbei, known as the "Highway 66 in China", the spectacular landscape formed with towering windmills and extensive prairie can be widely seen.


The emergence of every new energy will brings about the transition of landscape, along with people's attention and even praise. But as the years wore on, the new energy will bring human society into a dilemmain most cases. The chimney that impressionist painters praised contaminated our land afterwards, what consequences the windmill that spreading around the world will bring about? A friend and designer from Yantai told me that the windmill on the Jiaodong peninsula has emerged drawbacks. Initially the new roads heading for each mountain to transport windmills are vastly constructed, destroying the original vegetation and landforms, resulting in considerable soil erosion. More seriously, wherever windmill exist, birds disappear, the snakes used to habitat in the mountains also fl ed their homes and climbed into the village.

In addition to wind energy, the solar energy is another renewable, clean and inexhaustible one. The solar photovoltaic panels are usually installed on the roof of the buildings at present, the impact on the landscape does not seem to be severe. However, due to its sensitivity to weather and poor conversion efficiency, the study shows that 10%-20% of US land would be covered with solar panels, providing2.5 million households with 60% of the solar power, which would turn out to be a fundamental change of the local landscape, and more complex environmental problems would occur.

Biomass fuel is a hotspot at present, ethyl alcohol can be extracted from corn, biodiesel can be extracted from oil palm, the technology is feasible, and these plants are renewable, generated energy is as well clean. Nevertheless, the increase of cultivated area for corn or oil palm will inevitably obtained by deforestation or wetlands fi lling. This is not merely the issue of landscape transition, but the destruction of ecosystem.

More and more means accessing to energy is available, each new energy resource will bring about changes in the landscape. With both pros and cons exist, new energy often create new problems while solving the old, that’s the way human society revolves. Today, the Internet is rapidly transforming our society, as well the management, deployment and utilization of energy, although the Internet is not energy traditionally. In this context, what changes of landscape will be followed by?

November 18, 2016 WANG Xiang-rong

