

世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:竹山圣+Amorphe建筑事务所Architects: Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama + Amorphe


Architects: Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama + Amorphe

1 西侧外观/View from the west

2 地下一层平面/Floor -1 plan

3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

4 四层平面/Floor 3 plan

这座白色混凝土建筑仿佛是在承受来自天空的恩泽一般,从大地中长出,再不断向上空张开。为之命名白莲花堂,是取自弥陀净土中含苞待放的莲花蕾之意。而这座寺庙是在都市的喧嚣和楼宇的夹缝中静静开放的。从地下生出的中央结构体形成建筑的中心轴,将纳骨堂藏于其中,并向天空生长。寺庙的主要功能被安排在结构体上方,仿佛漂浮在空中一般。最具象征性的空间是被置于中心轴最上方的“空之屋”,来自圆形天窗的光线从空间中穿过。“空之屋”处于包含音乐厅、美术馆这些文化功能的整个寺庙空间的中心,将各处都连接起来,却不属于任何地方。它象征性地承受着来自天空的恩泽,是一处用于冥想的空间。□(辛梦瑶 译)

5 北侧外观/View from the north

6 东北侧外观/View from the northeast

7 五层平面/Floor 4 plan

8 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

1-电梯厅/Elevator hall

2-藏谷室/Charnel house


4-空室/Room of emptiness

9 横剖面/Cross section

1- 礼拜室/Worship room

2- 藏谷室/Charnel house

3- 瀑布花园/Waterfall garden

4- 入口大厅/Entrance hall

5- 休息室/Lounge

6- 佛教徒悼念服务室/Buddhist memorial service room

7- 空室/Room of emptiness

8- 主佛厅/Buddhist main hall

9- 研讨室/Seminar room

10- 如来佛厅/Tathagata Buddha hall

11- 会议室/Meeting room

12- 花园/Graden

Constructed from white concrete, this building has a form that becomes broader as it rises,reminiscent of one receiving a blessing from the sky. Byakurenge-do (White Lotus Hall) receives its name from the white lotus buds coming into bloom in Amitahba Paradise. This temple, standing amid the din and bustle of the city, is also reminiscent of a blooming flower, frozen in time, situated in the middle of a valley of high-rises. Containing the ossuaries, the central structure appears to be both deeply rooted in the ground and growing toward the heavens, and forms the central axis of the entire construction. The temple's main functions are placed on top this structure as if perched in the clouds. The most symbolic space is the "Ku-no-ma" (Room of Emptiness), placed at the summit and penetrated by sunlight entering through the circular skylight. This space is located at the center of all the temple's cultural functions, which include a concert hall and a museum. Connecting everything while belonging to nothing, the Ku-no-ma is a space for meditative contemplation, where one may receive a blessing from the sky.□

10 空洞为室内带来光/Exterior void to bring light to the interior

11 楼梯间/Stair case

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑类型/Building Type: 佛教建筑/Buddhist temple

结构系统/Structural System: 钢筋混凝土/Reinforced concrete

场地面积/Site Area: 962.4m2

基底面积/Building Area: 528m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 2294.52m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2011.09 - 2012.04

建造时间/Construction Period: 2012.10 - 2014.04

摄影/Photos: 白鳥美雄/Yoshio Shiratori




12 空室/Room of emptiness

13 入口大厅/Entrance hall

14 入口大厅内的瀑布/View of waterfall from the entrance hall


LIU Chen: The magical Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp, built by Le Corbusier and described as "a soft ear listening to the voice of Heaven", has cast a lasting spell on modern architects. Quotations of it are to be found worldwide, many of which are variations on the same allegorical theme. Among the Japanese avant-garde group, Takeyama has a peculiar sense for poetic quotations. He seems to move effortlessly across multiple cultures, gleaning in the fertile field of allusions and combining his findings in an often unexpected way. Here the exquisitely perforated concrete shell, reminiscent of Le Corbusier's "soft ear", is fused with both the Buddhist allusion to the white lotus and the Taoist meditation on life and death. Paradoxically, quotations, like all things, arise from "nothing". Devoid of these quotations, wouldn't it be a better place for contemplation?

ZHOU Jianjia: When I saw the photos of the building details, I am left with an impression of delicacy,common throughout Japanese architecture. The light pours into the space in much the same way in which concrete is poured, forming the epitome of the virtues of Japanese architecture, namely thoughtful design and construction quality. However, when I reviewed the drawings, I realized that the building represents an meaningful experiment, to create a serene Buddhist temple in Tokyo, especially in Shinjuku, a densely populated central district. Unlike other temples, the sequence of repose, reflection, and solitude found in Byakurenge-do is completed solely through vertical stratification, programmatically and ambiently. This project not only represents a graceful gesture responding to a constrained space, but it also accurately creates a transitioning atmosphere that is required by the various functions on every floor.

Shinjuku Ruriko-in Byakurenge-do, Tokyo, Japan, 2014


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