

地球环境学报 2016年6期


(1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 中国科学院气溶胶化学与物理重点实验室,西安 710061;2.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,西安 710061;3. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA;4.西安交通大学 人居环境与建筑工程学院,西安 710049)



(1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 中国科学院气溶胶化学与物理重点实验室,西安 710061;2.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,西安 710061;3. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA;4.西安交通大学 人居环境与建筑工程学院,西安 710049)




黑碳是PM2.5的重要组成成分,占PM2.5质量浓度的比例在3%—6%(Cao et al,2007)。黑碳不参与化学反应,其浓度主要受排放源和气象条件两个因素的影响,排放源主要指源强和排放量(Gong et al,2010);气象条件包括从源区到受体区的大气环流变化,大气输送路径上的清除过程以及受体区自身的地面风特征、边界层与自由大气层之间垂直交换强度(Gong et al,2010;Voulgarakis et al,2010;Zhao et al,2012;Tie et al,2013,2015)。我国城市地区空气污染期间的观测表明,污染物在稳定天气形势下,2—3天内快速累积,导致重污染发生(Tao et al,2012)。当重污染发生时,局地风速风向和边界层高度是影响局地扩散条件的两个关键的气象参数。局地小风和浅边界层会抑制地面颗粒物的传输和扩散,使得污染物聚集在源区附近,导致污染发生(Quan et al,2013;Zhao et al,2013)。Wehner et al(2008)发现局地的风速风向对北京市的颗粒物浓度有重要作用,当北京市盛行弱南风时,地面颗粒物往往较高,究其原因是弱南风将北京南部地区的污染物输送至此,较低风速会导致污染物在地面进一步累积。

黑碳与辐射存在相互作用和反馈,高浓度颗粒物会减弱地面对入射太阳辐射的吸收,使得地表冷却,抑制边界层的发展(Quan et al,2013;Tie et al,2015)。已有研究表明,近地层气溶胶通过冷却边界层大气,加热自由大气使得大气层结更加稳定,从而使得边界层内的湍流扩散减少52%,边界层高度降低33%(Wang et al,2015)。重污染期间,边界层高度和湍流扩散与PM2.5质量浓度的显著反相关性说明边界层高度对颗粒物扩散的抑制对灰霾形成有重要贡献,因为伴随着低层大气层结的稳定,地面污染物会进一步累积,污染物和边界层高度的反馈作用直接导致污染持续时间延长,污染物保持在非常高的浓度水平(Wang et al,2015;Zhang et al,2015)。


1 数据和方法

黑碳采样在中国科学院地球环境研究所进行,仪器是大气总悬浮颗粒物采样器(MiniVol,AirmetricsTM,USA),安装在楼顶,距离地面约10 m高。气泵流速调至5 L · min-1,频率为每日一次,流程如下:将直径为47 mm的石英滤膜(Whatman®QMA)固定在采样器上,其中石英滤膜在600℃烘干箱中预加热24 h,以消除可能存在的含碳物质,然后将其封装在玻璃片中;采样后,首先在滤膜上颗粒物沉积部位打孔,取下面积为0.526 cm2的样本,然后利用DRI®2001热-光碳分析仪进行分析,详细步骤见Chow et al(2004)。

黑碳采样同期的泾河、咸阳、凤翔和华山气象站资料(气温、风速风向)源自美国大气海洋局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admminstration,NOAA) 3小时常规观测资料,网页如下:。关中地区南倚秦岭,北临黄土高原,西起宝鸡,东至潼关,城市海拔在325—800 m,东西长约300 km,西窄东宽,总面积约3.9×104km2。因地质构造,关中属于断层陷落区,后经渭河及其支流泾河、洛河等冲击形成平原地形(图1)。泾河气象站是距离黑碳采样点最近的气象站,位于西安市正北方向的泾河经济开发区,南邻渭河,周围地势平坦开阔,无高大建筑群,所以该站点的气象记录代表西安市的基本气象条件,咸阳和凤翔分别代表咸阳市和宝鸡市的基本状况,华山站属于高山站,记录的是关中地区的本底状况,这四个站点整体代表了关中地区的气象条件。同时选取了同期欧洲中长期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)再分析资料,如10 m风速和边界层高度,该资料空间分辨率为0.125°×0.125°,数据下载链接:。

