The Effect of Sowing Date and Density on the Characters and Yield of Maize in Chongqing


Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年12期

Honglin TlAN,Hua YANG,Zhicheng JlANG,Pihui ZHANG,Ye Ll,Ruping ZHOU,Junjuan CUl,Minglu XU*

1.Maize Research Institute,Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chongqing 401329,China;

2.Chongqing Keguang Seed Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400060,China;

3.Agriculture Commission of Shizhu County Chongqing,Chongqing 409100,China

The Effect of Sowing Date and Density on the Characters and Yield of Maize in Chongqing

Honglin TlAN1,Hua YANG1,Zhicheng JlANG1,Pihui ZHANG1,Ye Ll1,Ruping ZHOU2,Junjuan CUl3,Minglu XU1*

1.Maize Research Institute,Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chongqing 401329,China;

2.Chongqing Keguang Seed Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400060,China;

3.Agriculture Commission of Shizhu County Chongqing,Chongqing 409100,China

In order to investigate the most suitable sowing period and the optimum planting density of new corn variety ‘Yudan 30’in Chongqing region,using split plot experiment design,the effect of sowing date and planting density on main agronomiccharacters and yield ofmaize in the field wasstudied.The results showed that in Chongqing,the delay of sowing date could shorten the fertility period,and reduce 100-grain weight and yield,but could increase plant height and ear height,panicle traits did not change significantly.With the density increasing,plant height and ear height also increased,while ear length,ear diameter,stem diameter,row number and kernel number also decreased.100-grain weight and yield also increased with the increase of density,but to a certain threshold,yield and 100-grain weight decreased with the increase of density.The yield of 3 sowing periods presented as A1>A2>A3,the yield of 4 kinds of density presented as B3>B4>B2>B1,and the yield under sowing time and density interaction presented as A1B3>A1B4>A2B3>A2B4>A3B3>A3B4>A2B2>A1B1>A2B1>A3B1.So proper early sowing and increase of planting density could raise the yield of maize per unit area,and A1B3 was the optimum planting configuration in Chongqing area.

Corn;Sowing time;Density;Agronomic traits;Yield

C rop production is the process of population[1-2],density and sowing date are two factors of cultivation affecting crop production and final yield in a certain ecological environment[3],but in common experiment,only a particular aspect is focused on.In mountainous regions of Chongqing,the hilly and mountainous areas with barren soil[5],which can not be planted with rice,are planted with maize.In this region,maize production will not only be hit by late spring coldness during the seedling stage,but also experience extreme weather like heat-forced maturity during grain-filling stage,thus the yield per unit in this area is far lower than national average level;with global warming,the ecological environment of the earth changes,traditional sowing time not only is bad for production,but also causes huge waste of sunshine and heat resources,thus toputthe maximum photosynthetic efficiency period of crops into the mostfavorable climatic conditions[6],the selection of sowing time is the key.Appropriate sowing time is the guarantee for taking full advantage of sunshine and heat resources in the ecological environment[7],rational planting density is the basis for making use of sunshine and heat resources in the ecological environment,building good group structure and optimizing population physiological indexes[8-10];the authors showed that increasing planting density appropriately can improvethe yield per unit area[4],the optimized combination of the two can make the physiological mechanism of maize population adjusted and optimized comprehensively,thereby giving full play to the yield-increasing potential of the variety.For the effect of sowing time or density on maize yield and quality,Lv Xin et al.showed that if the density was increased,the photosynthetic area ofthe population willbe enlarged,and the yield will be improved[11],Liu Ming et al.proved that the growth and development as well as the yield of spring maize at different sowing dates had significant differences[12],Li Yuehua et al.showed that with the delay of harvest time,1 000-seed weight of summer maize increased[13],but for the differences of varietal characteristic and production area,its research results were also different. Therefore,combined with the practical production of Chongqing region,4 kinds of planting density and 3 sowing dates were designed targetedly in this study,so as to study the main agronomic traits and yield of different maize varieties under different sowing dates and densities,thereby providing a theoretical basis and technological support for high-yield production of maize in this region.

