

世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:约翰·塞尔辛建筑师事务所Architects: Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor


Architects: Johan Celsing Arkitektkontor

1 鸟瞰/Aerial view

2 总平面/Site plan

1- 信仰、希望与圣十字礼拜堂/Chapels of Faith, Hope and the Holy Cross

2- 林中礼拜堂/Woodland chapel

3- 重生礼拜堂/Chapel of Resurrection

4- 访客中心,之前为服务用房/Visitor center, previously service building

5- 新火葬场/The new crematorium



项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 斯德哥尔摩墓地委员会/The Stockholms Cemetery Committee

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Johan Celsing

项目团队/Project Team: Stefan Andersson, Göran Marklund, Elisabet Bernsveden, Sven Etzler, Eyvind Bergström, IbbBerglund, Tommy Carlsson, Kristina Dalberg,Marcus Eliasson, Milo Lavén, Sabina Liew, Thomas Marcks,Anna Ryf, Carl Toråker, Carl Wärn

景观建筑师/Landscape Architects: Rita Illien/Müller Illien Landschaftsarchitekten GmH

结构工程/Construction Engineering: Tyréns AB

暖通空调/HVAC: Anders Dahlbeck VVS Konsult AB

电气工程/Electricity: Sonny Svenson Konsult AB

声学设计/Acoustics: Akustikon AB

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3000m2

设计竞赛时间/Design Competition Time: 2009

建成时间/Completion: 2013.11

摄影/Photos: Erik Hugoson(fig. 1), Ioana Marinescu(fig. 3,5,6,11,14,15), JCA(fig. 7-9)

考虑到音效,部分室内使用了穿孔砖。白色釉面让它能够反射并强化来自屋顶洞隙的光线。建筑的公共空间之一是仪式厅,围绕棺椁或骨灰罐的悼念仪式就在这里举行。建筑体块内部是露天的中庭,员工在这里聚集休息时不会影响送葬者。立面和屋顶都用砖,形成小尺度的表面,并使其与周围古松的树干形成对比。送葬者与访客通过松林间大片的花岗岩石板路进入火葬场。公共入口处还有一个硕大的砖门廊,送葬者可以在这里小憩,欣赏近前的自然林地。门廊处均为砖面,角度却各不相同。立面、地面和门廊天花上也使用砖面。除此之外,还有一棵巨大的花岗岩承重柱。□(尚晋 译)

3 外景/Exterior view

This new crematorium is located among undulating terrain within a forested section of Skogskyrkogården, also known as Woodland Cemetery. Situated in a cluster of massive century old pines, the compact brick structure is approximately 150 meters away from the main chapel complex, designed by Gunnar Asplund in 1940. The project was titled, in the anonymous international competition held in 2009, "A Stone in the Forest".

The arrangement of the crematorioum's plan and the characteristics of its interior were of major concern. The project’s compact footprint gives the staff a comprehensive overview of the facility, and it also makes a limited encroachment in the precious forest. Exposed white concrete has been used as the structure of the building. The aim has been to achieve a robust quality as well as to provide a sense of clemency in the building's interior. The concrete is bright Danish white cement with Dolomite cross as ballast. No treatment had been done to the surfaces when the formwork was dismantled, thus the walls and ceilings provide a subtle but palpable sign of the construction process.

For acoustics, perforated bricks are used in portions of the interior. As they are glazed white,they reflect and accentuate the light from the various openings and slits in the roof. One of the main spaces in the building is a Ceremony Room where mourners can pay their respects at the coffin or urn. Also inside the central block is an atrium,open to the sky where staff can congregate at breaks without interfering with the mourners. Brick has been chosen for the facades and roof to convey a smaller scale as well as to relate to the trunks of the surrounding pines. Mourners reach the building via a path of large granite slabs that have been laid out between the pines. At the public entrance, there is a generous brick canopy under which mourners may gather or rest in close proximity to the forest. At the canopy all the surfaces are of brick, laid on different edges. They are similarly laid on the facades, on the ground, and cast into the ceiling of the canopy. Adding to the brick surfaces is one massive load bearing granite column.□

4 平面/Plan

1- 公共入口/Public entry

2- 等候区/Waiting hall

3- 接待区/Reception

4- 仪式厅/Ceremony room

5- 火化厅/Furnace hall

6- 控制室/Control room

7- 冷库一/Cold store 1

8- 冷库二/Cold store 2

9- 冷却机和蓄能器/Coolers and accumulators

10- 进气口/Air intake

11- 车库/Garage

12- 带顶棚的汽车入口/Covered car entrance

13- 棺椁接收厅/Hall for receiving coffins

14- 骨灰存放室/Urns storage

15- 中庭/Atrium

16- 更衣室/Changing room

17- 员工室/Staff room

18- 经理室/Manager room

5 从等候区室内看门廊/View of the porch from interior of waiting hall

6 从门廊看火化厅入口/View of the furnace hall's entrance from the porch





JIN Qiuye: The exterior of the building looks a rectangular box that has been cut into, while the use of tile in the building impairs the materiality of bricks. The interior spaces of the building form a sharp contrast with its exterior. The cool-colored,metal-reflective, and smooth mirror-like concrete floor, its walls, and the use of transparent glass and perforated metal plates create a cold and clean interior environment, which cannot be assumed by only examining the exterior. Rather, it is consistent with all the features of contemporary architectural aesthetics. Although located in the ambience of a forest graveyard,the design seems to have no intention to correspond to the existing surroundings.

YUAN Ye: This newly built crematorium successfully continues the simple but mysterious nature that defines Woodland Cemetary, whose buildings and landscapes were originally designed by Eric Gunnar Asplund. Elegant streamlined design and subtle lighting effects naturally combine architectural form and space, without any sense of deliberateness. The integration of brick on the exterior walls and roof helps to make the building harmoniously blend into the pine forest landscape,becoming "a huge stone of the forest". The entrance porch displays a detailed functional consideration,which also is intended to pay tribute to the great porch of the cemetery's main chapel complex, designed by Eric Gunnar Asplund in 1940. In the interior, white concrete walls and a pure atmosphere created by skylights contrast starkly with the rustic outdoor scene. It seems to create a metaphor of humanity and heaven.

The New Crematorium at the Woodland Cemetery, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013

7 车库门/Door of garage

8 进气口/Air intake

9 屋顶排气口与排水沟/Roof with exhausts and gutter

10 砖屋面细部构造/Brick detail of roof

11 火化厅内景/Interior view of furnace hall

12.13 剖面/Sections

14 仪式厅内景/Interior view of ceremony room

15 中庭/Atrium

17 中庭剖面/Section of atrium

