贾 勇,梅祎祎,盛楚乔,潘雅洁,程增霞,程繁银
贾 勇,梅祎祎,盛楚乔,潘雅洁,程增霞,程繁银
【摘要】目的了解≥55岁城市居民慢性病共病现状及各慢性病之间的关系,为提高社区慢性病管理的效率提供参考依据。方法2012年10—12月,采用分层整群随机抽样方法,按人口比例和经济水平在辽宁省丹东市振兴区、元宝区、振安区、东港市、凤城市和宽甸县6个行政区22个街道41个社区随机抽取≥55岁丹东市常住居民(在本地累计居住时间≥6个月)4 903人作为调查对象,剔除信息不全等问卷,有效问卷4 571份,有效率为93.23%。采用自行设计的调查问卷,调查内容包括性别、年龄等一般人口学特征以及慢性病检出情况等,包括9种常见慢性病:高血压、慢性颈/腰椎病、心脏病(冠心病、心律不齐)、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)、2型糖尿病、脑卒中、抑郁症、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡、癌症。结果丹东市≥55岁居民4 571人,其中慢性病检出人数2 337人,检出率为51.13%。高血压检出率为38.63%(1 766/4 571)、慢性颈/腰椎病检出率为13.08%(598/4 571)、心脏病检出率为11.62%(531/4 571)、COPD检出率为8.40%(384/4 571)、2型糖尿病检出率为5.82%(266/4 571)、脑卒中检出率为5.78%(264/4 571)、抑郁症检出率为3.13%(143/4 571)、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡检出率为2.58%(118/4 571)、癌症检出率为2.36%(108/4 571)。女性高血压、心脏病、2型糖尿病检出率高于男性(P<0.05);男性抑郁症检出率高于女性(P<0.05);男性与女性慢性颈/腰椎病、COPD、脑卒中、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡、癌症检出率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。未患有慢性病2 234人,占48.87%;患有1种慢性病1 010人,占22.10%;同时患有2种慢性病880人,占19.25%;同时患有3种慢性病384人,占8.40%;同时患有4种及以上慢性病63人,占1.38%。患有2种及以上慢性病1 327人,慢性病共病检出率为29.03%,女性慢性病共病检出率高于男性〔31.45%(734/2 334)与26.51%(593/2 237),P<0.05〕。慢性病相关性分析显示,高血压与慢性颈/腰椎病、心脏病、2型糖尿病、脑卒中、抑郁症、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡相关(P<0.05);慢性颈/腰椎病与心脏病、2型糖尿病、脑卒中、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡相关(P<0.05);心脏病与脑卒中、抑郁症相关(P<0.05);脑卒中与抑郁症相关(P<0.05);COPD与抑郁症相关(P<0.05);2型糖尿病与脑卒中、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡相关(P<0.05);抑郁症与慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡相关(P<0.05);慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡与癌症相关(P<0.05)。结论丹东市≥55岁居民慢性病检出率较高,且慢性病共病检出率较高,多种慢性病存在相关关系。慢性病共病现象研究对我国社区医疗卫生综合管理有一定的指导意义和实践意义,通过对共病的深入研究,干预共享行为危险因素,可以改善居民健康水平,提高社区慢性病管理的效率。
1.1调查对象2012年10—12月,采用分层整群随机抽样方法,按人口比例和经济水平在辽宁省丹东市振兴区、元宝区、振安区、东港市、凤城市和宽甸县6个行政区22个街道41个社区随机抽取≥55岁丹东市常住居民(在本地累计居住时间≥6个月)4 903人作为调查对象,剔除信息不全等问卷,回收有效问卷4 571份,有效率为93.23%。本研究调查人数占当年丹东市人口总数[9]的3.29‰。
1.4质量控制采用EpiData 3.0软件建立数据库,数据经双人双份录入,录入后将原始数据与已录入的电子文档进行校对,并进行逻辑检错。
1.5统计学方法应用SAS 9.1统计学软件进行数据处理,计数资料比较采用χ2检验;慢性病间的相关性采用列联表相关性分析。检验水准α=0.05。
2.1.1人口学特征共调查丹东市≥55岁居民4 571人,其中,男2 237人(占48.94%),女2 334人(占51.06%);年龄55~96岁,平均年龄62.1岁。慢性病检出人数2 337人,检出率为51.13%。
2.1.29种常见慢性病检出情况丹东市≥55岁居民高血压检出率为38.63%(1 766/4 571)、慢性颈/腰椎病检出率为13.08%(598/4 571)、心脏病检出率为11.62%(531/4 571)、COPD检出率为8.40%(384/4 571)、2型糖尿病检出率为5.82%(266/4 571)、脑卒中检出率为5.78%(264/4 571)、抑郁症检出率为3.13%(143/4 571)、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡检出率为2.58%(118/4 571)、癌症检出率为2.36%(108/4 571)。女性高血压、心脏病、2型糖尿病检出率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);男性抑郁症检出率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男性与女性慢性颈/腰椎病、COPD、脑卒中、慢性胃/十二指肠溃疡、癌症检出率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,见表1)。
2.29种常见慢性病共病检出情况丹东市≥55岁居民未患有慢性病2 234人,占48.87%;患有1种慢性病1 010人,占22.10%;同时患有2种慢性病880人,占19.25%;同时患有3种慢性病384人,占8.40%;同时患有4种及以上慢性病63人,占1.38%(见表2)。患有2种及以上慢性病1 327人,慢性病共病检出率为29.03%(1 327/4 571),其中,男性慢性病共病检出率为26.51%(593/2 237),女性慢性病共病检出率为31.45%(734/2 334),女性慢性病共病检出率高于男性,差异有统计学意义(χ2=13.53,P<0.01)。
Table 2Detection of the multimorbidity of chronic diseases among Dandong residents aged ≥55
Figure 1Percentage of different conditions of multimorbidity among Dandong residents age ≥55
表1 不同性别丹东市≥55岁居民慢性病检出率比较〔n(%)〕
表3 丹东市≥55岁居民9种常见慢性病相关性分析(r值)
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Investigation and Correlation Analysis of Multimorbidity of Chronic Diseases Among Residents Aged 55 Years and OverJIAYong,MEIYi-yi,SHENGChu-qiao,etal.PublicHealthSchool,DalianMedicalUniversity,Dalian116044,China
