Dynamic Variation in Sugar,Acid,and ASA Contents of‘Ganmi 6’Kiwifruit(Actinidia eriantha Benth)Fruits


Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年12期

Chujia CHEN,Junjie TAO,Xueyan QU,Chunhui HUANG,Xiaobiao XU

College of Agronomy,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China

Dynamic Variation in Sugar,Acid,and ASA Contents of‘Ganmi 6’Kiwifruit(Actinidia eriantha Benth)Fruits

Chujia CHEN,Junjie TAO,Xueyan QU,Chunhui HUANG,Xiaobiao XU*

College of Agronomy,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China

[Objective]The variation of sugar,acid and AsA contents in fruits of‘Ganmi 6’kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha Benth)were investigated during fruit development. [Method]Kiwi fruits were randomly taken as materials every 15 days since 20 days after full bloom (DAFB)to 170 DAFB until in mature stage.[Result]The results showed that during fruit development of ‘Ganmi 6’,the total sugar soluble contents had a rising trend with relatively stable at 95 DAFB,then rose until harvest with the maximum content (10.35%).The titratable acid content showed a trend of increasing,then declining,then increase to the harvest content (1.10%). From the sugar acid ratio,we can knew it decreased in 95 DAFB,then up to the max(9.38).The changes of AsA contents showed double‘S’shape,decreased after the first increased rapidly,slightly increased and then decreased in the early harvest. [Conclusion]It provided a theoretical basis for scientific cultivation methods to explore the nutrients regulation.

Actinidia eriantha Benth;Kiwifruit;Sugar;Acid;AsA

K iwifruit belongs to Actinidia in the family ofActinidiaceae. There are more than 70 varieties kinds of Actinidia in the world[1],and China is particularly rich in kiwifruit resources.Because of its rich content of vitamin,mineral elements,phenolic compounds and higher health value,it’s in much consumers’good graces in recent years,and wins reputations of‘king of fruits’,‘king of VC’with high content of VC[2-4].A.eriantha Benth is one of the Actinidia plant with rich content AsA,which up to 500-1 397 mg/100 g FW,far more than A.chinensis,A.deliciosa and A.Arguta which used mainly for com mercial cultivation currently[5-6].The ability of disease and high temperature resistance of A.eriantha is much stronger than other kinds of kiwifruit. The colour of fruit flesh is jade green,with the grassy taste not being much rich.Small fruit and bad reproductive capacity which make the general commodity not good enough and less varienties in agricultural production[7-8]. As Chinese unique berry resources,A. eriantha mainly distributed in Yunnan,Guizhou,Guangxi,Jiangxi,Hunan and Fujian,mostly in the wild state,which was commonly used as breeding materials and rootstock materials of new varieties with high AsA.Chinese A-cademy of Sciences Wuhan Botanical Garden has bred new varieties representatives of ornamental and fresh food cultivars with A.eriantha as parent which named ‘Jiangshan Jiao’,‘Super Red’[9].

Sugar acid and AsA are important indexes of kiwifruit’s flavor and nutrition evaluation,research on the process of fruit development in the dynamic changes has significant meaning to understand the change of each nutrient accumulation,so as to provide theoretical reference for the popularization and application of agricultural production and improve the fruit quali-ty.The law of kiwifruit growth and development has been reported at home and abroad[10-12],but for the growth of A.eriantha is seldom reported.Ways to determine the content of kiwifruit AsA in other reports are always 2,6-dichloro indophenol titration and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.But this experiment used high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)to determine the content of kiwifruit AsA,which more common applied in apple[13],pear[14]and citrus[15]to determine organic acid and few reports in kiwifruit[16].

This experiment used ‘Ganmi 6’as sample,which was a new type of A.eriantha selected by the research group with green fruit flesh and easy peeling.This one has pink petals,surface with white hairs,dark green fruit flesh,easy peeling,high AsA and other significant features,performance is excellentin quality,stable genetic traits,high and stable yield,even fruit,high commodity fruit rate,strong heat resistance and adaptability.It’s suitable for low latitude and warm wet area to cultivate.This variety can provides parental origin for interspecific hybridization breeding of kiwifruit with high AsA content,so it has large development potential and great prospects for exploitation and utilization.In this paper,through the discussion on dynamic changes of sugar acid and AsA content at A.eriantha‘Ganmi6’ fruit,itanalysed the change of each nutrient accumulation during the fruit development,in order to have a deeper understanding of fruit nutrients in A.eriantha nutrients,and provided a theoretical basis for scientific cultivation methods to explore the nutrients regulation.

Materials and Methods

Test materials

‘Ganmi 6’fruits were collected from kiwifruit orchard Fengxin County Agricultural Bureau of Jiangxi Province in 2014.15 kiwi fruits were randomly taken as materials every 15 days since 20 DAFB to 170 DAFB until in mature stage with totaling 11 times.The collected samples were wrapped with polyethylene closure pocket and stored in the ice box.Subsequently,the fruits were transported to the laboratory at the same day,then separated the peel from the fruit,cut up fruit flesh. After that,frozen it with liquid nitrogen and stored at-80℃.

Test methods

Total soluble sugar content was determined by sulfuric acid-anthrone colorimetric method from Wang Xuekui[17],the titration acid content referenced NaOH titration from Cao Jiankang[18]and AsA content was used HPLC method.

