Abstract: From the perspective of cultural industry, art marketing ideas indude how to build brand as serials, to synchronize recent with future aims, to regularize VIP marketing, to keep transmission dynamic, to incorporate plan and marketing, and so on. The paper takes Shanghai Oriental Art Center as an example to demonstrate the great efficiency of these marketing ideas.
English Abstracts The Theoretic Difficulties for the Cultural Encounter of China and the Western in the Hundreds of Years
Lao Chengwan
Abstract: After the Opium War in 1840, China suffered a dual crisis of vital importance in its fate and traditional culture, in response to which a group of splendid masters rose up. The most brillant feature of this group is the burst out of the pioneering spirit which is nurtured in their experiences of the hard times and which demonstrates itself in their integrating politics, academic research and personality into their lifestyle. There are two difficulties in the face of the cultural clash. One is to develop the wisdom of life which integrates politics, academic research and personality, which is the belief system. The other is to build up a theoretic system, the form of Chinese philosophy, which roots in Chinese philosophic “materials”, the knowledge system. The former is the foundation and prerequisite, and the later one is the direction and breakthrough. The integration of both is the wisdom of life, that is, an integrated mode of belief system and knowledge system.
New Dialogue of the New Millennium
Pan Zhichang
Abstract: The first session of Chinese Civilization is about the inner dialogue centered on “ethic” of Chinese civilization before Han Dynasty. The second one is about the dialogue on religion between Chinese civilization and Buddist culture before the Republic of China. Then the third will focus on the dialogue between Chinese civilization and the Western culture, discussing questions of belief. The core point of this discussion is Christian culture, which is also a necessity for the Chinese belief.
Tel Quel: Crossing the Hell of Culture & Politics
Richard Wolin (trans by Dong Shubao)
Abstract: Focusing on the remarkable magazine Tel Quel appeared in the May Storm in France, this paper demonstrates the close relationship between China and the core persons of the magazine such as Philippe Sollers, Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes, etc., which reflects the profound meditation of French thinkers on Chinese cultural revolution and the May Storm in France.
How Do You Dress a Body Without Organs? Affective Fashion and Nonhuman Becoming
Stephen D. Seely (trans, by Ruan Yanwen, et al.)
Abstract: By analysing those remarkable works created by four dress designers, this essay explores these very nonhuman registers of fashion and its use of affect in the provocation of “becoming”. Such an attunement to the affective dimensions of fashion requires a shift in the conceptualization of art and fashion from epistemological frameworks of signification, subjectivity, performance, and representation to an ontological framework of affect, sensation, and material transformation. Sewing this notion of becoming to an affective understanding of fashion could then lead to a greater awareness of the transformative forces inherent in fashion and art. Fashion needs not be seen only as that throughwhich we make ourselves more attractive, adorn or enhance ourselves. It needs not be seen as (only) that which creates and sustains ideals of feminine beauty. Rather, fashion can be that “something else” which leads to our own becoming-otherwise, that actualizes the virtual capacities that we were not even aware of, that puts us in touch with what is least human in us, that opens our bodies to a virtual field of limitless creativity, intensity, sensation, and transformation.
New Thoughts and Its Basic in Shanghai Peking Opera at the Beginning of the Republic of China
Chen Wei, Xiao Qingsheng
Abstract: When Peking Opera transmitted south, it transformed, with a profound influence of Shanghai’s social condition, gradually into Shanghai Opera quite different from the traditional pattern in its contents and forms, and in its operation and management. This paper makes an overview of the new thoughts emerging in its transformation, and explores its foundation and the modern transformation of Chinese aesthetics reflected in Shanghai Peking Opera.
Cultural Industry Legislation and Cultural Modernity in China
Zhao Zhen
Abstract: The legislation of China’s culture industry should focus on the establishment of cultural industry, and realize cultural modernity by advancing culture industry. Due to China’s special national conditions, China’s cultural industry must push the cultural modernity forward through reflecting on modernity. It has three dimensions: perceptual, rational and reflecting on modernity, and forms three “modes”— “positive model”, “inversed model” and “middle model”. It should insist on the preference of modernity reflection in its strategic layout, and flexibly choose the corresponding mode in specific economic practice. It is worth noting that the three dimensions of China’s cultural industry is identical with the effective operating model of the cultural industry, which makes it possible to develop China’s culture industry with its own characteristics and universal value at the same time.
Art Marketing Ideas of Cultural Industrial Thoughts: A Stduy Case of Shanghai Oriental Art Center
Lin Hongming