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the status of multimorbidity of chronic diseases among residents aged ≥55 and correlation among various chronic diseases.MethodsA total of 4 903 residents aged ≥55 who had lived in Dandong for ≥6 months were randomly selected from 41 communities on 22 streets of 6 administrative areas which were Zhenxing District,Yuanbao District,Zhen′an District,Donggang,Fengcheng and Kuandian County in Dandong City,Liaoning Province from October to December in 2012.After the exclusion of incomplete questionnaires,collected 4 571 effective questionnaires with an effective rate of 93.23%.Self-designed questionnaires were adopted,and the content included general demographic data such as gender and age and the detection results of chronic diseases.The 9 most common chronic diseases were hypertension,chronic neck/lumbar disease,heart disease (coronary heart disease and arrhythmia),chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),type 2 diabetes,stroke,depression,chronic stomach/duodenum ulcer and cancer.ResultsAmong the 4 571 Dandong residents aged ≥55,the number of people who were detected with chronic diseases was 2 337 with a detection rate of 51.13%.The detection rates of hypertension,chronic neck/lumbar disease,heart disease,COPD,type 2 diabetes,stroke,depression,chronic stomach/duodenum ulcer and cancer were 38.63%(1 766/4 571),13.08%(598/4 571),11.62%(531/4 571),8.40%(384/4 571),5.82%(266/4 571),5.78%(264/4 571),3.13%(143/4 571),2.58%(118/4 571) and 2.36%(108/4 571) respectively.Females were higher than males in the detection rates of hypertension,heart disease and type 2 diabetes (P<0.05);males were higher than females in the detection rate of depression(P<0.05);males and females were not significantly different in the detection rates of chronic neck/lumbar disease,COPD,stroke,chronic stomach/duodenum ulcer and cancer(P>0.05).The number of subjects without chronic diseases was 2 234,accounting for 48.87%;the number of subjects with only one kind of chronic disease was 1 010,accounting for 22.10%;the number of subjects who had two kinds of chronic diseases was 880,accounting for 19.25%;the number of patients who had three kinds of chronic diseases was 384,accounting for 8.40%;the number of patients who had four kinds or more than four kinds of chronic diseases was 63,accounting for 1.38%.There were all together 1 327 patients who had two kinds or more than two kinds of chronic diseases with a detection rate of 29.03%,and females were higher than males in the detection rate of multimorbidity of chronic diseases〔31.45%(734/2 334) and 26.51%(593/2 237),P<0.05〕.Correlation analysis of chronic diseases showed that hypertension was correlated with chronic neck/lumbar disease,heart disease,type 2 diabetes,stroke,depression and chronic stomach/duodenum ulcer (P<0.05);chronic neck/lumbar disease was correlated with heart disease,type 2 diabetes,stroke and chronic stomach/duodenum ulcer (P<0.05);heart disease was correlated with stroke and depression (P<0.05);stroke was correlated with depression (P<0.05);COPD was correlated with depression(P<0.05);type 2 diabetes was correlated with stroke and chronic neck/lumbar disease(P<0.05);depression was correlated with chronic neck/lumbar disease;chronic neck/lumbar disease was correlated with cancer (P<0.05).ConclusionPrevalence of chronic disease and prevalence of multimorbidity of chronic disease are both higher among residents aged ≥55 in Dandong.And there are statistically significant correlations among chronic diseases.The study of the multimorbidity of chronic diseases has guiding and practical significance in the general management of community health care.The further studies of multimordibity,aiming at the intervention of common behavioral risk factors,will improve the residents′ health level and the efficiency of community chronic disease management.
【Key words】Chronic disease;Comorbidity;Community health services;Cross-sectional studies
【中图分类号】R 544.1 R 587.1