

长江师范学院学报 2015年2期











Abstract:Loyalty and piety have been playing an important role in carrying the social ethics in traditional Chinese moral culture. Since the imperial regime of Qin and Han dynasties was established,“loyalty”has become the basic principle of political moral. The combination of“piety”with“loyalty”leads to the interpretation of“be loyal to the emperor with the piety”and“serve the emperor with piety”. The moral propaganda of piety and loyalty as a unity and the identification on different social strata have become an influential cultural phenomenon in the history of Chinese ideology. In the mainstream ideology of traditional Chinese moral,“loyalty”plays a more important role. The so-called“be loyal to emperor with piety”and “seek loyalty from piety”are an embodiment of the special relations between“loyalty”and“piety”. There has been a new round of research upsurge of Chinese chieftain system and chieftain culture. In 2013, the research was mainly conducted in the following aspects: 1. research of the basic theory and methods for chieftain system study; 2. research of the classic works about Chinese chieftain system and culture; 3. research of Chinese chieftain system itself; 4. research of changing from chieftain to flowing officials; 5. research of chieftain culture; 6. research of application of the list of world heritage. These researches have not only laid solid academic foundations for the construction of chieftain study, but also provided possibility for the effective exploitation of chieftain culture. However, there still exist some deficiencies in terms of research perspective, discourse system, research contents and methods, document sorting, academic monographs, and team cooperation. This article mainly focuses on the last three aspects. Taking Yongshun ancient chieftain town as a case study, this article explores the protection of historical sites. The value of historical sites is mainly embodied in its relevance of physical space with history. The space of the ancient chieftain town is an emblem of the power relationship between chieftain and local masses, and between chieftain and central imperial court. Its continuation of history relies on the belief ritual and daily life of the local masses. Currently, with the protection of historical sites and planning of space display, the protection conception of outer planners is contradictory to the local residents’daily life and future development. The writer of this article holds that the view of dynamic protection by agglomerating local cultural identity should be the new direction for the protection of historical sites. A lot of bronze weapons were found to have been destroyed in the tombs in Ba and Chu areas during the period from Warring State to Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. This peculiar funeral custom was in fact the inheritance and continuation of the funeral custom of Central Plains during Western Zhou period. Apart from the primitive religious ideas about exorcism and counteracting evil force and the differences of weapon between human and ghosts, it was closely related to the change of social climate at that time. Situated in the remote southwest, Guizhou had not been well-known to the outsiders until Ming and Qing dynasties when, with the entrance of the central power, there were more and more scholars from outside, causing a surge of writing about social life in Guizhou. Some of the guest scholars left a lot of texts about Miao people’s living, food, clothes, rituals, and customs, displaying to the outside people the colorful life of Miao people. But the majority of descriptions are based only on the writers’life experience, with some imagined elements which deviate from the historical fact. Wulingshan area in southeast Chongqing is functionally established as limited and forbidden development area on the national level and ecological protection development area on Chongqing municipal level. As the limited and forbidden development area is a typical problem area, the promotion of functional area needs the nation to construct and improve special development policy which should focus on the following five aspects: central public financial policy, national ecological compensation policy, public service policy, new urbanization policy, and green ecological industrial policy. China’s international status has been one of the foci of history study. Based on the research achievements in the past 20 years, the writer of this article focuses on the analysis of the major views related to the field, and at the same time summarizes the causes for the changes of China’s international status during the war of resistance against Japanese, as well as the relationship between the changes and international order. On the basis of the researches of former scholars, the writer attempts to provide some suggestions for extending the research field. Of the linguistic characteristics of legal materials on bamboo slips in Qin and Han dynasties, abbreviation is remarkable. Through textual research, the writer of this article finds that“zhan wei cheng dan”is abbreviated from“zhan zuo zhi wei cheng dan”,“fa er yue”from“fa zi lao er ge yue”,“yuan”from“yue yuan”and“xia”from“qu xia”,“qu”is from“qu shu,“dian”from“li dian”,“lao”from“wu lao”and “mian lao”. The knowledge of these abbreviations will help us correctly understand the legal texts of Qin and Han dynasties and better know ancient China’s legal system. In the context of repeated review of classics, heterogeneity of Hibiscus Town is found to have overthrown the heroic tradition in the mainstream literary narration and created a weak and incompetent male world. Through bold and ethnic writing of female body, the novel expresses the rationality of personal desire concealed by the state discourse. While borrowing the mainstream narration mode, the novel makes use of a lot of local resources to form knowledge of locality with independent perspective. We may regard the novel as an important resource for constructing the current literary tradition. On January 17th, 2014, People’s Daily published a written conversation discussing the relationship between current literature and history. After that, Literary Review launched another written conversation on the second issue of 2014 on“literature cannot be devoid of history”. After analyzing some literary phenomena, the writer of this article holds that although literature is related to history, it cannot replace history and vice versa. Both Socrates and Plato were the founders and great achievers of ancient Greek philosophy, but they were quite different in their pursuit of social justice and goodness. From the perspective of ethics, the writers of this article focus on the differences in terms of background, contents, goal and influences of their ethical theories, so as to achieve a deeper understanding and cognition of their thoughts. The knowledge value, method value, thought value and humanity value in the socialist core value are the value soul of school curricula, the value standard for the development of school curricula, and conciseness of core concept and objection reconstruction; they are the value scale and method choice of content innovation organization of school curricula, and the spiritual pursuit of school curricular practictioners. They act on the curricular practice in every way and throughout the whole process. By the identification of curricular practioner with socialist core value, they are integrated into the value objective of school curricula.


