The multilinear singular integral operator TA was first introduced by Cohen and Gosselin, which is defined as follows:
where Rm+1(A;x,y)=A(x)-∑|α|≤m1α!DαA(y)(x-y)α, α=(α1,…,αn) denotes a multiindex and |α|=α1+…+αn denotes the order of α. Dα A denote the partial derivative αAα1x1α2x2,…,αnxn,α!=α1!α2!…αn! and (x-y)α=(x1-y1)α1…(xn-yn)αn.
The Lp(p>1) boundedness of the multilinear singular integral operator is proved by the authors of [13]. Later, Hu and Yang proved a variant sharp estimate for the multilinear singular integral operators in [4]. In 2010, Liu considered the multilinear singular integral operators on classical morrey space in [5]. Recently, Du and Huang studied the boundedness of vectorvalued multilinear singular integral operator on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces in [6]. The vectorvalued multilinear singular integral operator is defined as follws:
where TA(fi)(x)=∫Rn∏lj=1Rmj+1(Aj;x,y)|x-y|mK(x,y)fi(y)dy, and Rmj+1(Aj;x,y)=Aj(x)-∑|α|≤mj1α!DαAj(y)(x-y)α. Let mj be positive integers (j=1,…, l), m1+…+ml=m, and Aj be functions on Rn (j=1,…,l),10, |TA|s is nontrivial generalizations of the commutator. It is well known that multilinear operators and commutators are of great interest in harmonic analysis and have been extensively studied by many authors[13,710].
The classical Morrey spaces were originally introduced by Morrey in [11] to study the local behavior of solutions to second order elliptic partial dierential equations. The classical Morrey spaces are defined by the norm ‖f‖Lp,λ:=supx∈Rn,r>0r-λp‖f‖Lp(B(x,r)), where 1≤p≤∞,0≤λ≤n.
When λ=0, Lp,0(Rn)=Lp(Rn). When λ=n, Lp,n(Rn)=L∞(Rn). If λ<0 or λ>n, then Lp,λ={0}. The generalized Morrey spaces Mr,φ(Rn) were first defined by Guliyev in [12]. The generalized Morrey spaces recover the classical Morrey spaces, which will be explained in next section.
In this section, we will give some basic definitions and lemmas, which will be used in the proof of our main results.
Definition 1.1Fix ε>0. Let S and S′ be Schwartz space and its dual, T:S→S′ be a linear operator. If there exists a locally integrabal function K(x,y) on Rn×Rn\{(x,y)∈Rn×R:x=y} such that T(f)(x)=∫RnK(x,y)f(y)dy, for every bounded and compactly supported function f, where K satises |K(x,y)|≤C|x-y|-n and |K(y,x)-K(z,x)|+|K(x,y)-K(x,z)|≤C|y-z|ε|x-z|-n-ε, if 2|y-z|≤|x-z|. Throughout the paper C will denote a positive constant which may be different from line to line.
Definition 1.2Let mj be positive integers (j=1…,l), m1+…+ml=m, and Aj be functions on Rn (j=1,…,l). For 1
where TA(fi)(x)=∫Rn∏lj=1Rmj+1(Aj;x,y)|x-y|mK(x,y)fi(y)dy and Rmj+1(Aj;x,y)=Aj(x)-∑|α| Definition 1.3Let φ(x,r) be a positive measurable function on Rn×(0,∞) and 1≤p<∞. For any f∈Lploc, denote by Mp,φ the generalized Morrey spaces, if ‖f‖Mp,φ=supx∈Rn,r>0φ(x,r)-1|B(x,r)|-1p‖f‖Lp(B(x,r))<∞. Note that if φ(x,r)=rλ-np, then Mp,φ(Rn)=Lp,λ(Rn). Definition 1.4[10]We call function Φ(t) a Young function, if function Φ(t) is a contious, nonnegative, strictly increasing and convex function on [0,∞) with Φ(0)=0 and Φ(t)→∞. The Φaverage of a function f over a cube Q is defined as ‖f‖Φ,Q=inf{λ>0:1|Q|∫QΦ(|f(x)|λ)dx≤1}. The examples here are Φ(t)=etr-1 and (t)=t logr(e+t), ‖·‖expLr,Q and ‖·‖L(log L)r,Q denote Φaverage and average. In the following, we give some lemmas which will play important roles in proof of our main results. Lemma 1.1[6]Let 1 ‖|TA(f)|s‖Lp≤C∏lj=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)‖|f|s‖Lp. Remark 1. This Lemma can get from Theorem 2 in [6]. Lemma 1.2[13]Let 