左曙光,韦开君,吴旭东,聂玉洁,许思传(同济大学新能源汽车工程中心,上海 201804)
(同济大学新能源汽车工程中心,上海 201804)
摘要:为进一步探索高性能、低噪声的离心压缩机优化设计方法,该文选用某燃料电池车用小型高转速离心压缩机为研究对象,通过三维内流场非定常分析对其气动性能和气动噪声进行计算,仿真求得的压升曲线与试验基本一致。基于该数值模型,采用最优拉丁方试验设计分析了叶片进口角、叶片出口角、尾缘倾角、叶顶间隙和叶片厚度对压缩比、等熵效率和整机声功率级的影响,结果表明叶片厚度和叶顶间隙最为关键,与压缩比和等熵效率负相关,与声功率级正相关,前倾叶片较后倾叶片噪声更低。采用Kriging模型对数值计算结果进行拟合,利用多目标遗传算法对Kriging模型进行循环优化设计。优化结果表明,Kriging模型精度满足需求,优化方案在设计工况点的压缩比提高3.56%,等熵效率提高1.02%,整机声功率级下降3.79 dB,在非设计工况点的压缩比和等熵效率也有提高,综合性能得到明显改善。该研究可为高性能、低噪声离心压缩机的优化设计提供参考。
左曙光,韦开君,吴旭东,聂玉洁,许思传. 采用Kriging模型的离心压缩机叶轮多目标参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):77-83.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.012http://www.tcsae.org
Zuo Shuguang, Wei Kaijun, Wu Xudong, Nie Yujie, Xu Sichuan. Multi-objective parameter optimization of centrifugal compressor impeller with Kriging model[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 77-83. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.012 http://www.tcsae.org
0 引 言
随着燃料电池汽车产业化的推进,其振动噪声性能越来越受到重视。与传统汽车不同,燃料电池汽车的噪声源主要来自空辅系统,尤其是空压机产生的气动噪声[1]。离心压缩机由于其结构紧凑、压缩比高的优点,在车用中高压燃料电池空辅系统中得到广泛应用,但高工作转速(通常在60 000~100 000 r/min)随之产生很大的噪声。由于流场的仿真计算耗时,离心压缩机的传统优化设计很难基于全局优化算法直接对压缩机多个结构参数进行多目标的迭代寻优。尤其是气动噪声的优化设计,通常局限在对个别结构参数的改进,例如蜗舌形状、蜗壳结构或采用被动降噪措施。这些措施虽然可以取得一定的降噪效果,但也容易导致压缩机气动性能不同程度的下降[2-4]。
1 数值计算方法
本文研究的离心压缩机由叶轮、无叶扩压器和蜗壳组成,叶轮共有8个主叶片和8个分流叶片,压缩机进口直径Ds1=38 mm,叶轮外径D1=70 mm,叶片高度b=4 mm,扩压器外径D2=110 mm,设计工况点的质量流量Q=0.08 kg/s,压缩比πc=1.65,转速n=80 000 r/min。离心压缩机结构如图1所示。
为了稳定流场并加快计算收敛,将进出口段分别延长。计算域分为进口段、叶片旋转区域、蜗壳区域和出口段,其中蜗壳区域采用混合网格,蜗舌处采用四面体非结构网格,其他区域全部采用六面体结构网格。为保证CFD网格的声学求解精度,需保证分析的最小波长内至少布置20个网格,拟定最高分析频率为15 kHz,则最大网格不超过1.2 mm,网格总数约107万。
图1 离心压缩机结构示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of centrifugal compressor
流场计算采用商业软件Fluent,非定常计算的湍流模型采用RNG k-ε模型,取标准壁面函数,压力-速度耦合采用SIMPLE方法,对流项采用二阶迎风格式,扩散项采用二阶中心格式,时间项采用二阶隐式格式,进出口采用压力边界条件。离心压缩机工作转速为80 000 r/min,取每个旋转周期内时间步数为40步,非定常计算时间步长Δt 为1.875×10-5s,流场稳定后共计算2 048步。则计算得到的最大分析频率fm为26 667 Hz,频率分辨率Δf 为26 Hz。
图2 压缩机壁面yplus分布云图Fig.2 yplus contours of compressor wall
式中πc为离心压缩机的压缩比;ηɑd为等熵效率;pti、pto分别为压缩机进、出口总压,Pa;Tti、Tto分别为压缩机进、出口总温,K。由于在不同时刻压缩机的进出口总压、总温不同,为便于比较,这里pti、pto、Tti、Tto为2 048个非定常计算时间步的平均值。
为验证数值模型的准确性,对离心压缩机进行性能试验,试验现场布置如图3所示。压缩机噪声测试采用G.R.A.S. 40PH 1/2” 传声器,试验数据采集及分析采用LMS Test.Lab 系统。
图3 试验现场布置Fig.3 Experimental setup
由于条件限制,试验中离心压缩机驱动电机所能达到的最高转速为50 000 r/min。调节压缩机出口管阀门开度,分别测试40 000、50 000 r/min 2个稳态转速下,大、中、小流量3个工况下压缩机出口压力。基于前文所述数值模型分别计算转速为40 000、50 000 r/min压缩机的压力-流量曲线,将数值计算结果与试验结果对比,如图4所示。由图4可知,数值计算结果略高于试验结果,这是由于计算中没有考虑机壳壁面粗糙度等影响。总体上数值计算结果与试验结果基本一致,该数值模型可用于进一步的计算与分析。
图4 数值仿真与试验压力-流量曲线对比Fig.4 Comparison of pressure ratio between numerical and experimental data
2 多目标优化设计
