


作者篇名期页樊美筠,王治河胡晓明[美]成中英贡华南孙文娟冯合国洪汉鼎陈治国高宣扬俞士玲乔玉钰左江田少煦,徐丽君张超,朱晓君孙景峰,刘佳宝吕元礼,张彭强刘岳兵韩立红丁为祥【特稿】第二次启蒙的当代拓荒者——深切缅怀汤一介先生王元化与儒家思想之分合“理一分殊”的本体诠释:兼论经学的本体学性质【文明对话与文化比较】中国思想世界中身体观之演进脉络传统社会中的女性身体走向生命治疗学——现代西方哲学发展的一个动态研究文本,经典与诠释——中西方经典诠释比较当代诠释学与中西比较哲学诠释创新中的可能性与不可能性之间的张力朝鲜许兰雪轩诗与明清中国女性文学——以徐媛诗歌创作为中心论江户时代女性汉诗对中国文学的因革——以江马细香、梁川红兰为例安东金氏家族的女性教育与女性创作中日色彩文化比较:基于民族心理的色彩意象中国水族马尾绣背扇服饰的色彩语义指向新加坡政治选举视域下的东西方文化融合李光耀对于民主的逆向思考儒学与日本近代思想序论——以西晋一郎为例石田梅岩的三教合一思想[当代儒学研究]孟子哲学的三个面向及其对儒学之塑形意义1241112223334455661 5551 2 18 24 19 36 43 6 16 24 13 19 6 14 6 14 30

单长涛,乔清举包佳道李明辉李瑞全陶悦姜明泽李学勤赵平安刘国忠李守奎王禹于欣陶一桃王浦劬黄卫平林桂军李罗彩王晓华郝园园梁红军康宇何珍王俊龙陈晓平李敬峰闫翠娟,平章起(美)伯特·霍普金斯戢斗勇谭志敏萧无陂刘宁,黄辉祥覃辉银刘晓靖论郑玄的动物观及其生态意义杨时道学视域中的儒家末学及其文化意涵牟宗三与“生命的学问”当代新儒家之生命诠释学:牟宗三先生之存在呼应之经典诠释牟宗三“智的直觉”思想所圆成之境印顺与牟宗三的真谛学判释之比较研究[清华简专题研究]清华简《厚父》与《孟子》引《书》释清华简《命训》中的“耕”字清华简《命训》初探汉代伊尹文献的分类与清华简中伊尹诸篇的性质[特区研究·港澳研究]澳门预算纲要法修改问题探讨论美资博彩企业对澳门政治生态的影响及法治应对之策从特区到自贸区:中国自贸区的特殊使命自贸区建设的出发点与政府职能转变我国改革进程中的经济特区与自贸区之比较从上海看自贸(试验)区服务业开放的定位和顺序[哲学研究]多重可实现与因果力的本体论郭象思想研究三十年及前瞻西方哲学中身体—主体概念的演变“善治”视域下我国公共精神的问题与调适儒家德性精神与社会主义核心价值观涵养论汉代儒家经典诠释中的神学路向马克思与卢曼:市民社会的分化与整合数理逻辑解《说卦》中的卦象和卦义因果理论功能主义及其物理主义论证湖湘学派的仁学及朱子对其的批判符号互动视域下“恶搞英雄”现象的意识形态解读意向历史性原解构主义批判之背后的预设——主体内在观念性与主体间观念性之间的融合“用儒时代”儒学历史定位与根本任务交往行为理论视域中的协同创新[政治学·法学研究]老子的政治哲学与当代政治实践选择性治理:后税费时代乡村治理的一种尝试性解读社会主义协商民主与中国的政治发展恰适性制度理论述评:内涵与启示1122223333336666113334445556661122 40 48 56 60 73 79 33 34 37 41 50 58 36 39 41 43 55 60 65 74 80 25 31 36 20 26 32 20 24 31 73 79 90 97

胡象明,杨君琳韩艳陶日贵王天雁,葛少芸侯富强宋镜明,吴向伟马步广郑远民,李小弟雷桂森,张国平李伟舜刘胜湘,张弘杨熊兴,胡宗山汪世虎,杨淦曹毅搏周珂,汪小娟李双谷志军,陈科霖尹浩,陈伟东郭彩琴,卓成霞刘军,赵朋,苏方国林旭东,程林刘青青,叶全良李艳,曹芳罗清和,曾婧苏然,高明华王晓玲何玉长,史玉齐红倩,庄晓季,席旭文许新华,罗清和黄河孙浩进论全面正确履行政府职能的行政逻辑文化全球化的现代性诉求及其后果让恐惧漂浮的政治——鲍曼对当代资本主义政治的批判公共物品供给视角下自然资源国家所有权的限制我国个人信息保护立法模式研究1930年前后李达对马克思主义中国化的历史贡献农村基层自治创新机制研究:基于城乡统筹的视角论国际刑事法院与人权保障——以防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约适用案为视角证券侵权赔偿责任制度的预防价值及其实现路径经济管理法律行为的法价值取向及路径选择宗教非政府组织解决宗教冲突机制探析国际能源合作的政治学理论述评实际控制人信义义务的法律机制构建论魏晋玄学法律观的思想渊源、内涵及价值取向环评脱钩:我国环境影响评价制度的改革路向司法改革中司法公开与隐私保护间的平衡政府创新与依法行政的张力及平衡整体性社区:城市基层社会治理的可行性分析[管理学研究]国家—社会关系视域下的新型城镇化推进困境及路径基于扎根理论的深圳金融人才吸引力影响因素研究中国消费者使用盗版软件影响因素研究:一个整合模型的分析框架基于旅游恩格尔系数的居民生活水平研究[经济学研究]转型期新生代农民工劳资冲突行为演化路径及机理——基于演化经济学的视角关于经济特区模式若干问题的思考在职消费与公司绩效:代理观还是效率观——基于高管激励视角的研究城乡医疗保障“一体化”:制度困境与体系重构论新常态经济下的收入分配制度改革我国公共债务对三次产业增长的动态影响研究行政垄断的经济学分析:根源、损失及破除国际直接投资规则的新变化及其对金砖国家的影响与挑战基于内生化视阈的空间经济学范式逻辑3333344444555566663366112233344 86 92 97 136 144 43 49 86 92 98 37 45 80 86 62 68 74 80 123 130 86 93 85 94 102 110 103 109 116 55 64

陈建华,李辉张永艳赵春明,王春晖柳木华,蔡丽,刘耀,余宇张继海李松华高兴民,许金红梁涛王春雷梁露尹杨光飞,赵超胡叠泉杨晗旭,徐海波童晓薇史敏梁建东蔡天星安裴智孙琪曹顺庆,曾诣沈金浩张和龙阮炜,倪娜赵洪涛张纹华我国金融环境对信贷配给的影响研究创新活动对新创企业衰退的影响分析对外贸易对中国劳动力市场的动态冲击分析国际审计报告准则的最新发展述评——基于期望差、信息差和沟通差的分析框架宏观行为经济学的新发展及其应用我国货币政策对房价调控效应的模拟——基于新凯恩斯DSGE模型社会经济地位与健康不平等的因果关系研究信贷规划管理下利率市场化改革对企业融资约束的影响[社会学研究]国家中心主义视角下的农民工身份城市化智障人士兄弟姐妹污名量表的编制及信效度检验从旧形态到新格局:我国政府与市场关系的演进(1978~2015)——以改革开放以来重要政策文献为线索从互助到市场:农村丧葬服务变迁的实证研究——以湖南省双峰县石村为个案试析香港国家认同的困境——从被言说的“他者”到“伪主体”[文学研究]空壳女人的发现与救赎:角田光代小说解读——以畅销书《第八日的蝉》为中心受难、救赎:析《宠儿》的《圣经》母题被遗忘的先驱——陈受颐及其18世纪中西文化接触史研究从复调到对位法——萨义德对巴赫金理论的扬弃礼乐文化与中国韵文学的嬗变从“化”到“化境”:通向现代的中国古典美学范畴变异学视域下比较文学跨文明研究的类型及合法性古代建筑物记序文的文化功能及其予今人之启示跨文化生存的困境——毛姆涉华题材短篇小说解读多余的“勇气”——评毛翔青小说《勇气的多余》明末清初江南士人的生活美学广东《春秋》学的近代转型——以“九江学派”为中心[国际关系研究]4455556644666112233445566 72 79 50 59 67 75 45 54 103 111 125 132 139 100 107 118 124 149 157 117 122 116 122 113 120

