济宁地 区汉族人群16个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性
(1.山东省公安厅刑事侦查局,济南 250000; 2.济南铁路公安局刑事技术处,济南 250000)
济宁地 区汉族人群16个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性
(1.山东省公安厅刑事侦查局,济南 250000; 2.济南铁路公安局刑事技术处,济南 250000)
应用Y-filer荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒对济宁地区5585名汉族男性个体血样 DNA进行分型, 统计分析16个Y-STR基 因 座 的 遗 传 学 参 数, DYS391、DYS389I、DYS439、DYS389II、DYS438、DYS456、DYS458、DYS437、DYS635、DYS448、Y_GATA_H4、DYS19、DYS393、DYS390、DYS392、DYS385a/b基 因 座 分 别检出5~13种等位基因,DYS385a/b基因座共检出99个单倍型。基因座频率分布在0.0002~0.7560之间,基因多样性(GD)分布在0.3972~0.9634之间。16个Y-STR基因座在济宁汉族群体具有丰富的遗传多态性,可用于群体遗传学及法医学研究。
本研究调查了济宁地区汉族人群5585 名男性16个Y-STR 基因座遗传多态性。采用Y-filerTM荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒(美国Life Technologies公司),用GeneAmp 9700型扩增仪扩增。PCR扩增产物使用3130XL遗传分析仪检测。使用GeneMapper ID-X软件对电泳数据进行基因分型分析。使用所得基因分型数据计算各基因座等位基因频率。基因多样性(gene diversity,GD)和单倍型多样性按公式GD=n(1-∑Pi
2)/(n-1) (Pi为等位基因或单倍型频率,n为样本数)计算[1]。济宁地区汉族与其它群体等位基因频率分布方面的差异采用R×C列联表卡方检验比较[2]。结果见表1、表2。
表1 济宁地区汉族人群16个 Y-STR 基因座基因频率分布及基因多样性Table1 Allele frequencies and diversities of 16 Y-STR loci of the Han nationality in Jining area(n=5585)
表2 济宁地区汉族人群16个 Y-STR 基因座基GD值Table2 GD of 16 Y-STR loci of the Han nationality in Jining area(n=5585)
[1] Hou YP,Zhang J,Li YB,et al.Allele sequences of six new Y-STR loci and haplotypes in the Chinese Han population[J].Forensic Sci Int, 2001, 118(2-3):147-152.
[2] 贺佳,尹平.医学统计学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2012: 120-138.
[3] 李斌,吕政,王澍,等.福建汉族人群17个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性调查[J].刑事技术,2008(2):60-62.
引用本文格式:孙庆东, 侯伟光.济宁地区汉族人群16个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性 [J].刑事技术,2015,40(5):424-425.
Genetic Polymorphism of 16 Y-STR Loci in Han Population in Jining Area
SUN Qingdong1, HOU Weiguang2
(1.Criminal Investigation Department of Shangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau, Jinan 250000, China; 2.Criminal Technology Division of Jinan Railway Public Security Bureau, Jinan 250000, China)
Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of 16 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STR) loci in Han population in Jining area and to evaluate its forensic signifi cance through comparison with the frequencies distribution of some loci in settlement-different people.Methods Blood samples were collected from 5585 male individuals of Hanpopulation in Jining area.16 Y-STR loci were amplified with Y-filer PCR Amplification Kit.Genotypes and frequencies of alleles were obtained by ID-X GeneMapper analysis software.The frequency distribution on some loci was statistically compared with same or different people in various settlements.Results Of 5585 male individuals, 5~13 kinds of alleles were found among the 16 Y-STR loci of DYS391, DYS389I, DYS439, DYS389II, DYS438, DYS456, DYS458, DYS437,DYS635, DYS448, Y_GATA_H4, DYS19, DYS393, DYS390, DYS392, DYS385a/b and with the last one DYS385a/b having 99 haplotypes.Frequencies of the above 16 Y-STR loci ranged from 0.0002 to 0.640, and the gene diversity 0.3972 to 0.9634.Conclusions The 16 Y-STR loci are of highly genetic polymorphism in Han population in Jining area, suitable for genetics and forensic research.
forensic genetics; genetic polymorphism; Y chromosomal short tandem repeat; Han population
孙庆东(1974—),男,山东乳山人,主任法医师,学士,研究方向为法医遗传学。 E-mail: sqd007@163.com