Sixty Second Idea to Improve Architecture
我们仿效BBC的广播节目“60秒改进世界”(Sixty Second Idea to Improve the World)推出了“改进建筑60秒”栏目,每期将在世界范围内采访两位人物,请他们就建筑、城市、景观、技术等相关问题在60秒的时间里讲出一个或两个有启发性、批判性甚至有争议性的观点。本栏目如实记录了他们的话,采访所拍摄的视频将会出现在我们的相关网页上。所述观点只代表嘉宾本人,与本杂志立场无关。
Alexander Tzonis
Professor Emeritus, Delft University of Technology
David Assael, David Basulto
Founders of ArchDaily
The idea of a video on a "Sixty Second Idea to Improve Architecture" is a real challenge. Of course, if the year was 1915 instead of 2015, the challenge would have been smaller. It was easier at that time to come up with proposals to improve buildings, such as the New York idea of a fire escape hanging outside of a building that made buildings and cities more secure. Today however, despite the fact that the public and the press are keen to see new ideas, and the market eager to sell them due to the fact that our world is infinitely more saturated, interdependent, and intricate than that of 1915. I will hesitate to back uncritically "the new". For example, in an era of sustainable architecture enveloping buildings with woody vines and hanging outside of every window a flowerpot to grow vegetables appears to be brilliant, better to gather grapes and vegetables out of your window instead of driving to purchase them wrapped in a plastic bag.
But yet, we do not know off-the-cuff what the hidden, total, "external" costs -technological and environmental, perhaps also social-of importing massively such an idea disregarding regional alternatives.
Should we abandon then the great ideas of improving architecture? Certainly not. What is then to be done to make better architecture?
It is to hail the creation of new ideas while testing them critically considering their systemic, external, long term impact and comparing them to regional alternatives.
But can this be done? Do we have the data, methods, theories? Certainly not and the reason is that during the last three decades of frantic, gluttonous uncritical construction, against all evidence to the contrary we have cultivated the wrong belief that the world of architecture can be improved adding individual "smart" gadgets or autonomous "new-look" star-buildings ignoring the lasting regional reality and systemic externalities. But the world of architecture is more than that.
Thus, my "Sixty Second Idea to Improve Architecture" is the idea to turn the page, away from so much free-wheeling construction of the last years and search for knowledge, institutions, and councils that would enable an architecture of happiness to happen.
David Assael: There is a set of skills that are common to good architects, that haven't found their place in the architecture curriculum. If we could start incorporating them or learn them via E-learning platforms, we could have better professionals. "Vision, empathy, and leadership" are some of those skills that can empower architects to take a leading role in developing the cities that the world needs, as urban population is doubling in the next 40 years.
David Basulto: The rapid process of globalization has flattened architecture worldwide and we're now seeing the same building repeated all over the world, despite the different contexts both culturally and geographically. This has led to very inefficient cities. We have now the unique opportunity to reconnect on a local level, especially thanks to the internet. And we could foster a new regionalism that will empower local architecture and local techniques, and create a horizontal exchange of knowledge to develop a more sustainable future.
The Present and Future of Architectural Design in Contemporary China
Local Community Area Principles作者:山本理显等
出版:INAX, 2012
帕特里克·格迪斯与城市规划之回溯与评论Patrick Geddes and Town Planning: A Critical Review
作者:诺亚·海斯勒-罗宾/Noah Hysler-Rubin出版:Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2011
帕特里克·格迪斯(Patrick Geddes, 1854-1932)是现代城市规划的奠基人之一,西方对他的研究可谓汗牛充栋。以色列学者诺亚·海斯勒-罗宾的新书从2个新颖角度切入格迪斯的研究,令人耳目一新。首先,作者从规划学术史(historiography)的角度回溯了格迪斯在西方规划界地位和影响的升降隆替,即格迪斯在世时以及现代主义运动的全盛时期,他的思想并未得到规划界的重视,但到了1970年代末,关于格迪斯的论著却突然多起来,将公共参与、可持续发展等主张的提出归功于他,使他成为“好规划”(good planning)的代表人物。这一戏剧性的转变与1970年代初规划史学科逐渐形成关系密切(1974年国际规划史学会[International Planning History Society]成立),由于研究历史人物使得对城市规划的理解更加深刻和丰满。
Objects of Desire: Design and Society Since 1750
作者:[英]阿德里安·福蒂/Adrian Forty
出版:Thames & Hudson, 1992
作者在2005年为这本书再版所写的前言中提到:“当我最初写这本书的时候,还有叫做‘好设计’的这样东西。在1970年代,很多人认为不好的设计不仅是材料与劳动的浪费,也是腐败的公共道德和文化没落的表现。” 反观我们所处的当下中国,一边是设计业精英化的蓬勃兴盛,一边是好设计与社会最多数人日常生活的脱离,这是因为设计师们相信设计是能够从社会历史的背景条件中抽离出来变成设计自己的游戏?还是因为多数人已经不认为有好设计这样东西的存在?(撰文:卜冰,集合设计工作室创始人)