Extraction and determination methodsofAsA referenced Chen Ming’s method and improved[15].Blended 5.0ml 80%ethanol with grinding samples by liquid nitrogen then used Japan’s SHIMADZU LC-20A instrumentto analyse.Chromatography conditions were:mobile phase(0.05 mol/L (NH4)2HPO4buffer,pH 2.7),a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min,10 μl sampling,ODS C18column(4.6×250 mm),SPDM20A diode detector with 210 nm detection wavelength.


Total soluble sugar content during fruit development

As it shown in Fig.1,total soluble sugar content change tendency during fruit development process of‘Ganmi 6’fruits was rising.Soluble sugar content remained unchanged in the early growth of fruit development(before 95 DAFB),95-125 DAFB increased rapidly,then rose more slowly,after that it grew faster before 140 DAFB.Soluble total sugar content reached the maximum value(10.35%)at harvest stage(170 DAFB).

Titratable acid content during fruit development

As it can be seen from Fig.2,titratable acid content of ‘Ganmi 6’appeared the trend of up-down-up. From the minimum(0.55%)at 20DAFB increased to the maximum (1.13%)at 110 DAFB.After that,it declined to 0.99%at 140DAFB,and increased slowly to 1.10% until the harvest period.

Sugar-acid ratio variations during fruit development

From Fig.3,the ratio of sugar-acid in the early development of‘Ganmi 6’fruits showed a downward trend,then rise in later period.The sugar-acid ratio has dropped from 7.47 to the lowest value of 4.19 before 95 DAFB,followed by a slow rise.At 110 DAFB it increased rapidly until the the harvest period (170 DAFB),what was the maximum 9.39.

AsA content during fruit development

AsA content of‘Ganmi 6’fruits was in a relatively large change with double‘S’shape during fruit development.It increased rapidly from minimum 4.85 mg/g FW (20 DAFB)to the first peak of 11.91 mg/g FW (35 DAFB).Afterwards,it plummeted to the low value of 6.21 mg/g FW at 95 DAFB,with the average daily declineof 0.095 mg/g FW.Then AsA content returned to another peak of 6.73 mg/g FW at 125 DAFB.During the last 45 days,it’s content changed little,with the trend of down-up-down to harvest period 5.26 mg/g FW(170 DAFB).


Sugar acid and AsA are important indexes of kiwifruit quality.Not only fruit flavor,but also the complex synthetic materials of fruit quality components (vitamin,aromatic substances)are influenced by soluble sugar.Sugar can also participates in metabolism,and as signal molecules connects with hormones,N signals into a network,regulates gene expression and plant growth and development through the cell signal transduction[19].Acid is one of the important factors affecting the quality of fruit flavour,organic acids are involved in photosynthesis,respiration and metabolism in composing phenolic,amino acids,esters and aromatic substance[20].

Total soluble sugar content change tendency during fruit development process of‘Ganmi 6’fruits was generally consistent with A.eriantha‘6113’of Zhong Caihong[21]and A.eriantha‘White’of Zhang Huiqin[22],the total sugar showed relatively stable in the early and then began to rise rapidly.Studies of Li Jiewei[23]showed that the fruit sugar-acid ratio of Actinidia in the range of 5-7 expressed better flavor and easily accepted by consumers. ‘Ganmi 6’performanced well,the ratio of sugar-acid in the late stage of the development has taken on a trend of rectilinear rise,what was also consistent with ‘Ganmi 6’more sweet at edible state than A.eriantha‘White’.

AsA content change tendency of‘Ganmi 6’fruits was consistent with A.eriantha ‘6113’of Zhong Caihong in the two peaks,but its peak was greater than the AsA maximum in this experiment.The same situation was shown in Tang Jiale’s[24]papers,which was determined in AsA content of wild A.eriantha fruits using colorimetric determination in results with high to 21.27 mg/g FW.It was also much higher than the value that measured in this experiment.In addition to other varieties,a large part of the reason may be caused by wrong ways.HPLC has a variety of advantages with spark analysis,high separation efficiency,high detection sensitivity,testing automation,wide application range,easy recovery of components.So it has wide application future in detecting the nutritional components of kiwifruit.

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Responsible editor:Yong XU

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU



[目的]探究毛花猕猴桃‘赣猕6号’果实在发育过程中可溶性糖、可滴定酸、抗坏血酸(AsA)的变化规律。[方法]从盛花后20d至盛花后170 d每隔15 d随机采集‘赣猕6号’果实用于研究。[结果]结果表明:“赣猕6号”在果实发育过程中,可溶性总糖含量呈现上升趋势,前期(盛花后95 d之前)保持相对平稳,而后开始上升至最大值(10.35%);可滴定酸含量呈上升-下降-上升变化趋势,采收期时含量为1.10%;从糖酸比值来看,盛花后95 d之前下降,之后上升至最大值(9.39);AsA含量变化曲线呈双“S”形,先迅速上升之后下降,在采收前期略上升后又下降。[结论]该研究可为探索调控果实营养成分的科学栽培方法提供一定的理论依据。





Supported by the Special Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20143ACF60015)& National Natural Scientific Fund(31360472).


Received:June 13,2015 Accepted:November 27,2015

修回日期 2015-11-27

