

课程教育研究 2016年1期


【中图分类号】G633.4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)01-0122-01



(1)《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》 (江苏教育出版社P69)指出:高中语法教学要从用的角度出发,要发展学生比较强的语法意识,也就是说,语法教学不能局限在语法的范畴内,必须与逻辑思维联系起来,与人说话的意识联系起来,与篇章语境联系起来,与文化联系起来等。


(3)在Teaching Language:From grammar to grammaring (作者: 拉森·弗里曼)一书中作者指出 :不应把语法视为一套静止的规则, 而应把它当成一种与听说读写并行的技能教给学生。为此,她造了一个词grammaring, 用来指“准确, 有意义而且得体地使用语法结构的能力。从这本书中我们可以感悟到语法技能是英语学习最基本的技能之一。语法技能是指学生用不同的语言形式(语法结构)来获取信息(即听、读)和表达信息(说、写)的能力,而不是做语法题的能力。


语法结构:relative clauses introduced by who/whom/which/that/whose



活动形式:making dialogues; describing places of interest; writing diary


Step 1:

Complete the following letter from your pen friend, using relative pronouns. (设计意图:通过阅读文章、理解信息的内容,填写恰当的关系代词,复习定语从句中关系代词的用法,为以下的操练运用做准备)

Dear Lin,

I received the letter ______ you sent me last week. Thank you for sending me the photos ______ remind me of the Chinese Spring Festival. How are those friends ______ I came to know at Sues party? I still remember the tall girl ______ umbrella I mistook and how I was allowed to keep it as a gift.

Last time you asked about the meaning of buffalo wings. Actually, buffalo wings are chicken wings and drumsticks ______ are fried in oil. After being fried, they are covered in a red hot pepper sauce and butter. The usual places ______ sell buffalo wings are bars. I especially like the buffalo wings from “Farmers Arms”, ______ sauce is so hot and spicy that I must drink cold beer to cool off my mouth.

By the way, I have bought the English book ______ you want. My father has asked his colleague, ______ is leaving for Korla next week, to bring it to you. How I wish we could meet again soon.

Best wishes.


Step 2:

1.In pairs, discuss what kind of pen friend you would like to have by substituting the underlined part in the given dialogue. (设计意图: 通过情景对话,与笔友谈论理想中的景点,操练which/that引导定语从句的用法)

A:What kind of person would you like to have as a pen friend?

B:I would like to have one whose native language is English, so we can communicate in English. How about you?

A:I prefer to have one who has the same interests and hobbies as I do, so we will have a lot to share.

2.Suppose you are talking with your pen friend about where to go during his/her visit. In pairs, complete the following dialogue.

A:I am going to show you around the city. Any place you would particularly like to see?

B:I would like to go to those small towns .

A: Thats just what I am thinking of. Anything else?

B: Places ________________________ are also a good choice at this time of year.

A: Oh, yes. We can take nice photos there.

Step 3:

Describe a place of interest in Korla by combining the sentences with relative clause as attributes. (设计意图:学生通过对信息进行合理的组合,对库尔勒的游览景点作介绍。要求学生运用定语从句进行描述,使相关信息更丰富,句子结构更多样化,也为接下来写日记活动做好语言准备。 学生可以用不同方式表达。)

A:Peacock River

Peacock river is called “Mother River” by the citizens.

It runs across the center of the city.

Many swans spend winter on the river.

Step 4:

Write a diary with the title “A day with my pen friend”. The diary should include the information about your pen friend, the means of transport and the place you have visited. (设计意图:通过对一天游览活动的描写,要求学生综合操练定语从句,正确运用关系代词。通过以上练习,学生将无生命的语法规则变成鲜活的语法技能,在真实情景中学生不知不觉地用语法结构、功能获取信息和表达信息)


