建筑设计:古森弘一建筑设计事务所Architects: FURUMORI KOICHI Architectural Design Studio
Architects: FURUMORI KOICHI Architectural Design Studio
这座纳骨堂采用了具有革新性的能源独立式设计,于2014年9月竣工。奥雅纳东京分部为这座355m2的单层建筑提供了结构、水暖电和立面工程方面的技术服务。明圆寺纳骨堂设有一个全玻璃天花板,既避免了电量的消耗,又可以让充足的光线从木格栅落下,同时还采用被动式策略保证了房间的凉爽和舒适。设计的挑战在于当日光直射入玻璃屋顶时如何维持房间的温度。设计团队想到用叠加4层木格栅的办法来使屋顶下获得充足的空间,这样被捕获的热量就能在辐射入房间之前被对流空气带走。格栅既是遮蔽构件,也是结构支撑。竣工以来的测量结果显示出其良好性能,白天的照度范围可以保持在800-1300 lx,室外温度为32℃的酷暑天气时室温能控制在27℃以下。
纳骨空间由高6m的表面裸露的钢筋混凝土剪力墙(厚400mm)围成,被叠层木格屋顶覆盖。木屋顶有4层。第1层梁(高125mm)和第二层梁(高125mm)由于悬挂在第3层梁上,仅为装饰。第3层梁(高2000mm)的跨度达5100mm,由最后置入的无序木柱(每根直径250mm)支撑。第4层梁的最大跨度是2000mm,与第3层梁垂直。为避免第4层梁的侧向弯折,每隔2000mm设置1根与第3层梁平行的拉杆。拉杆同时也被用来支撑太阳辐射屏蔽板。天窗和入口空间由钢架构成。天窗的柱基被固定在第4层梁上,因此无法进行柱基的末端修补,柱基于是被设计为销连接,柱头被设计为刚性连接。考虑到要减少基地作业量,刚性连接的接头处被尽可能地减少了。□(辛梦瑶 译)
1 从明圆寺前廊看纳骨堂/View from the front porch of Myoenji Temple
2 内景/Interior view
项目信息/Credits and Data
合作者/Collaborators: 奥雅纳工程咨询(日本)有限公司/ Arup Japan, 种子设计社/Seed Sekkei-sha
承建方/Contractor: 茜建设/Akane Kensetsu
楼层/Number of Stories: 1F
结构类型/Type of Structure: 混合结构/Mixed Structure
场地面积/Site Area: 1077.48m2
基地面积/Building Area: 426.27m2
建筑面积/Floor Area: 355m2
摄影/Photos: 新建筑杂志社/Shinkenchiku-sha
3 木柱与木格屋顶/Timber post and laminated lattice timber roof
4 门厅/Entrance hall
This building is a columbarium located in Fukuoka Prefecture. Its designer, Koichi Furumori,an architect based in Kyushu, has a history of designing religious projects. In general, the columbarium is mainly utilized during limited periods, such as holidays, and visitors stay only for a short time during the day. Furumori focused on these unique requirements in his design. In the initial design stage, the decision was made to create a building without electrical equipment, lighting,or even windows. Arup, with its reputation of multi-disciplinary engineering, collaborated with Furumori to create a holistic design solution. With the randomly placed timber columns and sunlight streaming down from a skylight perforated by multiple lattice timber roofs, the central internal space has quite a unique and impressive atmosphere.
An innovative energy independent design for the columbarium was completed in September 2014. The Tokyo office of Arup provided structural, MEP,and façade engineering services for the 355 square meter, single story building. Designed to not utilize any electricity, the Myoenji Columbarium has a fully glazed ceiling allowing abundant sunlight through a gridded wooden louver, while a passive ventilation arrangement keeps the room cool and comfortable. The primary challenge was to maintain a constant temperature while providing natural light through the glazed roof. The design team came up with the idea of stacking four timber louvers, allowing adequate space under the roof so that captured heat can be removed by cross ventilation before radiating into the room. The louver provides a dual role as the building's shading device as well as its structural support. Measurements since completion indicate good performance, with daytime lux levels averaging between 800 lx and 1,300 lx with an inside temperature below 27ºC, even when the outside temperature on a sunny day was 32ºC.