2 结果和讨论

图2给出了2008—2010年冬季关中地区黑碳浓度的年际变化。冬季黑碳浓度表现出逐年增加,平均浓度在11 μg · m-3左右,相应的PM2.5浓度约在180 μg · m-3,明显高于国家空气二级质量标准(日平均值小于75 μg · m-3,年平均值小于35 μg · m-3)。因为黑碳浓度主要受排放和气象条件的影响,所以本文主要从这两方面来解释2008—2010年冬季黑碳浓度增加的原因。


图1 关中地形及观测站点分布,黑色方框代表关中地区,三角为中国科学院地球环境研究所观测点(IEECAS),圆圈为气象站点(泾河、咸阳、凤翔和华山站)Fig.1 Topography of Guanzhong region andin-situblack carbon (BC) measurement site (the triangle, IEECAS) and weather stations (the circles, Jinghe, Xianyang, Fengxiang and Huashan)

图2 2008—2010冬季关中地区黑碳浓度的年际变化Fig.2 Annual variation of winter BC concentration from 2008 to 2010

图3 2008—2010冬季关中地区的黑碳排放Fig.3 Annual variation of BC emission from 2008 to 2010 in winter in the Guanzhong region

表2统计了2008—2010年关中地区泾河、咸阳、宝鸡和华山4个气象站在冬季的主导风向、次风向、平均风速和平均气温。首先,气温表现出逐年增加,且气温在2009年有明显的升高,这表明2009和2010年冬季冷空气较2008年偏弱,冷空气活动弱说明大气环流场较为稳定,不利于污染物的扩散输送;其次,关中城市地区(除华山站外)的风速在2.5 m · s-1左右,风力为二级,不利于污染物的水平输送;再次,关中地区的主导风向以旋转风为主,容易导致污染物的累积;最后,城市地区的主导风向和次风向通常是反向的,这说明城市地区容易出现辐合风,易造成污染物的聚集。综上所述,2009年和2010年关中地区冬季的风场不利于污染物的扩散传输。图5给出了根据ECMWF再分析资料计算的整个关中地区的平均风速和黑碳浓度的相关性分析,二者没有显著相关性。但日平均黑碳浓度高值区有明显的风速分割阈值,当风速大于3.3 m · s-1时(三级风),日平均黑碳浓度明显降低,这表明关中地区风力达到三级,一般不会出现重污染天气。2008—2010年冬季的平均风速没有明显变化,在1.8—2.2 m · s-1(图6),不足以对黑碳浓度产生明显影响。

图4 黑碳排放和浓度的散点分布及相关性Fig.4 Scatter distribution of BC concentration and emission, the solid line for the linear regression

表1 2008—2010 冬季黑碳平均浓度和总排放量以及年际变化百分比Tab.1 BC concentration and emission, and the percentage of annual increment in winter from 2008 to 2010

表2 关中地区气象站记录的2008—2010冬季盛行风向、次风向、平均风速和气温Tab.2 Annual variations of observed prevailing and secondary wind direction, wind speed and temperature at weather stations in the Guanzhong region in winter from 2008 to 2010

年份Year气温Temperature / ℃2008WNWW4.79-6.04 2009WNWSSW5.15-3.14 2010WWNW5.78-2.21华山 Huashan主风向Prevailing wind direction次风向Secondary wind direction风速Wind speed /(m · s-1)

图7给出了日平均黑碳浓度和边界层高度的相关性分析。结果表明,二者表现出显著的负指数相关性,随着边界高度的增加,黑碳浓度迅速降低,当边界层高度升高至1000 m,黑碳浓度约为4 μg · m-3;对应的PM2.5浓度通常不超过70 μg · m-3。边界层高度的发展主要受到日间太阳辐射的影响,日间发展的边界层在夜间因为辐射冷却等因素,边界层高度会降低,易造成污染物在近地层聚集,本文重点考察了日间边界层高度的发展对污染物垂直扩散的影响。

图5 日平均风速和黑碳浓度的散点分布Fig.5 Scatter distributions of daily mean wind speed and BC concentration in the Guanzhong region

图6 关中地区2008—2010冬季平均风速的年际变化Fig.6 Annual variation of mean wind speed from 2008 to 2010 in the Guanzhong region