张向群,姜安许雨燕傅守祥肖剑平任成金,潘娜娜黄玉蓉,车达花建李炎,胡洪斌陈廷湘田欢张晓刚,邹圣婴张丽杨权吴玉娴高中伟冯兵陈振旺黄滨黄春平,蹇云肖莹莹柳向东,曹雨婷,李利梅张都爱战迪李蕾蕾毛泽东外交思想的历史逻辑——基于国际关系视角的政治考量中国国家形象的国际认知差异及其原因分析[文化·文化产业研究]文化生态的紊乱与人文品格的异变探微嵇康养生思想论略建国以来我国文化产业价值取向的历史演变及其启示法国文化资助制度运作特点及其对中国的启示移动互联背景下的文化产业融合创新集成创新:文化产业与科技融合本质[笔谈:文化产业发展与文艺理论创新]文化创意产业时代的艺术追求(高建平)文化创新人为本(胡经之)文艺理论与文化产业的学科互渗及其知识创新(欧阳友权)知识经济时代的文化创意与文艺理论创新(李西建)新媒体写作给文学带来挑战(丁国旗)媒介的三种存在形式及其与文学的关系(赵炎秋)文化产业的兴起与马克思主义文化战略学的建构(刘方喜)[历史学研究]从“乡村建设”到“城镇化建设”——近百年中国乡村改造与建设个案的启示清代法律档案所见维吾尔社会中的女性地位中国近30年来甲午战争研究综述甲午战争与俄国远东外交政策之选择——对甲午战争的再反思岭南诗派研究与诗歌文献整理19~20世纪澳葡的拓殖工具:小横琴岛白沙栏麻风病院研究新中国初期党对城市黄赌毒社会问题的治理权利博弈:国民政府省内机关的公产清理冲突与协调莫高窟隋唐图案的历史演变和文化交流明清珠三角城市群繁荣与广东粤西海岸“海丝之路”的织结[传播学研究]“十一五”以来我国新闻传播史的研究现状、特点与趋势网络安全治理:全球公共产品理论的视角网络影响力预知模型:一种大数据下高校舆情监测与预警机制[艺术·美学研究]论美学上的“美”及其意义建构都市一代影人创作中的比较视野及其美学整体观中国城市转型之艺术干预基本模式初探551155662 1122445566114445 92 98 113 120 103 110 99 107 131 141 154 145 151 140 149 140 150 144 151 125 135 156 128 135 128

田蓉辉(挪威)阿里·谢沃女娲原型:1949-1976新中国文艺女性形象解读[教育学研究]教育质量:挪威可以学习中国吗?56 135 156

FAN Mei-yun WANG Zhi-he HU Xiao-ming CHENG Zhong-ying GONG Hua-nan SUN Wen-juan FENG He-guo HONG Han-ding CHEN Zhi-guo GAO Xuan-yang YU Shi-ling QIAO Yu-yu ZUO Jiang TIAN Shao-xu,XU Li-jun ZHANG Chao,ZHU Xiao-jun SUN Jing-feng,LIU Jia-bao LV Yuan-li,ZHANG Peng-qiang LIU Yue-bing HAN Li-hong DING Wei-xiang SHAN Chang-tao QIAO Qing-ju BAO Jia-dao LI Ming-hui LI Rui-quan[Special Column]Contemporary Pioneer of the Second Enlightenment:——In Memory of Professor Tang Yijie WANG Yuan-hua's Embrace and Distancing of Confucianism Onto-Hermeneutics of“Liyi Fenshu”:Ontological Feature of Confucian Classics[Dialogue on Civilization and Cultural Comparison]Development of the Idea of Human Body in the History of Chinese Thought Female Body in Traditional Society Towards Life Therapy—A Dynamic Study on the Development of Contemporary Western Philosophy Text,Classic and Interpretation:Comparison of Chinese and Western Classical Interpretation Contemporary Hermeneutics and Comparative Philosophybetween China and the West The Tension Between the possibilities and impossibilities in Hermeneutical Innovation The Korean Poetess XU Lanxuexuan and Chinese Female Literature during the Ming and Qing Dynasties:——a Discussion on XU Yuan's poetry On the Evolution of Women's Chinese Poems of the Edo Period from Chinese Literature:——a Discussion on Ema Saikou and Yanagawa Kouran A Study on Female Education and Literature of Anh-dong Kim Family