The burial space is surrounded by six meter high exposed reinforced concrete shear walls (400mm thickness). The laminated lattice timber roof consists of four layers. The first layer (125mm pitch) and the second layer (125mm pitch) are decorative, as they are suspended from the third layer. This third layer’s beams (2,000mm pitch) span 5,100mm maximum and are supported by timber posts (250mm diameter each), located randomly in the plan. The maximum span of the fourth layer beams are 2,000mm perpendicular to the third layer beams. Tension rods are located every 2,000mm,parallel to the third layer beams, in order to prevent lateral buckling of the fourth layer. Tension rods also support the solar radiation shieldplates. The skylight itself and the entrance space are composed of steel framing. Since the column base of the skylight is placed on the fourth layer beam, a fixed end condition of the column base cannot be expected. Therefore, the column bases are designed with a pin connection, and capitals are designed with rigid connections. In order to reduce the site work load,locations of rigid connections were reduced as much as possible.□
5 剖轴测图/Isometrics drawing
6 立面细部/Façade detail
7 屋顶构造/Construction detail of roof
FAN Lu: Myoenji Columbarium is contemporary commemorative architecture with a concise, restrained style and a delicate design. Black and white are used as background colors in square-shaped hall of columbariablack cabinets for funeral urns, and white for walls and floor. In the center of the hall, the multiple-piled lattice timber roof and timber posts are principal elements,which bring one up to an immeasurable atmosphere. Soft, comfortable, but mysterious light is shed through the four stacked timber louvers of the roof; timber posts, randomly located, introduce an intangible order to the plan and echo the mystery of the skylight. The posts stand upright, between the skylight and the reflected light from the white floor, acting to hold up heaven from the earth, and at the same time, keeping the roof and floor from dispersing. By all of these means, a surreal feeling is created in the hall.
DING Yao: The columbarium is located next to the secluded Myoenji Temple in Fukuoka, but the architects had no intention to create a direct connection between this building and the existing Buddhist space. Surrounding the charnel house is a peaceful countryside of small residences and farmland, and it is connected to this context by a long temple walkway connecting with the main road. However, the architect builds in an inward-looking manner with solid concrete walls; its only connections to the outside are a skylight and fresh air. Even the entry space is deliberately disconnected from its context. After all, aside from ritual activities such as those in the Obon Festival, this space is not intended for the "people". Death is a perpetual state;the zero-energy high-tech equipment in this building is actually part of a manmade perpetual environment that is completely isolated from the "world of the living". Under the skylight is a space created by chaotic wooden columns, quite similar to "Paradise" in the Danteum (an unbuilt project by Giuseppe Terragni), which also quietly expresses this perpetual state within the building.
11 纪念环入口/Entrance to the Ring of Remembrance
12 构成纪念环的镀金金属板/Gilded metal panels
朱育帆:“回忆之环”第一感不由得让人联想起凯瑟琳·古斯塔夫森设计的“戴妃环”,有趣的是这个基于328m环线尺度的纪念环营造出截然不同的空间感和寓意。一个闭合、稳定和均质的椭圆环被放置在法国国家墓地南侧可以俯瞰阿图瓦平原的相对平缓的边缘,于是具有不稳定感的悬念出现在了它的东南角:挑空、倾泻…… 另外值得注意的是这个水平向纪念碑在纪念观上的拓展,超越了国家和种族,没有胜利者也没有失败者,只有平等的人。
ZHU Yufan: After first glancing at the "Ring of Memory", one may be reminded of the "Ring of Diana" designed by Kathryn Gustafson. It is interesting how this commemorative ring, forming a 328 meter perimeter, creates a completely different sense of space and meaning. A closed, stable, and even ellipse is placed on the relatively flat southern portion of France's National Cemetery, overlooking the Artois Plain. However, this scenic overlook is accompanied by a unstable cantilevering of the ring's southeastern section: the vertical height, the falling... The other thing that needs to be pointed out is that this horizontally oriented monument expands the idea of commemoration, making it surpass nationality, race,and the definitions of winners versus losers; are people all equal.
YUAN Ye: The Notre Dame de Lorette International Memorial both floats above and embeds into the vast countryside of the Pas de Calais in France. With its extremely simple and powerful ringed elliptical shape, the memorial conveys strongly suggests the character of a timeless monument. This transcendence is also reflected in its completely equal treatment of all of the fallen it memorializes, emphasizing the dignity of every life. The horizontal and homogeneous circular arrangement of inscribed names removes all differences, regardless of the countries, races,or religions involved in the conflict. Five hundred consecutive gold plates, covered with 579,606 names,shine nobly and mysteriously. They express the ultimate human desire for peace. This stunning work simultaneously unites and opposes art and nature through a pure language. The landscape even exhibits a strong symbolic meaning that would not have existed if not for the presence of the monument. It is a ring of memory, but more so it is a declaration of peace for all mankind.
Myoenji Columbarium, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, 2014
13 “漂浮”的纪念环/The "levitating" Memorial