1 Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology(CJPT),a monthly academic journal openly distributed at home and abroad,is co-sponsored by the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the Academy ofMilitary MedicalSciences (AMMS),Chinese Pharmacological Society and Chinese Society of Toxicology.The editorial office is set at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,AMMS.CJPT publishes research articles,commentaries,reviews,rapidcommunicationsand establishments of new technical methods in various fields of pharmacology and toxicology.
2 Manuscripts can be written in Chinese or English,in accor⁃dance with the〔Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.Ann Intern Med,1997,126(1):36-47〕issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Manuscripts should be clear,concise,logical and well-structured, supported by reliable data.Research papers(including text, figures,keywords,references,English and Chinese abstracts) do not normally exceed 8,000 words(in Chinese)or 20 000 printed symbols(in English).Rapid communications reporting only the experimental results should be no more than 500 words.
3 Foreign languages should be in italics or underlined if neces⁃sary.For example:Latin words〔such as genus epithets,specific ep⁃ithets and infraspecific epithets Crotalaria medicaginea Lamk. var.iuxurians(Benth.)Baker〕,physical quantity(such as speed v,mass m),optical activity,conformation and the chemical ele⁃ment symbols marking the substitution(such as l,d,cis,N,O), gene names and a number of statistical symbols(such as the sample mean x,t test,probability P).
4 Titles should concisely and accurately reflect the content of the articles,with no more than 30 words.No subtitles should be used. The English title should be consistent with the Chinese version.
5 Authors should be the contributors who can answer the questions relevant to the articles.In the English manuscript,the Chinese author names should be in Pinyin(such as:YANG Guang-hui,LI Gang).
6 Affiliations and their full mailing addresses(province,city and postal code)should be listed beneath the authors.Affiliations should be in their full names,including the specific sections.If the authors are from different affiliations,numbers such as″1″and″2″should be inserted to the upper right corner of the authors′names in superscript as well as before the affiliations.
7 Abstracts,in both Chinese and English,should be no more than 300 words or 1500 printed symbols.Abstracts should be written in a structured abstract format,indicating theOBJECTIVE, METHODS,RESULTS(key data should be presented instead of merely summarizing the main findings),andCONCLUSION.English abstract can be more detailed than the Chinese version. 8 Key words about three to eight,separated by semicolons(;), should be listed after the abstract.They should be consistent with the latest Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)in Index Medicus and Alphabetic list of Medical Subject Headings Notes compiled by the Institute of Medical Information,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.Chinese translations can refer to the Chinese Keywords compiled by China Science and Technology Information Institute and the Beijing Library,as well as the terms published by the National Natural Science Terminology Committee,such as Medical Terminology and Biochemistry Term.
9 Footnote s should be place at the bottom of the opening page, including the source and the number of your fund;an introduction of the authors name(title,preferred degree and research direction); and the name,telephone number and E-mail address of the corresponding author.
10 Introduction introduces the theoretical and experimental rationale of your subject as well as the current research status at home and abroad.It should clearly state the purpose of the research,and should not be used as a literature review.
11 Drugs,reagents,animals,and major apparatus should state the sources and specifications,with animal body mass given in range.Names of organisms should include their scientific Latin names in order to avoid confusion caused by synonyms or homonym.Names of drugs should conform to the international common names.InternationalNonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances(INN)should refer to the China Pharmaceutical Generic Names issued by the Ministry of Health Pharmacopoeia Commission.For the use of abbreviations,the full English names as well as the abbreviations should be given at first usage.For new drugs,the chemical names and structures should be presented the first time they are used.Attention should be paid to nomenclature.For unofficial drugs,product purity should be described.For new terms or terms without proper Chinese translations,authors can use the terms in their original languages or the translations followed by the original in paren⁃theses.Major instruments and equipment should be marked with name,type,specification,manufacturer and the origin of production,precision or error range.Description of their working principle is not necessary.
