

世界建筑 2015年3期


Gemdale Meilong City Phase 4, Shenzhen, China, 2012


Architects: CHEN Ling, Knud Rossen, WU Gang, ZHANG Ying/WSP Architects

1 外景/Exterior view

2 总平面/Site plan




3 外景/Exterior view

The Project is located on the last plot of a large community, a triangular site of irregular elevation changes. Two highrise residential slabs, namely Block A and B, are designed to form semienclosed and semi-open spaces. The kindergarten is positioned to the southeast of the slabs so as to take full advantage of the sunshine from the south, to screen the noise from the street, and to ensure the continuity of the slab profile. The main entrance of the complex is on the north between the two highrise slabs. Combined with retails, an eye-catching commercial square is created at the entrance, forming a spatial structure vertical to the layout of the buildings. The sharp corner at the west end of the project site is occupied by a landscape strip as a continuation of the green belt built during the previous three phases. The elevated green space and the municipal pedestrian overpass connect the elevated levels between phase four and the previous phases.

The residential buildings are designed with both level and oblique layouts to achieve a balance between open and enclosure in the outdoor community space which is both well defined and lively. Based on the climatic characteristics of Shenzhen, the requirements from the owners on unit layout, and an ecological architecture design approach, the buildings make full utilization of natural lighting and ventilation to reduce energy consumption and introduce gardens into the highrise building, combining family living space with nature. Air flow in the unit is well organized. Different functions are divided carefully, using service zones to separate the active living room from the quiet bedrooms so as to improve the life quality of each dweller.

The exterior space design for the residential highrises and the kindergarten strives for unique characteristics. Modular system is utilized throughout the design process. The aluminum pergolas on the façade of the residential buildings provide shading, privacy and security protection for the residents. By adopting a unified architectural language for the entire complex and using colors for the exterior walls between the units, façades that are harmonious, humane, simple and pure are created and become the new landmark of the city.

项目信息/Credits and Date

客户/Client: 金地集团(深圳)有限公司/Gemdale Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

设计团队/Project Team: 维思平建筑设计/陈凌,克努德·罗森,吴钢,张瑛(主持建筑师);彭松,杨德利,李林(建筑师)/WSP Architects (Architectural Design)/ CHEN Ling, Knud Rossen, WU Gang, ZHANG Ying (Principal Architects); PENG Song, YANG Deli, LI Lin (Architects)

用地面积/Site Area: 14,469m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 43,400m2

居住及商业建筑面积/Residential and Commercial Area: 40,200m2

幼儿园面积/Kindergarten Area:3200m2

容积率/Plot Ratio: 3.0

设计时间/Design Period: 2008

摄影/Photos: 陈尧/CHEN Yao

4.5 外景/Exterior view

6 户型平面/Unit plan

8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

9 标准层奇数层平面/Typical floor of the odd levels



Jury Statement

The project is a large-scale residential development influenced by opinions from both the developers and the residents. The design gives careful considerations in utilizing an urban vacant land, and creatively solves the dilemma of highrise residential buildings through an integrated approach, particularly in such aspects as the overall layout and the building shape. Meanwhile, the project fulfills needs of various stakeholders as well as provides community services. The design creates changes in repetition, which reflects the skillful design techniques of the architects.

10.11 外景/Exterior view

