

世界建筑 2015年3期


Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, 2012


Architects: ZHANG Ming, ZHANG Zi/Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. + Original Design Studio

1 8.8m标高开放展区内景/Interior view of the +8.8m open exhibition





项目信息/Credits and Date

客户/Client: 上海世博土地控股有限公司/Shanghai ExpoLand, Co., Ltd.

设计团队/Project Team: 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司,同济·原作设计工作室(建筑设计)/章明,张姿(主持建筑师);丁阔,丁纯,孙嘉龙,王志刚,章昊(建筑师)/Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. & Original Design Studio (Architectural Design)/ZHANG Ming, ZHANG Zi (Principal Architects); DING Kuo, DING Chun, SUN Jialong, WANG Zhigang, ZHANG Hao (Architects)

地址/Location: 上海市黄浦区花园港路200号/200 Huayuangang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

基地面积/Site Area: 19,103m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 41,000m2

层数/Stories: 8

设计时间/Design period: 2011.03-2012.03

建造时间/Construction: 2011.12-2012.09

摄影/Photos: 王远/WANG Yuan (Fig. 1, 2),张嗣烨/ZHANG Siye (Fig. 3, 4, 8)

2 10.25m标高临江平台外景/Exterior view of the +10.25m riverside platform

3 中庭内景/Interior view of the atrium

As a key post-event reuse project following the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the Power Station of Art is a transformation and expansion project based on the Pavilion of Future which was previously the Shanghai South City Power Station built in 1985. Nowadays, the building has become a well-programmed and artistically designed public platform.

The design ends the station's magnificent industrial mission in a historical and narrative manner which lasted for 6 years. This difficult design process witnessed the building's transformation from a giant energy production machine to a powerful engine promoting culture and art. The completion of this project greatly alters the existing structure of the art field in Shanghai and maybe even in China. Complementing the Shanghai Museum (for ancient art) and the China Art Palace (for modern art), the Power Station of Art (for contemporary art) will fill the gap in the field of art exhibition in Shanghai.

Through limited intervention, the project aims to keep the building's existing spatial sequence as well as its industrial characteristics. It also purposefully exhibits the differences caused by time and space span by juxtaposing the new and the old. It presents a hospitable gesture toward the city and blurs the boundary between leisure space and exhibition space, changing the traditional relationship between the visitors and the exhibition. This strategy successfully transforms visiting behavior into part of daily lives. Through diverse and complex cultural expressions, the design tries to interpret the underlying relationship between human and art. It challenges the traditional singlepath visiting system by providing a free-stroll multiple-choice path system for the visitors, creating more opportunities for art exploration.

Overall, it is an accessible art gallery and a spiritual place to share artistic experience, as well as a humanistic public platform.

4 烟囱及辅助建筑外景/Exterior view of the chimney and the subsidiary building

5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

6 南立面/South elevation

7 剖面/Section

8 主馆与烟囱间空中连廊/Corridor connecting the main building and the chimney

9 剖面/Section



Jury Statement

The building experienced the 2010 Shanghai Expo and the post-event functional transformation and adaptable reuse, achieving a "marvelous turnaround" from an industrial landmark to a public space for common citizens. The design successfully preserves the giant spatial structure and the rational form organization of the industrial building. Through renewed interpretation of the vitality of the public and daily urban activities, the design creates a rich and clean museum space with a creative waterfront. The overall design achieves a high completion level. Besides regular exhibitions, the Power Station of Art has held many influential public cultural and art events and provides a stage for daily cultural activities, making great "urban contribution" to the city.


日本当代艺术的“三剑客” 上