Acuoye:the Indian Label Made in China Comparison Between China's and Japan's Color Culture:the Color Image Based on National Mentality The Color Semantic Orientation of the Bei-Shan Dresses with Horsetail-based Embroidery of China's Shui Nationality The Fusion of Western and Eastern Cultures from the Perspective of Singaporean Political Elections LI Guang-yao's Inverse Thought on Democracy On Confucianism and Japan's Modern Ideology with Nishi Shin'ichirō as an Example Ishida Baigan's Syncretism of Three Religions[Studies of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism]Three Dimensions of Mencius's Philosophy:Its Shaping Force for Confucianism On Zheng Xuan's View of Animals and Its Ecological Significance New Development of Folk Confucianism The Distinction between the Strands of the Later and Decadent Stage of Confucianism MOU Zong-san and the“Learning of Life”Life hermeneutics of Contemporary Neo-Confuciansim:The Existential Living Interaction of MOU Zong-san's Hermeneutics of the Classics 12411122233344556611122 5551 2 18 24 19 36 43 6 16 24 13 19 6 14 6 14 30 40 48 56 60

TAO Yue JIANG Ming-ze LI Xue-qin ZHAO Ping-an LIU Guo-zhong LI Shou-kui WANG Yu YU Xin TAO Yi-tao WANG Pu-qu HUANG Wei-ping LIN Gui-jun LI Yan LUO Cai WANG Xiao-hua HAO Yuan-yuan LIANG Hong-jun KANG Yu HE Zhen WANG Jun-long CHEN Xiao-ping LI Jing-feng YAN Cui-juan,PING Zhang-qi(American)Burt c.Hopkins JI Dou-yong TAN Zhi-min XIAO Wu-bei LIU Ning,HUANG Hui-xiang QIN Hui-yin LIU Xiao-jing HU Xiang-min,YANG Jun-lin HAN Yan The Perfect State Achieved through MOU Zong-san's“Intellectual Intuition”A Comparative Research on How YIN shun and MOU Zong-san interpreted Paramārtha's Buddhist Studies Respectively[Featured Research:Qinghua Bamboo Slips]of Qinghua Slips and Quotations infromDeciphering“耕”in the Mingxun of Qinghua Slips A Preliminary Study on Mingxun Classification of the Yiyin Documents in Han Dynasty and the Nature of the Writings on Yiyin in Qinghua Slips[Studies of SEZs]A Study on How to Revise Macao Budget Outline Law On the Influence of American Gambling Sectors upon Macao's Political Landscape and the Corresponding Legal Solutions From Special Economic Zones to Free Trade Zones:the Special Mission of Chinese Free Trade Zones Construction of China's Free Trade Zones and Transformation of Government Functions Comparison between Special Economic Zones and Free trade Zones in China's Reform On Orientation and Sequence of the Opening up of Service Sectors in(Experimental)Free Trade Zones Based on Shanghai[Philosophical Studies]Multiple Realization and Ontology of Causal Powers The Study of Guo Xiang's Thought in the Past Thirty Years and Its Future Development The Evolution of Body-Subject Concept in Western Philosophy The Problems and Adjustment of Public Spirit from the Perspective