良好的心理素质是中小学生素质教育中的重要组成部分。初中生正处于身心发展的加速期和过渡期,随着生理及心理的发育和发展、社会阅历及思维方式的扩展和变化,他们将面临学习、生活、人际交往、升学就业和自我意识等诸多方面的心理困惑及压力。张向葵(2001)指出,学校是初中生接触最多的场所,学校生活是否顺利对初中生的心理健康有直接的影响[1] [2]。国内外有关学校恐惧的研究大多集中于学龄儿童,有关初中生学校恐惧的研究不多。然而现实表明,初中生的学校恐惧已成为影响初中生学习及生活的重要因素,并给家长、学校及社会带来很大的困扰。


第一,初中女生较之男生更容易产生学校恐惧倾向[3] [4]。


第三,关于初中生学校恐惧的年级差异,研究结论不尽相同[5] [6]。








一般自我效能感量表(General Self-Efficacy Scale)。采取张建新和Schwarzer编制的一般自我效能感量表,共10个项目,采用李克特4级评分,此量表为单维量表,只统计总量表分。该量表的克龙巴赫系数为0.87,重测信度为0.83,折半信度为0.82。

中学生应对方式量表(Coping Style Scale For Secondary Student)。采取张作记编制的中学生应对方式量表,该量表有2个分量表即“指向问题的应对方式”与“指向情绪的应对方式”。该量表的克龙巴赫系数为0.92,重测信度为0.89,因素分析结果显示量表的结构效度较好。

家庭关怀度指数(Family APGAR Index)。采取Smilkstein医师设计的家庭关怀度指数量表,包括适应度(Adaptation)、合作度(Partnership)、成长度(Growth)、情感度(Affection)、亲密度(Resolve)等5个因子,共5个项目,采用3级评分。该量表的再测信度为0.8-0.83,且具有良好的预测效度。

社会支持评定量表(Social Support Rating Scale)。采取肖水源编制的社会支持评定量表,包括客观支持(共3个条目)、主观支持(共4个条目)和对社会支持的利用度(共3个条目)等3个因子。该问卷的克隆巴赫系数为0.90,重测信度为0.92,且具有较好的预测效度。






表1 不同性别、来源初中生在学校恐惧问卷的得分情况(M±SD)


表2 不同年级初中生在学校恐惧问卷上的得分情况(M±SD)





表3 初中生学校恐惧与心理因素的相关系数(r)



表4 初中生学校恐惧与社会因素的相关系数(r)




表5 心理社会影响因素对初中生学校恐惧的多元逐步回归分析


































Piety with Loyalty vs. Loyalty with Piety: An Investigation of China’s Moral History

WANG Zi-jin
(School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)

Key words: loyalty; piety; piety with loyalty; loyalty with piety; political moral; social moral

A 2013-Annual Report of Researches in Chinese Chieftain System and Culture

China Chieftain System and Culture Research Team
(Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408100, China)

Key words: Chinese chieftain system; chieftain culture; researches; annual report

Space, Emblem and Protection of Historical Sites --A Case Study of Yongshun Ancient Chieftain Town

LI Ling-xia
(School of History and Cultural Study, Jishou University, Jishou, Hunan 416000, China)

Key words: space; emblem; cultural heritage; Yongshun ancient chieftain town

An Investigation and the Relevant Cognition of“Weaponry Destruction”in the Tombs of Ba and Chu Areas

ZHU Shi-xue
(Museum of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Enshi, Hubei 445000, China)

Key words: Ba people; weaponry destruction; investigation; cognition

Social Life of Miao People in the Perspective of Guest Scholars to Guizhou in Ming and Qing Dynasties

SUN Jing
(School of History and Political Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550001, China)

Key words: Ming and Qing dynasties; Guizhou; guest scholars; Miao people; social life

Construction and Perfection of Development Policy in Forbidden Development Area --Based on the Investigation of Wulingshan Area in Southeast Chongqing

YAO Yuan-he
(Qianjiang Branch of CPC Chongqing Municipal Party School, Qianjiang, Chongqing 409000, China)

Key words: forbidden development area; strategy of major function-oriented region; policy construction and perfection

A Summary of the Researches of China’s International Status during the Anti-Japanese War

(Chongqing Research Center for Anti-Japanese War in the Un-occupied Area, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715; School of Administration, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

Key words: the War of Resistance against Japanese; China’international status; review of the researches

Abbreviation of Legal Terms on the Bamboo Slips in Qin and Han Dynasties

ZHAO Jiu-xiang
(School of Liberal Arts, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408100, China)

Key words: Bamboo slips in Qin and Han dynasties; legal terms; abbreviation

Yan Jun’s“Village Eclogue”--On the Writing of Gender and the Knowledge of Locality in Hibiscus Town

(School of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610064; Chengdu Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610106, China)

Key words: Hibiscus Town; gender; male image; rogue discourse; writing of female body; knowledge of locality

How Can Literature Be Devoid of History?

WEI Wei, MA Yue-yue
(Modern Chinese Poetry Research Institute, Chinese Literature Research Institute, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Key words: literature; history; literature“devoid”of history

A Comparison of Socrates’and Plato’s Ethical Thought

LI Yin-bing, YANG Zheng-jun
(School of Political Science and Law, Yuxi Normal University, Yuxi, Yunnan 653100, China)

Key words: Socrates; Plato; ethical thought; comparison

Exploring the Integration of Socialist Core Value with School Curricula

JIN Yu-jun
(School of Marxism, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Key words: socialist core value; school curricula; value identification


