刘迎媛, 周铁军
刘迎媛, 周铁军
(湖南农业大学理学院, 湖南长沙, 410128)
研究一类捕食者和被捕食者都具有阶段结构, 功能响应是非单调函数的时滞捕食与被捕食系统的持久性。利用比较定理得到了系统持久性的条件。
持久性; 捕食与被捕食; 阶段结构; 非单调功能响应
有很多因素影响捕食与被捕食系统的持久生存性, 比如功能响应、阶段结构、种群密度依赖等。常用的功能响应函数有Holling I到Holling IV 四种形式, 其中Holling IV功能响应函数, 其中和是正常数, 这是一种非单调的函数, 当时, 单调增加; 当时, 单调减少。所以它能反应被捕食者数量达到一定水平时所形成一种群体防御能力。文献[1-4]研究了具有这种类型的功能响应函数捕食与被捕食系统的持久生存性、全局吸引性及周期性等问题。此外在一个种群生态系统中, 种群数量的变化也受到生长阶段的影响, 比如幼年捕食者的捕食能力比成年捕食者弱得多, 甚至可以忽略不计, 幼年种群通常也不具备生育能力,所以有很多研究人员考虑了具有阶段结构的捕食与被捕食系统的性质[5-8]。将非单调功能响应和阶段结构结合起来研究捕食与被捕食系统的性质是非常有意义的。
1 模型与引理
为研究系统的持久性, 先介绍如下引理和命题。
从系统(1)的第1个与第3个方程, 利用初始条件(3)可得
2 系统的持久性
[1] Xia Y H, Cao J D, Cheng S S. Multiple periodic solutions of a delayed stage-structured predator-prey model with non-monotone functional responses [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2007, 31(9): 1 947-1 959.
[2] Yang W S, Li X P, Bai Z J. Permanence of periodic Holling type-IV predator-prey system with stage structure for prey [J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008, 48: 677-684.
[3] 王守和, 魏凤英. 具有IV类功能反应和无穷时滞的捕食系统的持久性和全局吸引性[J]. 吉林师范大学学报: 自然科学版, 2009(5): 63-66, 72.
[4] Xue Y K, Duan X F. The dynamic complexity of a Holling type-IV predator-prey system with stage structure and double delays [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2011, Article ID 509871: 1-19.
[5] Sun X K, Huo H F, Ma C C. Hopf bifurcation and stability in predator-prey model with a stage-structure for prey [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(20): 10 313-10 324.
[6] Chen F D, Chen W L, Wu Y M, et al. Permanence of a stage-structured predator-prey system [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 219(17): 8 856-8 862.
[7] Xu R, Chaplain M A J, Davidson F A. Permanence and periodicity of a delayed ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage structure [J]. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2005, 303: 602-621.
[8] Sapna Devi. Effects of prey refuge on a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage-structure of prey population [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(6): 4 337-4 349.
Permanence of a delayed predator-prey system with stage structure
Liu Yinyuan, Zhou Tiejun
(College of Science, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)
The permanence of a delayed predator-prey system with stage structure for both predator and prey, and with non-monotonous functional response is studied. Based on some comparison arguments, some sufficient conditions are obtained for the permanence of the system.
permanence; predator-prey; stage structure; non-monotonous functional response
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周铁军, hntjzhou@126.com.