图7 日平均边界层高度和黑碳浓度的散点分布以及二者的非线性相关性Fig.7 Scatter distributions of daily mean planetary boundary layer height and BC concentration, and the non-linear fi tting between them in the Guanzhong region

图8 月平均的日间边界层高度和日平均黑碳浓度的散点分布以及二者的非线性相关性Fig.8 Scatter distributions of monthly mean diurnal planetary boundary layer height and daily mean BC concentration, and the non-linear fi tting between them in the Guanzhong region


图9 关中地区日间边界层高度的年际变化Fig.9 Annual variation of mean daytime planetary boundary layer height from 2008 to 2010 in the Guanzhong region

3 结论




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Causes for temporal variation of 2008—2010 black carbon concentrations during winter in the Guanzhong region

ZHAO Shuyu1,2, TIE Xuexi1,2,3, CAO Junji1,4
(1. Key Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710061, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710061, China; 3. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA; 4. School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)

Background, aim, and scopeGuanzhong region in mid-western China is experiencing severe air pollution during wintertime in recent years, so the region is listed on the national key region where air pollution is urgently needed to improve. However, compared to the more developed eastern China, limited studies are available in this region. Thus, how air pollutions form and which factors affect air pollutions should be paid more attention. This study usedin-situblack carbon (BC) concentration, BC emission inventories, and meteorological parameters in the Guanzhong region, aiming to analyze characteristics of annual variation of BCconcentration during wintertime and investigate how the emission and meteorological parameters (winds and planetary boundary layer, PBL) affect BC concentration.Materials and methodsBlack carbon was measured by an aethalometer (Model AE-16, Magee Scientifi c Company, Berkley, CA, USA). The instrument used quartzfi ber fi lter tape transmission at 880 nm wavelength, with a 5-min resolution, 5 L · min-1of airfl ow rate and ±2% accuracy. Black carbon concentration is derived from the linear relationship between BC concentration and light attenuation absorption coefficient. The 3-hour temperature, wind speed and direction are observed at weather stations in the Guanzhong region, and data are available from Out of PBL height observation during BC measurement, we use reanalysis PBL heights with a spatial resolution of 0.125° × 0.125° from European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The data is available at http:// In this study, we mainly use the statistics and the correlation analysis to calculate the effects of BC emission, winds and PBL heights on BC concentration.ResultsBlack carbon concentration and BC emission in winter both have an obvious increase from 2008 to 2010, but with quite different increase percentages. Prevailing wind direction has no obvious annual variation but the wind speed has the minimum in 2009 and the maximum in 2010. Planetary boundary layer height at daytime has a decline from 2008 to 2010, and the drop reaches to as high as 40 m.DiscussionIncrease annual BC concentration from 2008 to 2010 is closely associated with gradually increased BC emission, but the correlation between BC concentration and emission is non-linear. For example, compared to BC concentration at 2009, BC concentration at 2010 increases by 20.8%, but the emission increases by 10.3%. This is because BC concentration is not only affected by the emission, but also affected by the meteorological conditions. The obvious drop of daytime PBL height from 2008 to 2010 can explain the rest difference. The correlation between BC concentration and PBL heights illustrates that BC concentration exponentially decreases as the PBL heights increase.ConclusionsIncreased BC emission at 2010 contributes almost 50% to increased BC concentration. On the other hand, PBL heights in winter at 2010 decreased by 40—50 m than that at 2008 and 2009, and decreased PBL heights constrains pollutants (e.g., BC) into the surface layer, enhancing BC accumulation. In addition, rotated winds or convergent winds with low speeds in winter over the whole Guanzhong region further enhance BC aggregation and accumulation. Hence, better and healthy air quality in winter in the Guanzhong region needs to comprehend local wind and planetary boundary layer development, and then reasonably control emission sources.Recommendations and perspectivesThis study provides a new method to analyze the formation and infl uence factors for other trace components of air pollution, which is helpful for the government to make scientifi c policy to prevent and control the air pollution.

black carbon; emission; wind; planetary boundary layer height; air pollution

ZHAO Shuyu, E-mail:



Received Date:2016-07-11;Accepted Date:2016-10-20


Foundation Item:Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SKLLQG1429); National Natural Science Foundation of China (41275186, 41430424)