图5 设计变量对响应的影响程度Fig.5 Influences of design parameters on responses
表1 Kriging模型误差分析Table 1 Error analysis of Kriging model
基于Kriging模型,采用多目标遗传算法NSGA-Ⅱ[25]进行优化设计,设定初始种群数为200,遗传代数为1 000,交叉概率为0.9,变异概率为0.2。为进一步提高Kriging代理模型的精度,对模型得到的最优点进行精确数值计算,利用该精确计算的数据更新原模型,进一步提高最优区间附近的代理模型精度,进一步提高最优区间附近的代理模型精度,直至得到更理想的优化结果。离心压缩机多目标优化设计流程如图6所示。
3 优化结果与分析
图6 离心压缩机多目标优化设计流程图Fig.6 Flowchart of multi-objective optimization design of centrifugal compressor
图7 Pareto最优解集Fig.7 Pareto diagram of optimized results
表2 优化前后结构参数对比Table 2 Parameters of baseline and optimized designs
图8 优化前后叶片型线对比Fig.8 Comparison of blade profiles before and after optimization
图9 优化前后离心压缩机性能曲线对比Fig.9 Performance maps before and after optimization
对优化设计点进行非定常计算,与初始设计对比结果如表3所示。由表3可知,采用Kriging模型与数值计算所得的压缩比、等熵效率和声功率的误差均小于0.5%,Kriging模型具有很高的预测精度。优化方案较初始设计压缩比提高了3.56%,等熵效率提高了1.02%,整机声功率级下降了3.79 dB,综合性能得到明显改善。
表3 优化结果对比Table 3 Results of optimization
图10 压缩机横截面压力云图对比Fig.10 Pressure contours of compressor cross section
图11 叶轮出口马赫数对比Fig.11 Mach number at impeller outlet
图12 80%叶高处叶片间流面的熵云图和面流线对比Fig.12 Entropy contours and streamlines at 80% span of blade-to-blade surface
在实际运行中,离心压缩机出口通过管道经加湿器进入燃料电池电堆,大部分气动噪声由进口直接向外辐射[26]。对优化前后离心压缩机进口处噪声进行分析,如图13所示。由图13可知,优化后叶片通过频率处噪声降低了16 dB,旋转基频及其谐频处的离散噪声均有下降,全频带内宽频噪声也有所下降,尤其是0~1 800 Hz 和10 000~16 000 Hz频段。优化方案整体降噪效果显著。
图13 优化前后离心压缩机噪声对比Fig.13 Sound pressure level spectrums before and after optimization
4 结 论
3)优化后设计工况点的整机声功率级下降3.79 dB,叶片通过频率处噪声降低16 dB,旋转频率及其谐频处离散噪声以及0~1 800 Hz、10 000~16 000 Hz频段内宽频噪声均有下降。
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Multi-objective parameter optimization of centrifugal compressor impeller with Kriging model
Zuo Shuguang, Wei Kaijun, Wu Xudong※, Nie Yujie, Xu Sichuan
(Cleɑn Energy Automotive Engineering Center, Tongji University, Shɑnghɑi 201804, Chinɑ)
Abstract:The high-speed centrifugal compressor used in the air supply system is the major noise source of the fuel cell vehicle. Therefore, it is important for the compressor to achieve low noise level as well as high compression ratio and efficiency. This paper presents an optimal design method for the centrifugal compressors using numerical simulation, Kriging model and genetic algorithm at the operating point. The rotational speed at the operation point is 80 000 r/min, the mass flow rate is 0.08 kg/s, and the compression ratio is 1.65. The steady RANS simulations are preliminarily used to provide the performance maps as well as the consistent initial conditions for the subsequent unsteady simulations. Performance maps are compared between numerical and experimental results at 40 000 and 50 000 r/min, which show a good agreement. Next, the unsteady simulations