

世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:张斌,周蔚/致正建筑工作室Architects: ZHANG Bin, ZHOU Wei/Atelier Z+


Architects: ZHANG Bin, ZHOU Wei/Atelier Z+

1 西侧外观/View from the west

2 区位/Location





3 北侧仪式入口/North entrance

The reception center is located in the center of Songhe Cemetery, along the main road on the east and the parking lot on the north, and adjacent to the cemetery on both the south and west sides. As the main public building in the cemetery, the reception center holds multiple functions. It serves as a business center, a burial ceremony space and an administrative place, providing services for customers on tomb purchases, burial ceremonies, and grave tributes, including serving large crowds for tombsweeping on special days as Qingming and Dongzhi.

Due to the lack of space and unappealing surrounding environment, the design determinately strives to create a calm, peaceful and introverted space from the very beginning. Models of traditional "residential garden" in regions south of the Yangtze River were used as design prototype to organize rooms, courtyards and landscapes interdependently to each other.

The whole site is divided into four interconnected courtyards defined by walls. In the central courtyard sits the business reception hall spanning eighteen meters and surrounded by courtyards all around. The glass walls on the north and west sides allows the inner space flowing into the outer courtyard. To the north of the reception hall, a burial ceremony area is located with two funeral rooms, one large and one small. Each room is jointed with its own courtyard and connected to the other with zigzag corridors. The offices and conference center are on the south side with interconnected volumes. The conference halls in the center extruding southward overlook the whole cemetery, while the offices on the sides are adjoined with small courtyards with diversified scenes. The administration building is located to the east of the reception and ceremony areas,equipped with a flower shop, a canteen and service areas for funeral and tomb-sweeping. These four zones create two concave entrance courtyards, with one facing the main entrance by the road on the east side and the other connected with the secondary entrance leading to the parking lot to the north.

The landscape design of the courtyards plays a key role, which sets different tones for each zone. The courtyard by the funeral area in the north is paved with pure white gravels with no vegetation. It is a tranquil and spiritual place merged with the pure white interior space of the burial ceremony hall through the floor-high long windows. The courtyard by the administrative area in the south is filled with lush vegetation and vitality,which makes a strong contrast to the simple yet elegant funeral area. The characters of the central courtyard are both graceful and vibrate. Slate platform with large trees is connected with water lily ponds, revealing sensitivity in stillness. The front yard has a ramp in the center with cascades and plants on both sides, creating a space with charm, beauty and respect.

The material selection and construction methods of the rooms, which enclose and define the courtyards,are also complied with the above simple yet elegant design approach. The main element to shape the architectural form is the dark grey double-slope roofs with clay tiles, whose deep and light eaves are arrangedrhythmically. The façades below the second-floor windowsills, as well as all walls around the courtyards are decorated with light grey dry-hung granite panels,with dark stones defining the plinth and the coping of the walls. The façades above the second-floor windowsills and below the eaves use Titanium-Zinc panels with a dark metallic sheen. Glass walls are only used on the north and west sides of the reception hall to bring in more landscape views from the courtyards.

The interior design of the reception hall is also a focus of the project. The floor, the walls and the long reception desk, which extends along one side of the hall, all use warm beige granite. Ceilings under the pitched roof is covered with juniper acoustic panels. These materials match each other and together create a pleasant atmosphere. The floor on the west side of the hall sinks slightly. This area is used as the cashier's desk and lobby manager's office divided by glass partitions. The mezzanine above this area is suspended from the roof structure and used as VIP rooms,which are enclosed by translucent laminated glass sandwiched with paper. A horizontal high window is designed using the height difference between the two roof ridges, which brings natural light into the hall. □

4 仪式入口庭院/Ceremony entrance courtyard

5 接待区庭院/The courtyard by the reception

6 接待大厅和办公区之间的庭院/The courtyard between the reception hall and the office

7 轴测图/Axonometric drawing

8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

1-业务接待大厅/Reception hall

2-客户休息室/Client Lounge

3-大落葬司仪室/Big funeral chamber

4-小落葬司仪室/Small funeral chamber


6-员工休息室/Staff lounge

7-接待室/Reception room

8-会议室/Meeting room

9-礼仪组/Protocol room



12-配电间/Switch room

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 上海市嘉定区松鹤墓园/Shanghai Songhe Cemetery

项目建筑师/Project Architects: 袁怡(方案设计)/YUAN Yi(Schematic Design),金燕琳(初步设计、施工图设计、室内设计、景观设计)/JIN Yanlin(Development Design, Constructional Drawing Design, Interior Design & Landscape Design)

设计团队/Design Team: 李佳,何斌,李姿娜,杨敏,王佳绮,何茜,麻宇翔,廉馥宁,王晨曦/ LI Jia, HE Bin, LI Zina, YANG Min, WANG Jiaqi, HE Qian, MA Yuxiang, LIAN Funing, WANG Chenxi

合作设计/Cooperation: 上海伊腾建筑设计有限公司/ Shanghai Yiteng Architectural Design Co., Ltd.

承建方/Construction: 上海均泰建筑工程有限公司/ Shanghai Juntai Architectural Construction Co., Ltd.

主要用途/Program: 殡葬设施/Mortuary Service

造价/Cost: 4,000,000 RMB

结构形式/Structure: 钢筋混凝土框架结构(局部钢结构)/Reinforced Concrete Frame (Steel Structure in part)

建筑层数/Floor Number: 地上2层/2 floors above ground

材料/Materials: 干挂花岗石材,钛锌板,陶瓦,平板玻璃,夹纸玻璃,大理石,木质饰面吸音板板,塑木板/ Granite panel cladding, titanium-zinc sheeting, clay tiles,slab glass, laminated glass sandwiched with paper, marble,wood veneer acoustic panel, wood plastic composite panel场地面积/Site Area: 6823m2

基底面积/Building Area: 3095m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 4936m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2011.10-2014.10

建造时间/Construction Period:2013.06-2014.11

摄影/Photos: 页景/YE Jing

9.10 剖面/Sections

11 业务接待大厅/Reception hall





HU Yue: This a complex of delicate and austere buildings. The simple architectural form borrows a slight taste of styles found south of the Yangtze River, but the low buildings and the complex commercial space,composed of multiple-layered courtyards, weakens the expression that funerary architecture usually presents. However, I do think that this is indeed the right atmosphere for this type of architecture to convey,a certain degree of affinity of solemnity and quietness designed to eliminate people's fear of death.

LIU Chen: We live in a crowded world. It seems that when we die, the situation is not getting any better:we will find ourselves lay head to toe in endless arrays of deathbeds. But here, at the Songhe Cemetery, the crowdedness of the dead forms such an ironic contrast to the luxurious ampleness and serenity of the newly completed reception hall that the dead would resurrect to embark on an exodus, had they had feelings. That is not going to happen, given the impassable barrier between life and death. The living beings, like the ancient poet Tao Yuanming, resort to Taoism only for temporary self-relief. As long as we choose to be buried as the others, crowdedness seems unavoidable. So does a proper ritual to be held in a proper space, the ampler and the serener, the better.

Reception Center for Songhe Cemetery, Shanghai, China, 2014

12 落葬司仪室/Funeral chamber

13 贵宾洽谈包房/VIP room

