

风景园林 2015年2期


有关设计方法的科学研究成果更是层出不穷。1977年,美国建筑师和理论家亚历山大出版了一本影响很大的书《A Pattern Language-Towns·Buildings·Construction》,中文版于 2002年出版,译名为《建筑模式语言》。书中亚历山大以尺度从大到小排列,提供了253个有关城镇、邻里、住宅、花园、房间等模式,对每一种模式都定性、有时也定量地进行了阐述,提供规划和设计等方面的参考。亚历山大希望通过这种模式语言,建立一整套完整的设计指导,使得设计者可以很快地把握不同场所良好设计的本质,避免在设计中犯一些低级错误。


“Pattern Language”在亚历山大的书中是最关键的词汇,中文版把它翻译为“模式语言”,不知亚历山大是否认同,但中英文许多词汇是没法一一对应的,考虑到书的内容,翻译成“模式语言”还是比较恰当的。


本期的主题是景观图式语言,其中图式语言对应的英文词汇是“Pattern Language”。我确信,如果把亚历山大的书翻译成“建筑图式语言”,作者是不会认同的,尽管他的书里有不少照片和插图,但这些都与图式没有多大关系。


2015年2月18 日


Most designs in history were conducted by experience.Since the 1900s, many western designers started to feel dissatisfied with such experiential-based design method and set about working on the establishment of a design approach built on rationality and scientifi c analysis. When it came to the 1960s and 1970s, rational design was further developed and later on many design disciplines were shifted from pure art to a combination of art and science. Landscape Architecture was therefore developed from an art of creating and preserving human settlement and natural beauty to the combination of art and science concerning the analysis, planning, design and management of lands.

The scientific research achievements of design methods are even more abundant. In 1977, architect and theorist Alexander published a book of far-reaching significance, A Pattern Language- Towns · Buildings ·Construction (The translated version was published in 2002 in China, named “建筑模式语言”), providing 253 design patterns concerning towns, neighborhoods,residences, gardens and rooms from large to small scales.Each pattern is explained qualitatively and sometimes quantitatively, and references for planning and design are also provided. Alexander wished to create a complete set of design guidance through such pattern language so that designers can comprehend the essence of different sites to avoid simple mistakes.

As a guidebook, A Pattern Language- Towns ·Buildings · Construction is indeed helpful to beginners to understand and estimate designs, and to those nonprofessionals to understand urban and architectural design and to direct the design of their own houses or gardens.Most people once believed that with pattern language,designers can make fi ne design proposals more effi ciently from the experience and wisdom of predecessors. Truth is, just as learning a language, mastering the vocabulary and grammar doesn’t mean one can writing an article at will, let alone a good piece of article. Alexander’s theory is in fact the abstraction and simplifi cation of sites. Yes, it is true that pattern language can help one to judge more accurately, but pitifully there were few good designs being done according to his theory, even his own designs were not always successful. It appears that design is not like math, mastering the laws or formulas can not deduce an expected result. Every design is of means but forms.What Alexander put forward is more a method rather than a pattern.

“Pattern Language” is the most pivotal phrase in Alexander’s works. In the Chinese publication, it is translated as “模式语言 ”. I am not sure if Alexander agreed such translation, but it is impractical to match every word between English and Chinese. Considering the content of the book, I think “模式语言 ” is appropriate.

From where I stand, I think that once something becomes a “pattern”, it becomes more easy to be classifi ed, understood, judged, analyzed and studied; but it also often becomes a taboo for art as well as design because design disciplines are mostly the combination of art and science. A “Pattern” is helpful to beginners and the non-professionals to understand, but it could lead to dogmatism and inflexibility in design. In my opinion, it is better to not include any “patterns” when designing.I think most outstanding designers from the west don’t want “pattern” in the process of design either. This might be the reason why there are few mentions of Alexander’s book after it was popular for a while.

The topic of this issue is landscape pattern language,among which the “pattern language” is translated as “图式语言 ”. I am convinced that if Alexander’s works were translated into “建筑图式语言”, he wouldn’t have been agreed, despite the fact that there are a lot of photos and illustrations in his book.

There always countless branches of theories for the fi eld of design, each of which is of its own logical system under certain circumstances. It is not suitable to judge any of the theories simply by rights and wrongs. Instead,we should study the background of every theory and the pertinence of its conclusion. In this issue, every piece of article concerning the research of landscape pattern language is of particular research value, I believe it is benefi cial to the establishment of your own thoughts and understandings in this area.

