

世界建筑 2016年3期

建筑设计:费池因格建筑事务所Architects:Feichtinger Architectes


Braque,Chagall,Mirò Footbridges,Strasbourg,France,2008

建筑设计:费池因格建筑事务所Architects:Feichtinger Architectes

项目信息/ Credits and Data

客户/Client:斯特拉斯堡/City of Strasbourg

建筑设计/Architects:Feichtinger Architectes,Paris

工程设计/Engineers:韦克劳姆·维恩工程公司/Werkraum Wien Ingenieure Zt Gmbh

建筑造价/Building Costs:€ 7,610,000


规划时间/Start of Planning:2006.09

开工时间/Start of Construction:2007.05


摄影/Photos:Jo Pesendorfer

1 实景/Bridge view

2 总平面/Masterplan

3 平面/Plan

4 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

5 横剖面/Cross section














(3)坡道:主桥面坡道倾斜横跨到陆侧,在几何形式上与陆侧平行。坡道桥面的支撑柱构成三角形结构,并与桩基相连。(辛梦瑶 译)

A former industrial pier is being transformed into a new urban area given it's attraction by the new media centre,a recently adapted storage building.

The presence of water on three sides of the pier isolates the site.The new three footbridges connect the site to the city,a rediscovered neighbourhood with a high density of housing and offices.

The three footbridges are walkways.They continue the urban tissue and link the pier with the city.Besides linking two parts of the city it is the experience of the promenade,the discovering of new perspectives and views,the closeness to the water which guides the design of the bridges.The architectural ambition is to make them part of the urban landscape,integrating them naturally.Lightness and transparency are major issues.The bridges are opposing the dense urban tissue.They contrast the monumentality of the surrounding buildings by their freely adapted geometry.The bridges want to be part of the natural environment,inspired by the presence of water.Like insects they stretch out their members to reach the quay sides offering a multiple choice of crossing – fast and slow,for bicycles and disabled on flat ramps.The ramps are part of the crossing,part of the design.

In the centre the different paths meet to form a plaza over the water forming a privileged viewpoint.

Local oak wood as deck covering,the transparent railing made of a stainless steel cable net and the integrated lighting of the bridge create the specific atmosphere on the bridge.Structure is a main part of the form.It is clearly expressed,details are carefully designed and tell the way forces are led to the banks.

The three bridges are related to each other.They are part of the same family being adapted to the specific site conditions of each.A steel box forming an arch articulated on the banks is the major structural element.Carrying and to be carried is the leitmotiv of the design.

The second walkway joining the arch is being carried by the steel box.The strong compact primary element is completed by a light transparent structure leaning on the box.The ramp over the water is fixed on the ground by a pair of inclined columns.

Dynamics issues are being resolved by the integration of a damper into the steel box.

The geometry allows boats to pass under the bridges(16m×3.85m).

The structure was prefabricated in the factory,divided into two parts,brought to site with a ship and mounted on site.Special pillar foundations are provided to respond to the effects introduced by the arch.The geometry of the arch is adapted to respond perfectly to structural needs transforming the pure circular shape into an organic form.

The ambition of the structural concept was to generate a slender construction,considering difficult geometrical boundary conditions(the structure gauge for shipping traffic)and dynamical requirements.

The main structural components can be described as follows:

(1)Arch structure:with its span of 42m,width of 1.8m and height of 0.55m the arch structure describes the main part of the total construction and is also used as walkway for pedestrians.The cross section of the arch was designed following the bending line and describes a welded box girder.

(2)Cantilever bars/deck:the main deck is located parallel to the arch consisting of cantilever beams which are connected one-sided to the arch.Furthermore,longitudinal beams build up the pedestrian deck.

(3)Ramp:in progress to the main deck ramps close the span to the landside and are geometrically parallel to the landside.The supporting columns of the ramp deck build a triangular structure which is connected with a pile foundation.

6-8 实景/Bridge views



桥的根本功用是连接。但在本案中,桥被拓展成为都市设计的开放因素。原本僵硬、平淡无奇的河岸和中心岛,因为这3座桥,而变得更为活络和人性化。这得益于桥本身的设计所展示出来的清晰场地理解、优雅结构、质朴细节和艺术内涵,也在于其与附近旧有工业码头的格调匹配。更为重要的,是桥所促进的“步行友好型城市”的建成环境网络,为所谓的宜居都市提供了必要生活方式的基础 ——这是一个以少胜多的重构过程,但在场域建构的意义上,可能会逐步接近类似苏州、威尼斯、伦敦,或巴黎的那些桥所通过的真设计而展示出的日常社会价值。


HAO Lin :A Minimal Intervention of Urban Reconstruction

The primary function of a bridge is to connect.In this project,its role is more about opening up a new urban possibility.The three bridges transformed an otherwise very rigid and ordinary daily reality of river banks and quays.The environment is now much more vibrant and humanized.The quality is achieved by a clear site interpretation,elegant structural design,honest detailing,and artistic crafting,mixing harmoniously with the surrounding industrial environment.More importantly,the linkage encourages a walkable city network and potentially provides a lifestyle infrastructure for livable city.A minimal intervention of urban reconstruction,from a sense of place making,has been unfolding its social value of a real design that we can see day to day from those magnificent bridges in Suzhou,Venice,London,or Paris.


LIU Chen :Numerous bridges grace the old town of Strasbourg.Every bridge has a story to tell.The story goes wherever the river flows.Light and transparent,the three footbridges at the former industrial pier are not meant to rival the heavy masonry of the ancient bridges.They tell charming stories of their own:the collage of fleeting scenery when you ride a bike down the Braque bridge,the innocent heart of the city that you gradually approach as you stroll up the Miró bridge,or perhaps – inspired by Chagall's first date with his beloved Bella –a sweet encounter with someone on a quiet afternoon in the middle of the Chagall bridge…the Germanic origin of "Strasbourg" means "Town at the crossing of roads".Strasbourg without bridges would be unimaginable.


完美 慈善万人行