of“Good Governance”in China Confucian Morality and the Cultivation of Socialist Core Values Theological Interpretation of the Confucian Classics in the Han Dynasty Marx and Luhmann:Differentiation and Integration of Civil Society Interpretation of Guaxiang and Guanyi in Shuogua by Mathematical Logic Causal-theoretical Functionalism and Its Physicalist Argument The Theory of Benevolence of Huxiang School and ZHU Xi's Criticism Ideological Analysis of"Hero Spoof"Phenomenon from Symbolic Interaction Perspective The Presupposition behind the Proto-Deconstructive Critique of Intentional Historicity:——The Conflation of Intrasubjective and Intersubjective Idealities The Historical Orientation of Confucianism and its Fundamental Role in“an Era of Confucianism Application”Collaborative Innovation from the Perspective of Theory of Communicative Action[Political and Legal Studies]Laozi's Political Philosophy and Contemporary Political Practice Selective Administrative Intervention:a tentative interpretation of rural governance after tax reform On the Socialist Deliberative Democracy and the Political Development in China A Commentary on the Theory of Institutional Appropriateness:Its Significance and Revelation On the Administrative Logic of Proper Execution of Government Functions The Pursuit of Modernity in Cultural Globalization and Its Consequences 22333333666611333444555666112233 73 79 33 34 37 41 50 58 .36 39 41 43 55 60 65 74 80 25 31 36 20 26 32 20 24 31 73 79 90 97 86 92

TAO Ri-gui WANG Tian-yan,GE Shao-yun HOU Fu-qiang SONG Jing-ming,WU Xiang-wei MA Bu-guang ZHENG Yuan-min,LI Xiao-di LEI Gui-sen,ZHANG Guo-ping LI Wei-shun LIU Sheng-xiang,ZHANG Hong-yang XIONG Xing,HU Zong-shan WANG Shi-hu,YANG Gan CAO Yi-bo ZHOU Ke,WANG Xiao-juan LI Shuang GU Zhi-jun,CHEN Ke-lin YIN Hao,CHEN Wei-dong GUO Cai-qin,ZHUO Cheng-xia LIU Jun,ZHAO Peng,SU Fang-guo LIN Xu-dong,CHENG Lin LIU Qing-qing,YE Quan-liang LI Yan,CAO Fang LUO Qinghe,ZENG Jing SU Ran,GAO Ming-hua WANG Xiao-ling HE Yu-chang,SHI Yu The Politics of Fear——Bowman's Criticism on Contemporary Capitalism Constraints on the State Ownership of Natural Resources from the Perspective of Supply of Public Goods On the Legislation Models of Personal Information Protection in China Family and Children's Political Cognition LI Da's Important Contributions for Sinicization of Marxism around 1930 On the Innovative Mechanism of Rural Grass-Root Self-Government:Based on Overall Planning of Urban and Rural Development The International Criminal Court and Human Rights Security:on the Application of Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Preventative Value and Implementing Strategies for Securities Tort Compensation System Value Orientation and Path Choice of Legal Actions of Economic Management On the Mechanisms of Religious NGOs to