内蒙古乌海市青少年创意园位于内蒙古乌海市海勃湾区东山脚下,由一座废弃的硅铁厂改造而成,改造后建筑面积7594m2,由综合区、艺术设计区、夏令营区、管理办公区等功能组成。改造设计用开放空间、丰富动线、保留痕迹、以新衬旧等策略实现提示和强化人的特定体验,进而,在一系列表情认同的策略中传递出基于精神空间营造的“光阴感”—— 一种在既有建筑改造中应强化的特定品质。
Located at the foot of the East Mountain in the Haibo Bay District of Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, the Youth Innovation Park is the outcome of the renovation of an abandoned ferro-silicon plant.The transformed building consists of the following functions: comprehensive area, art and design studios, summer camp, administration and office.The renovation design aims to remind and enhance the user's particular experience by means of opening up space, enriching movement paths, preserving old traces, and contrasting the new against the old, so that a spiritually-oriented, spatial-temporal sense of "light and shade" is conveyed through a series of expression- identification strategies – a distinctive character to be strengthened in the renovation of existing buildings.
项目信息/Credits and Data
建筑面积/Floor Area: 7594m2
Wuhai Youth Innovation Park, Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, China, 2013
Principal Architect: ZHANG Pengju
1 总平面/Site plan
2 剖面/Section
3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
4 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
5 内景/Interior view
6.7 外景/Exterior views