12 Chinese herbal medicines,if included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia,should be named in accordance with the Pharmacopoeia and given their Latin names.Plants and animals not included in the Pharmacopoeia should be given the correct taxonomic names(Latin names),stating their family and genus as well as the parts that are used.Minerals should specify the main ingredients.All herb medicines used should contain the following information such as the origin(source),sampling season, the appraisers and their affiliations,and the conditions of the sample storage including the amount of pesticide residues and heavy metals.If the experimental herb medicines are purchased from GSP-certified pharmacies,such as Tongren Tang,the above information relevant to the medicine quality is not necessary,but the names of the pharmacies must be provided. For self-cooked Chinese herbal medicines,the method and process of preparing the medicines should be described.For Chinese traditional patent medicines and compound medicines, all ingredients and their formula should be listed.Commercial medicines or health products should have the registered number of approval issued by the State Food and Drug Administration and the approved name of the medicine,supplemented by the name of the manufacturer and lot number.For folk remedies or self prescriptions,a detailed description of preparation methods and processes as well as the quality control standards are required.For extracts or active sites prepared from the herbs or herbs in pieces,specific preparation processes should be described,including the solvents and their amounts,extraction time,temperature and frequency.Accurate description of the other parts of the processes should also be provided,for example extraction rate(the ratio of extracts or the active sites to the total crude drug).Internal quality control methods should be in place, such as the active ingredients or ingredient group of the active sites,the signature ingredients of the extracts and the mean and standard deviation of the ingredient group,or the characteristics chromatogram of the extracts or active sites.Research papers on rude preparations and decoction agents that have no quality control standards are generally not considered for publication.
13 Methods that are well-established should be introduced by referring to literature,with necessary instructions,in particular to substantialmodifications.Unreported methods should be described in details.
14 Units and symbols should follow the official unit and symbol system.For example:1 s(1 second),2 min(2 minutes),3 h (3 hours),4 d(4 days),♀(female),♂(male),iv(intravenous injection), im (intramuscular injection),ip (intraperitoneal injection),sc (subcutaneous injection),ig (intragastric administration),po (oral),icv(intraventricular injection),ia(arterial injection),3 mL (3 milliliter),the centrifugal force 9000×g,p(pressure),t1/2(the half-life),P(probability),lg(common logarithm),V(volume). mol·L-1(concentration unit:prefix can be added before the molecular units,such as 0.5 μmol,1.0 mmol·L-1,while no prefix is used before a unit denominator),Pa(Pressure unit),Bq(1Ci= 37 GBq radioactivity unit).The terms of″atomic weight″and″molecular weight″should be replaced by″relative atomic weight″and″relative molecular weight″,with no unit symbols after the specific figures.
15 Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals.For experiments, observations values(n)should be stated.Results should be presented in actual value instead of in percentage.If percentage needs to be used,100%should be defined and the measured values should be given.
16 Significant figures mean that the measured data should not exceed the precision of its measuring instruments.For any data, only the last digit is allowed as variable number.The number of digits for the effective figures in samples x±s is set as 1/3 of s. For example in(4614.5±420.7)g,1/3 of s is more than 100 grams,so the mean value fluctuating in the hundreds digit should be written as(4.6±0.4)kg.For another example in(9.7± 0.24)cm,1/3 of s=0.08,the second digit after the decimal point, so it should be written as(9.70±0.24)cm.The numbers at the end should be rounded down if less than 5,and rounded up if more than 5(including 5 and it must be followed by figures that are not all zeros);if the number is exactly 5,it should be rounded up if the previous digit is odd number,and rounded down if the previous one is even number(including zero).
17 In statistical treatment,average should be presented as standard deviation(s),not standard error(sx).Experimental design type should be clearly stated.In the statistical analysis, the statistical methods,the statistical software and the test standard used in the research should be stated.Test results,if significant, should be expressed in two levels:*P<0.05 and**P<0.01.
18 Results should be real,concise,and accurate,presented in a clear and logical order.This section should not be confused with the discussion.If there are tables and figures,the main features of the illustrations or the important data of the tables should be briefly introduced in the text,but there is no need to repeat all the data.The data in the text and in the figures must be consistent and accurate.They should be used mainly to summarize the key research findings,make the necessary statistical inference,and report the corresponding test statistics and the exact P values.