Resolve Religious Conflicts The Theoretical Dimension of International Energy Cooperation The Construction of Legal Mechanism of Fiduciary Obligation of the Actual Controller On the Ideological Origin,Connotation and Value Orientation of Legal View of Wei-Jin Metaphysics Decoupling Assessment from Administration:the Direction of China's Environmental Impact Appraisal System Balance Between Transparent Judiciary and Privacy Protection in Judicial Reform The Tension and Balance between Government Innovation and Legal Administration Holistic Community:on the Applicability of China's Urban Community Governance[Management Studies]Predicament and Possible Ways to Advance New Urbanization with in the Framework of State-Society Relation Influence Factors of the Attractiveness of Shenzhen among Financial Personnel—Based on the Grounded Theory Influence Factors for Software Privacy in China:an Integrated Model Analysis Framework On People's Living Standard from the Perspective of Tourism Engel Coefficient[Economics Studies]New Generation Migrant Labor-Management Conflicts:an evolutionary economics perspective Some Considerations on Problems Facing SEZ Development Model Perquisites and Corporate Performance:Agent View or Efficiency View,Research Based on the Perspective of Executive Incentive The Integration of Urban and Rural Security:Institutional Dilemma and System Reconstruction On the Reform of Income Distribution System under the“New Normal”Economy 3334444455556666336611223 97 136 144 43 49 86 92 98 37 45 80 86 62 68 74 80 123 130 86 93 85 94 102 110 103

QI Hong-qian,ZHUANG Xiao-ji,XI Xu-wen XU Xin-hua,LUO Qing-he HUANG He SUN Hao-jin CHEN Jian-hua,LI Hui ZHANG Yong-yan ZHAO Chun-ming,WANG Chun-hui LIU Mu-hua,CAI Li,LIU Yao,YU Yu ZHANG Ji-hai LI Song-hua GAO Xing-min,XU Jin-hong LIANG Tao WANG Chun-lei LIANG Lu-yin ZHAO Chao,YANG Guang-fei HU Die-quan YANG Han-xu,XU Hai-bo TONG Xiao-wei SHI Min LIANG Jian-dong CAI Tian-xing AN Pei-zhi SUN Qi CAO Shun-qin,ZENG Yi SHEN Jin-hao ZHANG He-long On Dynamic Effects of China's Public Debt on the Three Industrial Growths Economic Analysis of Administrative Monopoly:on its Root,Loss and Eradication New Changes in the Rules of International Direct Investment and the Consequent Influence and Challenges to BRICs Spatial Economics Paradigm Logic on the Basis of Endogenous Perspective The Implication of Chinese Financial Condition for Credit Rationing Impact of Innovation upon the Decline of New Ventures Dynamic Impact of International Trade upon Chinese Labor Market Review of the Latest Development of International Auditing Report Standard:Based on the Analytical Structure of Expectation Distance,Information Gap,and Communication Gap New Developments in Macroscopic Behavioral Economics and Its Applications A Simulation of the Regulation Effects