

农业工程学报 2016年3期

万玉文,郭长强,茆 智,李新建,崔远来,赵树君(.武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 40072; 2.广西水利电力职业技术学院,南宁 5002;.广西壮族自治区灌溉试验中心站,桂林 5499)


(1.武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉 430072; 2.广西水利电力职业技术学院,南宁 530023;3.广西壮族自治区灌溉试验中心站,桂林 541199)



万玉文,郭长强,茆智,李新建,崔远来,赵树君. 多级串联表面流人工湿地净化生活污水效果[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(3):220-227.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.032

Wan Yuwen, Guo Changqiang, Mao Zhi, Li Xinjian, Cui Yuanlai, Zhao Shujun. Sewage purification effect of multi-series surface flow constructed wetland[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(3): 220-227. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.032

0 引 言






1 材料与方法


本研究试验地点位于广西桂林市临桂县临桂镇回龙村,研究区域属亚热带季风气候,多年平均气温19.5℃,降雨量1 700 mm,蒸发量839 mm,相对湿度78%,无霜期约300 d。降雨量年内分布不均,春季多雨,4-6月的降雨量占全年的70%左右,夏秋少雨,秋旱突出。

湿地系统由3级过滤池和8级表面流人工湿地串联组成,用于处理回龙村村民的日常生活污水,湿地布置呈S型分布。由于农村生活污水日均排放的不稳定性,在系统前部设置了一个调节池,以调蓄进出流量,保证进入系统的流量稳定。其中,由3级渗滤槽组成的快速渗滤系统的水力负荷设计为1.5 m3/(m2·d),湿地生物塘的平均水力负荷为0.08 m3/(m2·d)。各级表面流湿地中种植的水生植物如表1所示,其布置示意图如图1所示。

表1 湿地系统各级湿地床种植的水生植物Table 1 Hydrophytes planted in various subsystem beds of constructed wetland system

图1 多级串联表面流人工湿地系统布置图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of multi-series system of surface flow constructed wetland


2014年4月至9月对湿地系统中各过滤池和湿地床的进出口以及整个湿地系统的出口共13个取样点进行不定期的取样分析,共取样10次。检测指标包括总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、铵态氮(ammonia nitrogen,NH4+-N)和总磷(total phosphorus,TP)。其中TN用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法(GB11894-1989)测定,NH4+-N用纳氏试剂比色法(GB7479-1987)测定,TP用钼酸氨分光光度法(GB11893-1989)测定。


在各指标所测得的10组数据中,从中选择6组数据利用Origin 9.0软件对其进行曲线拟合,曲线拟合类型包括指数拟合、线性拟合和二次多项式拟合。各拟合曲线的通用公式如下:






均方根误差RMSE(root-mean-square error)

相对均方根误差RMSE(relative root-mean-square error)


2 结果与分析




表2 湿地系统各级组成部分在检测时段内营养盐的平均去除率Table 2 Average removal rate of nutrients in various components on test period            %

图2 湿地系统中营养盐在不同日期的平均去除率Fig.2 Average removal rate of total wetland system on different dates

由图2可见,在整个试验检测时段内,检测时间点最近一周内的平均气温变化幅度较为平稳。整个湿地系统对TN和-N的净化效率始终处于较高水平,但是也呈现出前期净化效率高,后期效率下降的趋势。湿地系统对TP的净化效率在前期较高,后期则出现较大幅度的下降,去除效率明显下降。试验期内,总体湿地系统对TN、-N和TP的平均去除率分别为76.3%、70.8% 和60.5%,净化效果显著,与陈进军等[16,24]的研究结果接近。同时TN浓度和去除率的变化过程同-N较为一致,说明了农村生活污水中TN的去除主要受-N去除水平的制约[19]。






图3 多级表面流湿地系统中TN浓度沿程变化Fig.3 Concentration variation of TN along wetland system



表3 TN浓度曲线拟合Table 3 Curve fitting of TN concentration











图4 回归模型与实测数据的验证Fig.4 Verification of regression model with measured data

表4 TN拟合曲线相关分析及评价指标Table 4 Correlation analysis and model evaluation of TN fitting model



图5 多级表面流湿地系统中-N浓度沿程变化Fig.5 Concentration variation of-N along wetland system



表5 -N浓度模型拟合的评价指标Table 5 Model estimation of-N concentration

表5 -N浓度模型拟合的评价指标Table 5 Model estimation of-N concentration

拟合方式F i t t i n g m o d e l  0 6 -3 0 0 7 -0 7 0 7 -3 1 0 8 -1 5 0 6 -3 0 0 7 -0 7 0 7 -3 1 0 8 -1 5均方根误差R o o t -m e a n -s q u a r e e r r o r R M S E / ( m g · L-1)相对均方根误差R e l a t i v e r o o t -m e a n -s q u a r e e r r o r R R M S E指数E x p o n e n t i a l  0 . 9 0   0 . 6 5   2 . 2 9  2 . 3 0  0 . 2 2  0 . 1 7   0 . 3 3   0 . 3 3线性L i n e a t i o n  0 . 7 7   0 . 8 8   2 . 4 9  2 . 5 0  0 . 1 9  0 . 2 3   0 . 3 5   0 . 3 5二项式B i n o m i a l  0 . 8 9   0 . 8 9   2 . 5 1  2 . 5 2  0 . 2 2  0 . 2 3   0 . 3 6   0 . 3 6