Materials and Methods

Experimental sites and materials

The experiment was carried out at Daguan Base of Nanchuan in Maize Research Institute of Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences respectively in 2013 and 2014,the data in this paper were the mean of two years,the experimental variety was ‘Yudan 30’bred by Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences,and it was the hybrid maize with proprietary intellectual property rights.

Experimental design

In the experiment,split block design with three replications was adopted,the primary area was sowing time,the secondary area was density,there were 3 sowing dates(A1:5 d before Tomb-sweeping Day,A2:sowing in the Tomb-sweeping Day,A3:5 d after TombsweepingDay)and4densitylevels(B1:37 500 plants/hm2,B2:45 000 plants/hm2,B3:52 500 plants/hm2,B4:60 000 plants/hm2),field management was comparable to local production level.

Survey items and methods

The lodging situation of maize during growth period was recorded,the weight gain of ear and the grouting progress of grains each 10 d after the pollination were surveyed;then before the harvest,the stem diameter,plant height and ear height of the 3rdsection of 10 maize plants from the 4thplant were measured continuously;after the harvest,the indoor survey on ear length,ear diameter,ear rows,kernels per row,bare top length and 100-grain weight was carried out,and the yield was measured.

Data analysis

Excel and DPS softwares were used for disposing experimental data.


Results and Analyses

The grain filling progress of‘Yudan 30’

From Fig.1 and Fig.2,the characteristics of grain filling of‘Yudan 30’can be seen.The grain filling of‘Yudan 30’during the whole filling stage showed a rising trend,the grain filling rate was the fastest in the first 30 d,and then reduced.The grain filling rate of‘Yudan 30’showed a rising trend in the first 30 d of different stages,then showed a slowly declining trend after the 30thd.For agricultural production,based on the regional characteristics of Chongqing,early sowing can ensure that grain filling can avoid the extreme weather of heatforced maturity in the first 30 d.

The yield and field characters of‘Yudan 30’in different sowing dates

From Table 1,it can be drawn that field agronomic characters and yield of‘Yudan 30’showed differentvariation trends with the change of sowing dates,plant height and ear height increased with the postponing of sowing dates,the changes of ear length,ear thickness,ear barren tip and grains per row were not significant,100-grain weight and yield reduced with the postponing of sowing dates.Based on the multiple comparisons in Table 2,it can be seen that if sowing 5 d early,the yield was increased significantly compared with regular sowing,thus showing that the growth period of early sowing was 9 and 14 d longer than that of suitable sowing and late sowing,respectively;the vegetative period was long,the grain filling was sufficient,100-grain weight was high,and the yield was high;if late sowing,the intuitive sense of grains was wizened for the insufficient grain filling,thus the yield reduced.

The yield and field characters of‘Yudan 30’in different densities

From Table 3,it can be seen that field agronomic characters and yield of‘Yudan 30’showed different variation trends with the increase of density,plant height and ear height increased with the increase of density,ear length,ear thickness,stem diameter and grains per row all decreased with the increase of density,100-grain weight and yield increased with the increase of density within a certain range,but to a certain density,it would gradually decrease.Based on the multiple comparisons inTable 4,it can be seen that the yield of‘Yudan 30’in Chongqing area first increased with the increase of planting density,butwhen the density increased to 52 500 plants/hm2,the yield decreased with the increase of planting density,which was consistent with the research results of the first two years by the authors.The increase of the density caused the plunder of resources,thus causing certain effect on the individual,so plant height and ear height increased with the increase of density,however,earlength,ear thickness,stem diameter,grains per row,yield and 100-grain weight decreased with the increase of density.

