目的 分析青少年急性髌骨脱位后骨软骨损伤的MRI特点。材料与方法 对41例青少年急性髌骨脱位的MRI资料进行回顾性分析,所有患者均行常规MR矢状面、冠状面和横断面T1WI、T2WI、脂肪抑制FSE序列扫描,分析骨软骨损伤的特点。结果 急性髌骨脱位后,41例青少年有37例(90.2%)出现骨软骨损伤,其中Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级骨软骨损伤的发生率分别为10.5%、12.2%、24.5%、52.6%。青少年髌骨侧、股骨侧、髌骨-股骨骨软骨损伤的发生率分别为32.4%、13.5%、54.0%。结论 青少年骨软骨损伤以Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级多见,损伤部位以髌骨侧及多部位损伤常见。
1 材料与方法
回顾性分析本院2010年1月至2015年5月间的所有膝关节MR图像,挑选出41例经临床确诊的急性髌骨脱位患者。参照Lewallen等[1]和Vavken等[2]的研究标准将青少年定义为年龄18岁并且股骨远侧,胫骨近侧骨骺仍未闭合。髌骨外侧脱位MRI诊断标准[3-4]:(1) MRI检查显示髌骨内下部和股骨外侧髁骨髓挫伤;(2)患者就诊时髌骨处于外侧脱位状态;(3)临床明确的外侧脱位病史,髌骨内侧缘压痛,髌骨外推恐惧试验阳性。所有患者受伤至MRI检查时间均小于1周。既往膝关节外伤史,髌骨反复脱位,手术史以及风湿性关节炎等病例均排除在研究之外。
使用philip 1.5T或3.0T MR扫描仪,采用包裹式表面线圈,患者仰卧,腿伸直位,行横断面,失状面和冠状面扫描,扫描参数:SET1WI,TR 400~450 ms,TE 12 ms;FSET2WI,TR 2500~3200 ms,TE 90 ms;脂肪抑制FSE双回波序列,TR 3000~3500 ms,TE 16、96 ms.扫描层厚为3 mm,间距为0.3 mm,FOV 150 mm×150 mm~180 mm×180 mm,扫描矩阵为220×220~256×256。
2 结果
表1 青少年骨软骨损伤程度发生率Tab. 1The degree and incidence of bone cartilage injury in adolescents
表2 青少年骨软骨损伤部位发生率Tab. 2The comparison ofThe incidence of bone and cartilage injury in adolescents
3 讨论
图1 女,10岁。A:X线示髌骨后方碎骨片(箭)。B:CT横断面示髌骨后方骨软骨缺如(箭)。C:CT横断面示髌骨后方游离骨碎片,与X片所见相同(箭)。D,E:MRI矢状面、横断面示髌骨后方骨软骨骨折(箭)。F:髌骨后方骨软骨片复位并可吸收螺钉内固定术后(箭) 图2 男,14岁。A,B:MRI横断面、矢状面示股骨髁后方游离体(箭)。C:MRI冠状面示股骨外髁骨软骨缺如并骨髓挫伤(箭)。D:MRI横断面示髌骨骨软骨形态及信号正常(箭) 图3 女,18岁。A:MRI横断面示髌骨后方单纯软骨损伤,软骨内小片高信号(箭)。B:MRI横断面示髌骨内、外侧支持带断裂,其连续性中断,信号增高(箭)Fig. 1 Female, 10 years old. A: X-ray of patella bone fragments (arrow). B: CTTransverse patella bone cartilage ofThe rear (arrow). C: CT rearTransverse patella free fragment of bone, and XThe same (arrow). D, E: MRI sagittal,Transverse patella bone cartilage fracture, posterior (arrow). F: Posterior articular cartilage ofThe patella and absorbable screw fxation (arrow). Fig. 2 Male, 14 years old. A, B: MRITransverse, sagittal femoral condyle posterior (arrow). C: MRI coronal femoral condyle cartilage and bone marrow of bone contusion (arrow). D: MRITransverse,The morphology and signal ofThe patella bone cartilage (arrow). Fig. 3 Female, 18 years old. A: MRITransverse position ofThe patella inThe posterior articular cartilage injury, cartilage in small pieces of high signal (arrow). B: MRITransverse position ofThe patella,The lateral support with a broken, its continuity interruption, signal increased (arrow).
