建筑设计:West 8 城市规划与景观设计事务所Architects:West 8
Wenduine Pedestrian Bridge,Wenduine,Belgium,2014
建筑设计:West 8 城市规划与景观设计事务所Architects:West 8
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view 2 剖面/Section
3 实景/Bridge view
这座新的步行桥,作为一个真正的“地标”,把度假的人们引向了沙丘,大海和Uitkerkse围垦田。(张裕翔 译)
The Pedestrian Bridge at Wenduine provides a safe traverse over a busy provincial motorway and double tramlines,literally forming a bridge between the polder and the dunes "Het Wrakhout"(The Wreckage),and connects the local campsite to the beach.
The site is characterized by a cultural costal landscape of polders,dunes,and the ocean.The volume created by the wooden trusses generates a sense of security to the user in an area known for its salty atmosphere,strong winds and swirling sand.The striking structure also features lookout points for cyclists at the foot of the bridge and on top of the dunes,complete with information boards and providing a unique opportunity for people to experience the coastal landscape.
A newly created dune volume provides a natural way to access the bridge.Conceptually the arrangement of wooden beams and interspersed steel supports are likened to pieces of driftwood that have washed ashore; in this way the bridge anchors itself to the dune landscape.
Several years ago,the whole dune area was restrengthened.Additional planting and a series of new pathways were introduced.To prevent excessive entry and damage to the dunes a wooden staircase was also incorporated into the dune crossing to guide the crowds of holidaymakers heading to the beach and sea.The ramparts of the existing dune crossing have also been taken into consideration in the new spatial layout.
The new bridge is a true "landmark" that leads holidaymakers to a panoramic lookout over the dune,the sea and the polders of Uitkerkse.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client:比利时与弗拉芒区海事服务局奥斯坦德海岸部/Department of Osstende Coast,Maritime and Coastal Services(MDK)of Belgium and Vlaams Gewest
工程设计/Engineers:Snoeck en Partners,architectuur & engineering建造商/Builder:BAS,bureau voor architectuur en stabiliteit承建商/Contractor:West Construct Oostkamp
供应商及安装/Supplier and Assembling:Azobé Koninklijke Houthandel G.Wijma & zonen
建筑设计团队/Architectural Design Team:West 8(Adriaan Geuze,Maarten van de Voorde,Andrew Tang,Joost Koningen,Karsten Buchholz,Rob Koningen,Ronald van Nugteren)
总跨距/Total Span:85m
设计时间/Design Period:2009-2013
建造时间/Construction Period:2013.08-2014.04
摄影/Photos:AMDK(fig.1),West 8(fig.3,7),Jeroen Musch(fig.4,6)
4.6木栏杆/Wooden railings
5 栏杆构造/Axonometric drawing of railings
7 远景图/Bridge view from afar
FANG Musheng:Bridges often provide people with a possibility of "surmounting" some obstacles.In this case the bridge crosses over a highway,and it connects the local villages and towns at both sides to the beach to facilitate communications between people and nature.The placement of an immense number of wooden strips around a road connecting the beach to the bridge symbolizes the meaning of "surmounting".It seems that the architect is intended to reflect a spirit of perseverance in the face of nature.
FAN Lu:the Wenduine Pedestrian Bridge seems as if a "natural" floating bridge.The bridge volume created by the wooden trusses stretches like a winding dragon.The "wooden dragon" connecting dune and sea floats on the traffic flow and waves of white piers.Walking on the bridge,people could get a clear feeling that only nature is the leading force in the site.