Absorbed,Not Transmitting


英语学习(上半月) 2015年9期

Sue Wunder

I can think of no more common a sight in a college town than that of students striding through campus or along adjacent neighborhood sidewalks with earbuds in place and eyes glued to a palm-held electronic device.1. stride: 大步走,阔步行走; adjacent:邻近的,相邻的;sidewalk: 人行道;earbud: 耳塞;with eyes glued to: 目不转睛地盯着,专注于。They somehow negotiate pedestrians and traffic with aplomb, as if pinging their route with a sonar app.2. negotiate: 顺利通过,成功越过;pedestrian: 步行者,行人;aplomb: 沉着,泰然自若;ping: 声呐的一次脉冲,此处指精确定位的意思;sonar: 声呐(设备),船只或潜艇上利用声波探测水下目标位置的仪器。

I gaze in awe. How do they remain upright and unscathed3. unscathed: 未受损伤的。? And how can they bear to relinquish the delights of walking from class to class fully attuned to their actual physical

有网友调侃道:“世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我就在你身边,你却在玩手机。”这正是许多人生活的真实写照。在大学校园中也不乏这些“低头看屏幕”的“低头族”们。究竟是什么吸引了他们的注意力?他们与一边走路一边沉迷于书中的老一辈学子、与以前边走边沉迷于路旁美景的人有什么不同呢?同样是沉迷,方向却截然不同。paths4. relinquish: 放弃,出让(权力或控制);attune to: 对……适应,对……熟悉。—to the endless social, architectural, and natural entertainments of an eyes-forward, ears-open journey?

But navigating disengaged is the new reality.Almost all of the Indiana University students I cross paths with on a regular basis have downcast eyes as they glide along, oblivious to the newly opening daffodils, greening trees, Bloomington’s venerable limestone facades, and one another.5. downcast:(眼睛)向下看的,低垂的;glide: 静悄悄地走,滑行;oblivious: 不注意的,未察觉的;daffodil: 水仙花;Bloomington:(印第安纳州)布卢明顿市,印第安纳大学主校区所在地;venerable:(因年代久远或具有重要历史价值)令人仰慕的,神圣庄严的;limestone: 石灰石;facade: (建筑物的)正面。Clearly, stuff more compelling to them beckons from those reflective miniscreens.6. compelling: 非常有趣的,很有吸引力的;beckon: (招手)示意,召唤。And who knows? I might have fit right into such a scene had smartphones and the like been around when I was in school. Our cordless connections reached just about as far as our Frisbees7. Frisbee: 飞盘。flew.

The other day, though, one young passerby proved an exception to his peers. The expression on his downturned face was contemplative, his gait deeply familiar and engaging.8. contemplative: 沉思的,出神的;gait: 步态,步伐。I didn’t actually know him, but I knew—with a glance at his face and posture—what he was doing differently, even before I saw the book in his hand: Not a Kindle, but an actual book held his attention as he ambled9. amble: 缓行,漫步。by me. The book was hardbound, its pages ruffling in the breeze and its two halves bobbling from its spine to his quiet, pedestrian rhythm.10. ruffle: 使……波动,起伏;bobble: 上下晃动;spine: 书脊。





It got me to wondering what made him look different from his peers and so familiar to me. He was lost in a world he held in one hand. Certainly there was the element of startled nostalgia—in my college days, we all used to wander about campus with books.11. startled: 受惊的;nostalgia: 怀旧之情;wander: 漫步。These days it is a rare sight indeed. His thumb,forming the top half of a gentle human vise12. vise: 夹钳,老虎钳。that secured the slim volume, was at rest—not tapping an icon or texting. He was all about absorbing, not transmitting. Nor was he squinting to decipher words on a tiny, shiny surface.13. squint: 眯着眼看,斜着眼看;decipher: 辨认。His entire body was relaxed into the old multitasking exercise of walking with an open and wonderfully sunlit book.

It’s been years since I’ve done that, missing everything along my path en route to class or dorm. These days, I pay attention to my path simply to ensure that I remain on my feet. But I’m glad someone knows what an absorbing and centering exercise it is to lose oneself in a book, even along a trajectory14. trajectory: 轨迹。to somewhere else.




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