Table 2 Multiple comparisons on different sowing dates

The yield and field characters of‘Yudan 30’under density interaction during sowing period

As seen in Fig.3,the yield of early sowing under different densities was higher than that of other sowing dates. From the multiple comparisons in Table 2,it was shown that the sowing date of‘Yudan 30’in Chongqing area can be advanced 5 d;in different sowing dates,the yield of‘Yudan 30’increased with the increase of planting density,butwhen the density increased to 52 500 plants/hm2,the yield would not increase with the increase of planting density;from the multiple comparisons in Table 4,it was seen that when the planting density was 52 500 plants/hm2,the yield was the highestand reached the highest value.Therefore,the threshold value of planting density of‘Yudan 30’in Chongqing area was 52 500 plants/hm2.The variance analysis in Table 5 showed that under the interaction between sowing date and density,the difference was significant.

Table 3 The yield and field characters of‘Yudan 30’in different sowing dates and densities

Conclusions and Discussions

The production of maize in Chongqing area will not only be hit by late spring coldness during the seedling stage,but also experience extreme weather like heat-forced maturity during grain-filling stage.Improving maize yield per unit area has always been the ultimate goal of maize breeding and cultivation researchers[8]. In this experiment,the representative latest variety was selected to study the effect of sowing time and density on maize character and quality,and analyze the field and yield characters of maize in different densities and different sowing dates in Chongqing area,thereby making the existing varieties draw on advantages and avoid disadvantages under the premise of the change of global climate environment,the results can provide some guidancefor future production and some bases for breeding and cultivation researchers.

Table 4 Multiple comparisons on different densities

Table 5 The variance analysis of yield under different densities in different sowing dates

The research showed that the suitable planting density of‘Yudan 30’ in differentsowing dates in Chongqing area was 50 000-55 000 plants/hm2,the yield was the highest under the planting density of 52 500 plants/hm2in the 5th d before appropriate sowing,namely 13 702.5 kg/hm2. In differentdensities,the yield-increasing effect of 5 d before appropriate sowing was better than that of commonsowingand late sowing,which was consistent with the research results by Xue Jiqian et al.[14],Xing Yaowu et al.[15]and Tong Pingya et al[16].

In this experiment,a single variety was chosen and planted in two kinds of ecological areas,different varieties have their own characteristics and ecological adaptability,thus different varieties planted in the same region have certain guiding significance to production,but early sowing may cause the change of microenvironment among individuals after increasing the density,thereby causing a series of problems,such as increasing plant diseases and insect pests,etc.,the physiological indexes among individuals will be studied next.

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Responsible editor:Nanling WANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU


田红琳1,杨 华1,蒋志成1,张丕辉1,李 晔1,周汝平2,崔俊娟3,许明陆1*(1.重庆市农业科学院玉米研究所,重庆 401329;2.重庆科光种苗有限公司,重庆 400060;3.重庆市石柱县农业委员会,重庆409100)



重庆市公益性科研院所基本科研业务费“不同株行距配置下产量及光合性能研究”(cstc-2014jbky-00510);国家玉米产业技术体系(CARS-02-74);“十二五”主要农作物良种创新工程重大攻关项目“玉米高产高效配套新技术研究与集成示范”(cstc2012ggC80007)。作者简介 田红琳(1985),男,重庆彭水人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事作物栽培与耕作研究,。*通讯作者,研究员,硕士,主要从事玉米栽培与农业科技管理工作,。


Supported by the Fundamental Research Fund of Chongqing Public Welfare Research Institutes"On the Yield and Photosynthetic Performance under Different Plant-Row Spacing"(cstc-2014jbky-00510);National Maize Industry Technology System(CARS-02-74);Key Innovation Project of Main Crop Varieties during"the 12thFive-Year Plan" "On High Yield and High Efficiency Cultivation Techniques for Maize and the Integration and Demonstration"(cstc2012ggC80007).


Received:May 28,2015 Accepted:November 12,2015

修回日期 2015-11-12