1 ‖|f|s‖L1(Rn)<∞, {∑∞i=1(∫Rn|fi(y)|dy)s}12≤C∫Rn{∑∞i=1|fi(y)|s}1sdy. Lemma 1.3[3]Let A be a function on Rn and DαA∈Λq(Rn) for all α with |α|=m and q>n. Then |Rm(A;x,y)|≤C|x-y|m∑|α|=m(1|(x,y)|∫(x,y)|DαA(z)|qdz)1q, where is the cube centered at x with edges parallel to the axes and having diameter 5n|x-y|, Λp(Rn)={f(x),x∈Rn:Λp=supx∈Q(1|Q|∫Q|f(t)|pdt)1p<∞}. Lemma 1.4[14](1)For all 1≤p<∞, the following is true ‖b‖BMO≈supB(1|B|∫B|b(y)-bB|p)1p. (2)Let b∈BMO(Rn). Then there exists a constant C>0 such that |bB(x,r)-bB(x,t)|≤C‖b‖BMOlntr for 0<2r≤t. Lemma 1.5[7]Let rj≥1 for j=1,…,l and 1r=1r1+…+1r1,b∈BMO. Then 1|Q|∫Q|f1(x)…fl(x)g(x)|dx≤‖f‖expLr1,Q…‖f‖expLrl,Q‖g‖L(logL)1r,Q and ‖b-bB‖expL,B≤C‖b‖BMO, where bB=1|B|∫Bb(x)dx. Remark 2. If we use the ball instead of cube, the above results still hold. 2Main result and its proof 0 such that for all sequences of functions ∑∞i=1fi satisfying
Theorem 2.1Let 1
then |TA|s is bounded from Mp,φ1(Rn) to Mp,φ2(Rn) for all ‖|f|s‖Lp(Rn)<∞.
ProofSet B=(x0,r), 2B=B(x0,2r). Without loss of generality, we may assume l=2. Let j(x)=Aj(x)-∑|α|=mj1α!(DαAj)Bxα, then Rmj+1(Aj;x,y)=Rmj+1(j;x,y) and Dαj=DαAj-(DαAj)B for |α|=mj. We split f into two parts, f=g+h={gi}+{hi}={fiχ2B}+{fiχRn\2B}.
For I, by Lemma 2.1 then we have
On the other hand,
Then we can get
Now let us estimate II
We first estimate I1. By Lemma 2.3 and 2.4, we have
where B(x,y) is the ball centered at x and has radius r=|x-y|, 3nB(x,y) denote the ball centered at x and has radius r=3n|x-y|.
Notice that x∈B(x0,r),32|y-x0|≥|y-x0|+|x0-x|≥|y-x|≥|y-x0|-|x0-x|≥12|y-x0|. Then by Lemma 2.2,2.3 and 2.4 and Hlder inequality, we have
C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)∫2r<|y-x0| C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt). So we get I1≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)rnp∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Next, we estimate I2. Applying Lemma 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 and Hlder inequality, note that 32|y-x0|≥|y-x|≥12|y-x0|,then we obtain (∑∞i=1|∑||=m11!∫RnRm2(2;x,y)(x-y)|x-y|mD1(y)K(x,y)hi(y)dy|s)1s≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO(∑∞i=1|∑||=m1∫Rnln(e+|x-y|r)D1(y)K(x,y)hi(y)dy|s)1s≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫Rn{∑∞i=1|∑||=m1ln(e+|x-y|r)D1(y)K(x,y)hi(y)|s}1sdy≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫|y-x0|>2rln(e+x0-yr)|∑||=m1D1(y)||f|s1|x0-y|ndy≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫|y-x0|>2rln(e+x0-yr)|∑||=m1D1(y)||f|s∫+∞|y-x0|dttn+1dy≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫+∞2rln(e+tr)∫2r<|y-x0| C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫+∞2rln(e+tr)∑||=m1‖D1(y)‖Lp′(B(x0,t))‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))dttn+1≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫+∞2rln(e+tr)∑||=m1(1|B(x0,t)|∫B(x0,t)|DA1(y)-(DA1)B|p′)1p′ ‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫+∞2rln(e+tr)∑||=m1(1|B(x0,t)|∫B(x0,t)|DA1(y)-(DA1)B(x0,t)|p′)1p′ ‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt≤ C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∫+∞2rln(e+tr)∑||=m1(1|B(x0,t)|∫B(x0,t)|(DA1)B(x0,t)-(DA1)B|p′)1p′ ‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt≤ C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt)+ C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt)≤ C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)(∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt). Then I2≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)rnp∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Using the same method in proof of I2, we can get I3≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)rnp∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Finally we estimate I4, by Lemma 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 and Hlder inequality, notice that 32|y-x0|≥|x-y|≥12|y-x0|, then we have that (∑∞i=1|∑||=m1,||=m21!!