

文化交流 2016年3期




《我是女兵,也是女人》中译本Svetlana Alexievich’s War’s Unwomanly Face has been translated into Chinese.

2015年“诺奖”得主、白俄罗斯作家S.A阿列克谢耶维奇Svetlana Alexievich, Belarusian investigative journalist, was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature







1988年,阿列克谢耶维奇在阿富汗战场采访。Svetlana Alexievich as a journalist covers Afghanistan in 1988.




阿列克谢耶维奇的部分著作Some of Svetlana Alexievich’s works have been translated into Chinese.








阿列克谢耶维奇说,她的目的不是写战争的历史,而是写情感的历史,与其说是作家,她更愿被称为“灵魂的史学家”。瑞典文学院常务秘书Sara Danius说,她创造了一个“情感的历史、灵魂的历史”。





把“诺奖”颁给阿列克谢耶维奇昭示非虚构文学的春天正在到来。The Nobel Prize in Literature in 2015 indicates the advent of a spring for nonfiction.

Spring of Nonfiction

By Zheng Hanyang

After learning that the Nobel Prize in Literature 2015 was awarded to the Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time”, many women journalists acclaimed that it was a triumph of women journalists! She has been described as the first journalist to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Svetlana Alexievich used to work as a journalist before she engaged herself in literary works. She records important events in the human history in her interviews with persons directly involved in these events. Born in 1948 in Ukraine to a Belarusian father and a Ukrainian mother, she studied journalism in Belarusian State University. Her published works include Zinc-Covered Boys, Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster, War’s Unwomanly Face, Last Witnesses: A Hundred of Unchildlike Lullabies, Enchanted with Death.

Gao Mang, a prominent Chinese translator, rendered Zinc-Cov-ered Boys into Chinese in 1999. Gao commented on the book this way: “She wasn’t in the war, but she restored the war in her interviews. The details reveal the realities of the war.” Gao Mang even met Svetlana Alexievich in 1989 when she came to visit China with fellow writers of the Soviet Union. In his memory, Svetlana Alexievich was plainly dressed; her hairstyle was also simple; she looked meditative and her eyes were gray. She spoke modestly and serenely as if she weighed every word carefully. In the eye of Gao Mang as the translator, she does not psycho-analyze her interviewees; she sees their heart and soul and tries to uncover substance in their subconscious. She lets interviewees tell their stories and explain why. Events and truth come out together in her accounts.

Svetlana Alexievich explains that she does not aim to write histories of war. Instead, she writes history of emotions. She prefers to be known as a historian of souls. It is believed that she has redefined nonfiction in literature. Her oral histories and nonfictional accounts have brought the literary genre to immortality.

重大历史事件的见证者与记录者Writer and witness to important historical events

Unlike many fiction writers, Svetlana Alexievich works hard to see people and talk with them. After the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, she spent three years visiting hundreds of survivors including wives of the rescuers, photographers, teachers, doctors, farmers, government officials, evacuees and those who were forced to resettle down away from home. To write War’s Unwomanly Face, she visited over 100 cities, towns, settlements and villages and recorded the stories and reminiscences of women war veterans. The book eventually has more than 200 women speaking in it, describing how young girls, who dreamed of becoming brides, became soldiers in 1941.

Svetlana Alexievich is the 14th woman author and first journalist awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her accounts shed light on the historical events such as World War Two, the war in Afghanistan, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. These are huge subjects that portray the world and history.

She had been expected to win the top literary honor for years. Her works have been translated into 35 languages and she had won numerous honors including such prestigious awards as Leipziger Book Prize on European Understanding in 1998, National Book Critics Circle Award in 2005, and Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 2013.

Svetlana Alexievich is considered important in China when our country is seeing the increasing importance of real stories of human beings. Writers turn to ordinary people and write their stories down as witness to history. Some people say that there is a new wave of nonfiction writing in China now. They believe that nonfiction is another way to reach truth. It centers itself on important events and gives priority to individual memories and feelings. Writers in this field try hard to discover, witness, and record the truth of events previously overwhelmed by history. Truth seeking is the driving force behind the flourishing nonfiction wave in China. Many consider the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2015 signaled the advent of the spring for nonfiction writing.

