奔跑吧 标准


质量与标准化 2016年11期


五环漫谈 The Story of the Olympics

奔跑吧 标准

Speed up, Standards



Sprint is one of the most ancient sports in the world. The ancient Greek used to say, if you want to be smart then run, if you want to be strong then run, if you want to be healthy then run. According to historical records, sprint was the only athletic competition in the first Olympic Games of 776 B.C.


Sprint is a race over short distance (within and including 400 metres). When running over a specific distance at maximum speed, an athlete's locomotive and visceral organs must be functioning well under the hypoxia condition. Therefore, sprint is an extreme sport. Since sprint can help develop speed quality effectively, it is a basic event in track and field and plays an important role in the training of other sports.

距离标准的形成Development of Distance Standard


Modern sprint originated in Europe. In 1850, Oxford University set up the 100-yard, 330-yard, and 440-yard sprints in the student sports meeting, which is known as the first formal modern sprint competition. In theend of 19th century, the distance unit was altered from yard to meter.


In 1896, 100-metre and 400-metre men's sprints were set as competition events in the first modern Olympics, which marked the formal establishment of modern sprint. With the arise of 200-metre sprint and 4×100-metre relay, the standard distance was gradually developed and settled.

姿势标准:“蹲踞式”起跑Position Standard: Crouch Start


There were no rules for the start position in the early time of sprint history. The prevailing crouch start was created by an American inspired from kangaroo when traveling in Australia. In the first modern Olympics held in 1896, Thomas Burke,an American sprinter, applied a way similar to the crouch start, and won the gold medal. Then he was referred to as the first sprinter running in the crouched stance.


From the aspects of physics and mechanics, this start position can give the sprinter a large initial velocity by altering the stationary state, which helps improve his/her performance. In 1936, the 11th Olympics introduced crouch start standard, which required the sprinters to follow the crouch start standard and to use the starting blocks. The establishment of start position stand and has greatly enhanced sprinter’s athletics level and performance.

选材标准:步频和步幅Candidate Standard: Stride Length and Frequency


Sprint is an extreme sport mainly involving anaerobic metabolism energy-providing event. Genetic factors, to a large extent, decide the athletics level including speed, stride frequency, anaerobic endurance, etc. Therefore, the talent selection becomes particularly important.


Height is an important standard for selecting sprint talent. Statistics show that world-top sprinters' average height is 1.85 m; domestic top sprinters' height is between 1.80 m and 1.85 m. During longterm training and competition, people found height would not have substantial effects on the performance. Especially under the same height condition, stride length and frequency are the key factors affecting the performance. The reasonable intermediate running form is wide stride, fast stride frequency, fully extending legs, active body swinging, moving with ease, good forward effect, stable core, body reaching forward, swinging arms powerfully, and going straight.

亚洲百米跑道近年刮起的“小个子风”, 苏炳添、桐生祥秀等优秀短跑选手身高都不足1.75米。正是基于选材标准的日趋科学合理,那些身高不具备优势的短跑人才得以崭露头角。

Recent years, short athelets become popular in the Asian 100-metre event. Both of the height of excellent sprinters like Su Bingtian and Tong Shengxiang are no more than 1.75 m. Since the talent selection tends to be more scientific and reasonable, the sprint talents who do not have height advantage are emerging.

结 语Conclusion


As the cornerstone of Olympic Games, sprint is the best reflection of the "faster, higher, and stronger" Olympic spirit. 100-metre and 200-metre sprints always attract a lot of attention in every Olympic Games.


The dream of pursuing speed stimulates people to exploit their potential and to challenge the limits constantly. Standards, are witnessing sprint techniques have been optimized, and accompanying the runners to chase the dream.



伊犁马1 000 m速度赛步态特征与步速相关性
苏炳添与世界优秀男子60 m跑运动员步频节奏对比分析
非田径专业男生100 m短跑步频与步幅关系的实证研究