of China's Monetary Policy on Housing Prices with a New Keynesian DSGE Model Causality Research on Socio-economic Status and Health Inequality The Impact of Interest Rate Marketization Reform on Financial Constraints of China's Enterprises from the Perspective of Credit Management[Studies on Social Science]Identity Urbanization of Migrant Workers from the Perspective of State-Centrism Stigma Scale for the Siblings of the Mentally Disabled,Its Validity and Reliability Relationship Between Government and Market in China(1978~2015)From Cooperation to Marketization:an Empirical Study on the Changes in Rural Funeral Service Hong Kong's National Identity Crisis:from“Other”to“Pseudo-subject”[Literfarfy Study]Discovery and Redemption of Empty-Shell Women:A Reading of Kakuta Mitsuyo's Novels—Centering on her Bestseller The Eighth Day Cicada Suffering,Salvation:the Biblical Motif in Beloved The Forgotten Pioneer——CHEN Shou-yi and His study on History of Sino-Western Cultural Contact in the 18th Century From Polyphony to Counterpoint——Said's Abrogation and Inheritance of Bakhtin's Theory Liyue Culture and the Evolution of Chinese Verse Literature From“Hua”to“Huajing”:the Chinese Classical Aesthetic Concept Leading to Modern Types and Validity of Cross-Civilization Studies in Comparative Literature from the Perspective of Variation Theory The Cultural Function of the Narratives of Ancient Buildings and the Suggestions for People Today Predicament in a Cross-cultural Context:Interpretation of Maugham's China-related Stories 33444455556644666112233445 109 116 55 64 72 79 50 59 67 75 45 54 103 111 125 132 139 100 107 118 124 149 157 117 122 116

RUAN Wei,NI Na ZHAO Hong-tao ZHANG Wen-hua ZHANG Xiang-qun,JIANG An XU Yu-yan FU Shou-xiang XIAO Jian-ping REN Cheng-jin,PAN Na-na HUANG Yu-rong,CHE Da HUA Jian LI Yan,HU Hong-bing CHEN Ting-xiang TIAN Huan ZHANG Xiao-gang,ZOU Sheng-ying ZHANG Li YANG Quan WU Yu-xian GAO Zhong-wei FENG Bing CHEN Zhen-wang HUANG Bin Redundant“Courage”:on MAO Xiang-qing's The Redundancy of Courage Life Aesthetics of Jiangnan Scholars in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties The Modern Transformation of Chunqiu Study in Guangdong:Based on Jiujiang School[Studies of International Relation]Historical Logic of MAO Ze-dong's Diplomatic Thought——Based on Political Considerations from International Relations Perspective An Analysis on the Perception Gap of China's National Image and Its Reasons[Culture and Cultural Industries Studies]Investigation of the Disorder of Cultural Ecological Environment and the Deviation from Human Spirit On Ji Kang's Ideas of Health The Historical Evolution and Enlightenment of the Value Orientation of the Cultural Industry since the Founding of New China Characteristics of French Cultural Funding System and Its Implication