19 Figures in Chinese manuscripts should have English legends. Figures should be made as self-explanatory as possible,with detailed explanations ofabbreviations,symbols,doses or concentrations,the means,the time order between several treatments,and drug time.For tables included in the text,try to use the third-line form.Illustrations can be placed in or after the text,indicating the number,title and legend in the corresponding places in the text.Icons should be used in turn as○,●,△,▲,□,■.Figures should be accompanied by data.Beeline should be drawn based on regression equation,and curve should be given mathematical equation after curve fitting.If the illustration is composed of several photographs,the photographs should be placed in the English alphabetical order.Microscopic pathology images should be marked by the staining method and magnifica⁃tion(eg,HE×400),while the legends of the photographs should give brief pathological description,with arrows added to the pho⁃tographs for better explanation.
20 Discussion should be concise and focused,emphasizing the new findings,the analysis of the results,the limits of the experiments,the possible impact of the experimental conditions on the results,the similarities and differences of the results between this study and the others,chance,inevitability,and problems to be solved in further research.Avoid repetition of general knowledge,the contents in the results section and immature inference.
21 Acknowledgements should be limited to those who directly assist and contribute to the completion of this paper.Their work and contributions should be clearly stated.Acknowledgements are subject to the consent of those being acknowledged and should be placed before the references.
22 References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text,marked by numbers in square brackets in the upper right corner,such as[1-2].Do not cite translations, abstracts,reproduced articles,internal data (including nonpublished conference proceedings.)″Unpublished observations″,″personal communications″and the manuscripts that have not been accepted,can be marked in parentheses in the text,but not listed as references.References to papers accepted but not yet published should be designated as″in press″or″forthcoming″, with the year and″in press″a fter the journal title.References should be listed in their original languages.For references with six authors or fewer,list all authors.For references with more than six authors,list first author followed by″et al.″The authors should be listed in the form of surnames followed by the initials. The titles of the journal should be abbreviated according to the List of Journal Indexed in Index Medicus and the Abbreviation Manual of the World Medical Pharmacy and Chemical Journal Titles.The following style should be followed for the reference list:
【Journal】Authors.text title[J].journal title,year of publication, Volume(Issue):page numbers.
[1]Oshima T,Curric MC,Geller DM,Needleman P.An atrial peptide is a potent renal vasodilator substance[J].Circ Res, 1984,54(5):612-616.
【Books】Authors.title[M]∥editor.title.edition(1st edition needs not to be noted).Place of publication:publisher,year of publication:page numbers.
[1]Eissen HN.Immunology:an Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Principles of the Immune Responses[M].5th ed. New York:Harper and Row,1974:40.
【Conference proceedings】authors.title[C]∥editor.collection of publication:publisher,year of publication:page numbers.
[1]Harley NH.Comparing radon daughter dosimetric and risk models[C]∥Gammage RB,Kaye SV.Indoor Air and Human Health.Chelsea(MI):Lewis,1985:69-78.
23 Please submit your manuscript to the editor through our electronic submission site down⁃load from the website′s Download Center″Agreement to the Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology″and submit the agreement after it has been signed by all authors in the or⁃der of the authorship and been stamped with the official seal of the first copyright affiliation.During the submission,the authors may recommend peer reviewers(with their affiliation ddresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers)and state clearly the reviewers to be avoided.Manuscripts that have been published in non-openly distributed journals,discussed at academic conferences and published as rapid communications must be so stated.
24 Manuscripts will be numbered after the Editorial office has received the manuscripts,the″Grant of License″.The receipt will then be sent to the authors.Authors can check the processing status of their manuscripts on the website.The editorial office will inform the authors the results within two months after the manuscripts have reached the review standard.The authors are required to return the revised manuscripts to the editorial office within one month after the receipt of revision suggestions.Late return will be regarded as automatic withdrawal or the authors will be required to re-submit.Manuscript processing fee(100 yuan) and page charges should be paid for publication,with 300 yuan for each typeset page.Color illustrations will charged for plating and printing at 1,000 yuan per typeset page.
25 After the manuscripts are accepted,there will be a one-time copyright(including the right to compile,the right to reproduce, distribute,translate the print and electronic versions,the exclusive license to the right of communication on information network) royalty and author payment.The editorial office has the exclusive right to use the above copyright and the exclusive license to authorize third parties to use the above copyright.
Address:27 Taiping Road,Beijing 100850,China
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
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