are performed to calculate the sound power level of the compressor. In order to analyze the influences of the blade inlet angle, blade outlet angle, trailing edge angle, tip clearance and blade thickness on the compression ratio,isentropic efficiency and sound power level, the optimal Latin square design is adopted to create the sample space. Each one of the sample points is simulated with the presented numerical method. The results show that the tip clearance and blade thickness are 2 primary factors. The compression ratio and efficiency decline when the tip clearance and blade thickness decrease, while the sound power level rises. The front incline is found to be better than the back incline. The Kriging model is built to reflect the functional relationship between the impeller design parameters and the performance parameters. Then, the multi-objective optimization is conducted with the genetic algorithm based on the Kriging model instead of the numerical model. The errors of the compression ratio, isentropic efficiency and sound power level between the Kriging model and the numerical model at optimized point are 0.11%, 0.46% and 0.01%, respectively. The blade inlet angle, blade outlet angle,trailing edge inclined angle, tip clearance and blade thickness of the baseline design are 37°, 45°, 26.7°, 0.3 mm and 1.2 mm,and the optimized design are 35.226°, 50.863°, -2.465°, 0.365 mm and 0.611 mm, respectively. Compared with the initial design, the compression ratio and isentropic efficiency of the optimal design are increased by 3.56% and 1.02%, respectively and the sound power level is decreased by 3.79 dB. The sound pressure spectrums show that the noise at blade passing frequency decreases by 16 dB. The rotational frequency and its noise at the harmonic frequency as well as broadband noise at the 0-1 800 Hz and 10 000-16 000 Hz also decrease. The compression ratio and isentropic efficiency of the centrifugal compressor are also improved at the off-design points. Internal flow fields are analyzed to find out the mechanism of the improvements. The results show that the velocity distribution is more uniform and the secondary flows in the blade flow channel significantly decrease after optimization, which means that the mixing loss at the impeller outlet decreases. This research provides a reference for optimizing the acoustic behavior as well as the performance parameters of centrifugal compressors at the early design stage.
Keywords:models; optimization; impellers; centrifugal compressor; unsteady simulation; aerodynamic noise; Kriging model
通信作者:※吴旭东,男,江苏扬州人,助理教授,主要从事汽车NVH研究,上海 同济大学新能源汽车工程中心,201804。