项目信息/Credits and Data
施工图/Construction Drawing: 童滋雨,刘涛/TONG Ziyu, LIU Tao建筑面积/Floor Area: 1667.7m2
摄影/Photos: 许念飞,耿涛/XU Nianfei, GENG Tao
1 改造前后功能与建造解析/Diagram ofbefore and after conversion and extension
2 改扩建功能平面解析/Diagram of plan
Based on historical research of the old town, the project combs through its existing texture to establish the formal, memorial, and constructional elements of the new structure, and so channels a conversation between the old and new. The project has not only succeeded in reinforcing and renovating the Grand Auditorium, but also fulfills market demand of modern film and television industry, which brings it in greater accordance with the old texture and restores its core status in the old town residents' public space.
Renovation of the People's Grand Auditorium in Changjing Old Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China, 2010
Principal Architect: DING Wowo
3 外景/Exterior view
4 内景/Interior view