正常成人关节软骨厚约2 mm ,小儿关节软骨厚约4 mm,在MR图像上表现为薄层条带状,紧密贴附于胫股关节及髌股关节面上,厚薄均匀,走行连续规则,表面光滑完整,为T1WI等信号,T2WI稍高信号;软骨下骨呈T1WI、T2WI 高信号。脂肪抑制序列中关节软骨仍呈稍高信号,软骨下骨呈明显低信号。
图4 病例4。女,17岁。A:MRI横断面示髌骨脱位,呈“猎人帽”征(箭)。B:MRI冠状面示股骨外髁骨软骨损伤(箭)。C:MRI冠状面示股骨外髁外侧条片状游离骨软骨片(箭)。D:MRI矢状面示髌韧带撕裂,韧带皱缩,内有条片状高信号(箭)Fig. 4 Case 4. Female, 17 year old. A: MRITransverse patellar dislocation was “Hunter cap” sign (arrow). B: MRI coronal position ofThe femoral condyle bone cartilage injury (arrow). C: MRI ofThe lateral femoral condyle ofThe femur with free bone and cartilage (arrow). D: MRI sagittal patellar ligament, ligament shrinkage, with patchy high signal (arrow).
本组青少年骨软骨损伤以Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级多见,青少年急性髌骨脱位后骨软骨损伤程度较重,分析原因应与软骨的解剖结构及发育特征有关。儿童和青少年关节软骨和软骨下骨区各层间弹性差异不如成人大,软骨和软骨下骨的连接要强于成人,因此更易造成骨软骨骨折。关节软骨全层或部分剥脱及骨软骨骨折,软骨片或骨软骨片游离在关节腔中就形成了游离体,可以引起关节绞锁症状,本组可见游离体14块。Guerrero等[8]和Stefancin等[9]认为急性髌骨脱位患者骨软骨骨折发生率为24. 3%。本组青少年骨软骨骨折的发生率为30%,略高于文献报道的发生率。
Vollnberg等[14]认为髌骨损伤中,69%在髌骨中部,56% 在髌骨内侧,31%在髌骨外侧。本研究中,髌骨内侧面及中央嵴的骨软骨损伤较为常见。一般认为,股骨外侧髁骨软骨损伤多发生在股骨滑车面[15-16],位于承重面很少见,Sanders 等[17]报道了50%的股骨外侧髁骨软骨骨折发生在承重面。本研究中,骨软骨损伤发生在滑车面多于承重面,滑车面与承重面移行区也较多见,这与一般认识相同。有学者认为股骨外侧髁软骨损伤的部位与髌骨脱位时膝关节屈曲角度相关[18]。股骨软骨损伤的部位越靠后,说明损伤时膝关节屈曲角度越大;越靠前,则受伤时膝关节越伸直。
Seeley等[19]研究发现急性髌骨脱位后髌骨复发性脱位的发生率随患者年龄降低而增加,因此青少年急性髌骨脱位更需要及时、准确判定骨软骨损伤的程度和部位,近年应用的MRT2 mapping成像可以有效反映早期关节软骨损伤T2值的变化[20]。
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The study of MRI patterns of osteochondral injury in adolescents after acute lateral patellar dislocation
LUO Wei*, ZHANG Ya-lin, Ren Lu
Department of Radiology,Changsha Central Hospital,Hunan Province, Changsha 410004,China
*CorrespondenceTo: Luo W, E-mail: cjmvluowei@sina.com
24 Aug 2015, Accepted 19 Oct 2015
Objective: To analyze MRI characteristics of osteochondral injury patterns in adolescents after acute lateral patellar dislocation. Materials and Methods: MR images of 41 adolescents after acute lateral patellar dislocation were retrospectively reviewed. Routine MR scanning was performed in axial, sagittal and coronal planes, includingT1WI,T2WI and fat saturation sequence. Results:The prevalence rate of osteochondral injury was 90.2% (37/41) in adolescent group after acute lateral patellar dislocation.The prevalence rate of Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ degree were 10.5%, 12.2%, 24.5%, 52.6% in adolescent group.The prevalence rate of osteochondral injury at patellar attachment, femoral attachment and both patellar-femoral attachment were 32.4%, 13.5%, 54.0% in adolescent group. Conclusion: Ⅲ, Ⅳ injury and at patellar attachment, both patellar-femoral attachment were most easily occurred in adolescents.
Patellar dislocation; Osteochondral; Magnetic resonance imaging
罗伟, 张亚林, 任露. 青少年急性髌骨脱位后骨软骨损伤的MRI分析. 磁共振成像, 2015, 6(11): 838-842.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThisTopic isThe part of Hunan Province Project (No. 2014FJ6014).