The Methodology and Practices of Mixed Methods Research:Consensuses, Controversies and Reflection
华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) 2016年4期
LI Gang, WANG Honglei
(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
- 我国一流大学的入学机会及其地区差异:2008-2015*
- 国际课程研究的现状与未来趋势*
——基于Citespace知识图谱方法的实证分析 - 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)2016年总目录
- Pedagogical Review on Educational Performance Management
- The Status Quo and Future Trends of International Curriculum Studies
- The Character and Goals of Integrity Culture in University Governance: A Case Study of Education System