

世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计: 朱雷,龚恺Architects: ZHU Lei, GONG Kai


建筑设计: 朱雷,龚恺
Architects: ZHU Lei, GONG Kai












项目信息/Credits and Data

项目负责人/Project Directors: 朱雷,齐昉/ZHU Lei, QI Fang

场地面积/Site Area: 23hm2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 50,000m2

建造时间/Construction Period: 2010-2012

1 总平面/General plan

2 从业务厅望悼念台/View of tribute stand

3 守灵桥/Wake bridge

The relocation project of Nanjing Funeral Parlor (also known as the "1231 Project") was part of Nanjing's "Ten Major Livelihood Projects" in 2010. The new funeral parlor covers an area of about 23 hectares with 50,000-square meter floor area (including 10,000-square meter Ash Memorial Hall). The new parlor is located to the south of Xitiansi Cemetery in Majiadian Village, Tiexinqiao Street,Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, and to the north of Dazhou Road (Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway). The project site is mainly on hilly terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides.

The design aims to achieve both goals of functionality and spirituality. Responding to the constraints of the special terrain condition, a "landscape style" design strategy was adopted to blend the architecture and the topography into each other. Functional blocks were arranged according to the division of the terrain. On the one hand, natural ecology was considered to reduce earthworks; on the other hand, hilly terrain was used to enhance the spiritual connotation.

Under the guidance of the above objectives and strategies, the overall layout of "one axis, three series" is formed. "One axis" extends longitudinally on the terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides. Taking advantage of the hilly terrain, modern architectural approaches are adopted to respond to the traditional Chinese funeral culture, highlighting the site topography and spatial concept to make "hill as bedroom". The "Three series" extend one after another along the axis in light with the terrain changes to meet the functional requirements: the first series faces external road and links the foothills on both sides, where the "Tribute Stand" was built;the second series is set up in the middle of the valley between two wings halfway up the hills, where the "Wake Bridge" was erected; the third series loops around the main peak at the back keeping the mountain top intact to form a "Memorial Ring".

1. Tribute Stand

The Tribute Stand is located at the starting point of the axis, facing the road and connected to the foothill. It is composed of mainly large, medium and small-sized memorial halls, with production and service space hidden beneath and in the back of the stand. The plan of the entire stand is in ring shape and radiating out. There are rest porch and tribute square in front of the stand to accommodate large crowds of people. To the east of the square,a spacious service hall is connected to the tribute stand. Stepping on top of the stand, one can have a good view of the Wake Bridge, the Memorial Hall and the natural peak in the back.

2. Wake Bridge

The Wake Bridge is located behind the Tribute Stand. It is set in the middle of the valley between two wings halfway up the hills, hence the name "Wake Bridge", with mainly rooms to keep the coffin. The bridge is raised up on both sides leaving space for greenery and landscape, as well as pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Behind the bridge, it is the waiting area for the ashes - further back, separated by the road and partly hidden beneath the main peak is the area for cremation production. Going up the Wake Bridge from the lobby in the middle,one can see the Wake Square and the Tribute Stand at front and the Memorial Ring and the natural mountain in the back. The magnificent buildings and the serene atmosphere help cleanse the soul.

3. Memorial Ring

The Memorial Ring is relatively isolated, lying at the far end of the main axis and circling around the natural mountain top, functioning as the Ash Hall. The bottom structure of the Ash Hall is connected to the mountain in radiating form, guiding the crowds up the steps. Various sizes of fan-shaped storage and reception areas are arranged on the outer side. The upper annular structure of the Ash Hall is built on top of the bottom structure and the outer loop captures day light from the roof. The inner side of the entireMemorial Ring sits into the mountain as steps, with upper and bottom levels connected to each other. A memorial wall is reserved at the space against the mountain at the back (related authority has placed the city's martyr wall there). Going up along the steps and exiting the Ash Hall, one can have a panoramic view of the overall setting; inside the ring lies the natural mountain top covered with verdant pines.

In the bottom and back parts of the main axis,coordinated with the site topography and functional needs, production areas are appropriately arranged. A high-voltage corridor divides this area into two parts, front and rear, which are connected by an underground passage. The cremation area is located in the rear which is the downwind area of the entire site, and a valley in the northwest is used as an exhaust passage. To the east of the main axis, an office management area is located in this relatively independent and quiet part.

The overall layout arranges various zones properly and combines long-term and short-term development plans. Spaces are reserved in the north,west and southeast areas of the site for potential expansion and development in the future.□

4 纪念环/Memorial ring

5 纪念环剖面/Sections of memorial ring





HU Yue: In comparison to the typical funeral home typology, this is a huge architectural complex. The designers have also managed to achieve a balance between functional requirements and topography. From this perspective, it is a well-designed funeral home which adopts an appropriately modern style, differing from other similar buildings in China that present either an inappropriate traditional Chinese architectural form or some kind of hybrid Chinese-European style.

ZHOU Jianjia: This project is grounded on a grand narrative. Compared to the other relatively small projects, the explicit rises and sequences seen here are more in tune to how the Chinese understand monumental spaces. The powerful geometric forms in this "one axis three rings" composition further consolidate this understanding. In these grand volumes, the program of the former funeral home is restructured, and its circulation is prolonged; likewise, the ritual now follows a sense of linear narrative. Walking up the axis allows a constant experience of different spaces and also a sense of the passage of time, accompanied with the interweaving of mountain scenes,landscape, and architecture.

Nanjing New Funeral Parlor, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2012

6 火化间室内/Interior view of furnace room

7 殡葬管理处室内/Interior view of mortician office