∫Rn(x-y)+D1(y)D2(y)|x-y|mK(x,y)hi(y)dy|s)1s≤ C(∑∞i=1|∑||=m1,||=m2∫Rn|D1(y)D2(y)K(x,y)hi(y)dy|s)1s≤ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫|y-x0|>2r|D1(y)D2(y)|1|y-x0|n|f|sdy≤ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫|y-x0|>2r|D1(y)D2(y)||f|s∫+∞|y-x0|dttn+1dy≤ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| (DA2(y)-(DA2)B)|p′dy)1p′‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt≤ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0|
C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| [(DA2)Bx0,t-(DA2)B]|p′dy)1p′‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt+ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| [DA2(y)-(DA2)B(x0,t)]|p′dy)1p′‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt+ C∑||=m1,||=m2∫+∞2r∫2r<|y-x0| [(DA2)B(x0,t)-(DA2)B]|p′dy)1p′‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt:=I14+I24+I34+I44. For I14, by Lemma 2.5 we have I14≤C∫+∞2r∑||=m1(‖[DA1(y)-(DA1)B(x0,t)]p′‖expL1p′,B(x0,t))1p′‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1 (‖1‖L(log L)12p′,B(x0,t))1p′∑||=m2(‖[DA2(y)-(DA2)B(x0,t)]p′‖expL1p′,B(x0,t))1p′dt≤ C∫+∞2r∑||=m1‖[DA1(y)-(DA1)B(x0,t)]‖expL,B(x0,t)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t)) ∑||=m2‖[DA2(y)-(DA2)B(x0,t)]‖expL,B(x0,t)t-np-1dt≤ C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)∫+∞2r‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. The estimate of I24 is as follows I24≤C∑||=m2‖DA2‖BMO∑||=m1∫+∞2rln(e+tr)(1|B(x0,t)|∫B(x0,t)|DA1(y)-(DA1)B(x0,t)|p′dy)1p′ ‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt≤ C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)∫+∞2rln(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. The estimate of I34 is the same as above. I34≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)∫+∞2rln(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Now we estimate I44. I44≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. According to the above estimate, we obtain I4≤C∏2j=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)rnp∫+∞2rln2(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Thus, ‖(∑∞i=1|TA(fi)(x)|s)1s‖Lp(B)≤C∏lj=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)rnp∫+∞2rlnl(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))t-np-1dt. Then according to the condition, ‖|TA|s‖Mp,φ2=supx0∈Rn,r>0φ2(x,r)-1|B(x,r)|-np‖|TA|s‖Lp(B(x0,r))≤ C∏lj=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)supx0∈Rn,r>01φ2(x0,r)∫+∞rlnl(e+tr)‖|f|s‖Lp(B(x0,t))dt≤ C∏lj=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)‖|f|s‖Mp,φ1supx0∈Rn,r>01φ2(x0,r)∫+∞rlnl(e+tr)φ1(x0,t)dtt≤ C∏lj=1(∑|α|=mj‖DαAj‖BMO)‖|f|s‖Mp,φ1. The proof is completed. References: [1]COHEN J. A sharp estimate for a multilinear singular integral in Rn[J]. Indiana Univ Math J, 1981,30(5):693702. [2]COHEN J, GOSSELIN J. On multilinear singular integrals on Rn[J]. Studia Math, 1982,72(4):199223. [3]COHEN J, GOSSELIN J. A BMO estimate for multilinear singular integrals[J]. Illinois J Math, 1986,30(3):445464. [4]HU G, YANG D. A variant sharp estimate for multilinear singular integral operators[J]. Studia Math, 2000,141(1):2225.
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