图6 多级表面流湿地系统中TP浓度沿程变化Fig.6 Concentration variation of TP along wetland system





表6 TP浓度模型拟合的评价指标Table 6 Model estimation of TP concentration

3 讨 论


大量试验研究已经表明,TP的去除机理主要是基质和底泥的吸附及其沉淀作用。本研究中,在高浓度进水(Ci>3 mg/L)情况下,经过3号过滤池时来水中的TP浓度已经削减了近40%,过滤床基质的吸附作用明显。在经过5号湿地床后,TP浓度削减率已经达到80%并随后维持稳定,可见1至5号湿地床系统因其较大的横断面面积和较长的流程,十分有利于TP沿程的沉降及水生植物的滞留。在低浓度进水(Ci<3 mg/L)情况下,3级过滤槽系统对TP浓度削减并不显著,只有10%左右,具体原因还有待后续研究分析;同时在低浓度进水条件下,湿地系统对TP的去除作用也较为平滑,与-N的去除规律相似,来水在经过7号湿地床时仍有一定的浓度去除,直至8号湿地床时TP浓度的去除才趋于稳定。

本次研究所收集的数据分散在了试验期的间断时间点,并没有连续取样,取样时间间隔7~15 d不等,缺少连续多天的分析比较。同时,为了加深湿地净化效果的研究,后续需要加强对进口水量排放负荷和营养物浓度负荷的连续观测分析。另外,本文中的湿地水深均设计较深,与已有文献中的推荐水深相比相差较大[28-29],同时还发现较大的水深不利于某些挺水植物的生长,后续需加强这方面的研究。表面流人工湿地的净化效果与湿地种植的水生植物关系密切[30-31],例如不同的植物根系的氧化还原环境的差异造成硝化反硝化作用的不同,进而净化效果不一样,本文尚没有对此做详细的分析,这也是下一步主要的工作之一。

4 结 论




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Sewage purification effect of multi-series surface flow constructed wetland

Wan Yuwen1,2, Guo Changqiang1※, Mao Zhi1, Li Xinjian3, Cui Yuanlai1, Zhao Shujun1
(1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; 2. Guangxi College of Water Resources and Electric Power, Nanning 530023, China; 3. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center Station of Irrigation Experiment, Guilin 541199, China)

Abstract:Rural domestic sewage has become one of the main sources of agricultural non-point source pollution. In order to develop effective treatment of domestic sewage in less development rural areas with low cost in construction and simple in maintenance, we studied a multi-series system of surface flow constructed wetland to treat rural sewage in Qingshitan irrigation district in Guilin City, Guangxi Province, China. The purification effect of different subsystems and the nutrient concentration variation at each stage were studied and analyzed. The results showed that the nutrient removal efficiency of the overall wetland system presented a trend of gradual decline over time. At the same time, the greater the surface area of the wetland was, the higher the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus were. However, the differences of removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus affected by temperature could be ignored because the change of daily temperature was relatively stable during the test period (April to September). Total nitrogen (TN) and-N (ammonium nitrogen) was high at earlier stage and low at late period of the inlet for the whole study period. The average removal rate decreased from 83.8% and 84.7% to 65.0% and 57.0%, for TN and-N, respectively. There was no significant correlation between inlet concentration and removal rate (P>0.05) for nitrogen. The inlet concentration of TP (total phosphorus) showed no obvious change, but its removal rate presented sharply decline from 82.2% at the inlet to 21.2% at the outlet. This was caused by a strong phosphorus adsorption by sediment and phosphorus use by microorganisms. Nevertheless, there was still 21.2% TP was not removed. This demonstrated limitations of TP removal capacity on surface flow constructed wetlands in comparison with the subsurface flow constructed wetlands. The average removal rate of TN,-N and TP were 76.3%, 70.8% and 60.5%, respectively of the whole system. There could be a better purification result with a larger aspect ratio and surface area. This study also revealed that this wetland system displayed a fast and stable purification effect for high nutrient influent concentration, but less effect for removal low nutrient concentration. From the experiment, we received ten sets of concentration data, including the data of each wetland bed. Of them six groups of measured data were used for the curve fitting of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration. We established the exponential, the linear, and the quadratic polynomial model which related to the inlet concentration of the wetland system through the monadic linear regression analysis of model coefficients. Then these three models were used for prediction and evaluation on the basis of the other four groups of testing data. Correlation analysis revealed that exponential decay model had a smaller relative root-square-error value with the best performance. The wetland system showed good purification effect during the whole test period, reducing the emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus of rural domestic sewage greatly, and mitigating the damage of domestic sewage to freshwater environment. The establishment of exponential attenuation model provided reference for the prediction of concentration changing along the multistage tandem constructed wetland system. The model can be used to easily predict nutrient concentration in any wetland subsystem when the influent concentration of the system is known.

Keywords:sewage; pollution; nitrogen; phosphorus; water purification; surface flow constructed wetland; multi-series; attenuation step by step