for China Integration and Innovation of Cultural Industry in the Context of Mobile Internet Innovative Integration:on the Fusion of Cultural Industry and Technology[Monographic Study on Free Trade Zone]Artistic Pursuit in the Era of Cultural Creative Industry(GAO Jian-ping)Cultural Innovation Should Be Human-Oriented(HU Jing-zhi)Integration of Literature and Art Theory and Cultural Industry(OUYANG You-quan)Cultural Creativity and Innovation of Literature and Art Theory in the Era of Knowledge Economy(LI Xi-jian)New Media Writing Challenging Literature(DING Guo-qi)Three Forms of Existence of Media and Their Relations with Literature(ZHAO Yan-qiu)Emergence of Cultural Industry and the Construction of Marxist Cultural Strategy(LIU Fang-xi)[Studies of History]From“Village Construction”to“Urbanization Construction”:case studies in Chinese rural areas reform and construction Social Statues of Uyghur women in Qing Xinjiang:a study based on legal archives A Review of the Studies on the Sino-Japanese War in the Last 30 Years Sino-Japanese War and the Selection of Russian Far East Policy——Reflections on Sino-Japanese War Research on Lingnan School and Literature Study of Its Poetry A Colonization Tool of the Portuguese Macao Government in 19-20 Century Baishalan Leprosarium on Little Hengqin Island CPC's Eradication of Such Social Evils as Pornography,Gambling and Drug Abuse Game of Power:Conflict and Coordination in the Cleaning up of Public Property within Departments of KMT Government at Provincial Level On Duhuang Patterns and Cultural Exchange of the Sui and Tang Dynasties Innovative Integration:on the Fusion of Cultural Industry and Technology On the City Clusters in Pearl River Delta in Ming and Qing Dynasties and“the Maritime Silk Road”in the Western Coast of Guangdong[Studies of Mass Media]566551155662 1122445566 122 113 120 92 98 113 120 103 110 99 107 131 141 154 145 151 140 149 140 150 144 151

HUANG Chunping,JIAN Yun XIAO Yingying LIU Xiang-dong,CAO Yu-ting,LI Li-mei ZHANG Du-ai ZHAN Di LI Lei-lei TIAN Rong-hui(Norway)Arild Tjeldvoll Review of the Field:China's history of journalism and communications since 2006 Engaging Network Security from the perspective of provision of global public goods Predicting Model in Network Impact:a Monitoring and Warning System for Public Opinion in Universities Under Big Data Framework[Artistic and Aesthetics]On the Beauty in Aesthetics and Its Construction of Meaning The Comparative Perspective and Holistic View of Aesthetics of the“Urban Generation”Filmmakers A Preliminary Study on Art Intervention Models in Urban China Transformation Nvwa Archetype:Analysis of the Female Images in New China Literature(1949—1976)[Educational Studies]Will Norway Learn from China to Improve Education Quality?11444556 125 135 156 128 135 128 135 156

