委托代理冲突下的企业投融资决策杨招军 夏鑫 甘柳
摘 要 采用实物期权与均衡定价理论,研究委托-代理冲突下的企业投融资决策问题.考虑管理者拥有企业投融资决策权时,其如何同时选择投资时机、投资规模及资本结构.分析了管理者持股与项目风险(不确定性)对企业非效率投融资的影响.数值分析表明:给定资本结构下,杠杆企业管理者决策的投资时机与投资规模变化呈现出负相关;对比于纯股权融资企业,杠杆企业管理者加速了投资期权的执行并增大了投资规模;财务杠杆率是管理者持股比例的U形函数,且管理者持股比例的增大,会加速投资期权的执行、增大投资规模与债务融资规模,并降低代理成本;项目风险的增大会导致企业投资时机、投资规模、债务融资规模和代理成本增大及财务杠杆率降低.
关键词 委托代理;投资时机;投资规模;资本结构
中图分类号 F830.59 文献标识码 A
Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions under
PrincipalAgent Conflict
YANG Zhaojun, XIA Xin, GAN Liu
(College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410079, China)
Abstract This paper studied corporate investment and financing decisions under principalagent conflict by means of real options approach and equilibrium pricing theory. We considered the investment timing, investment capacity and capital structure choice simultaneously when corporate investment and financing decisions were made by a selfinterested manager. We analyzed how the manager's ownership stake and project risk affected inefficient investment and financing decisions. The numerical results show that the investment timing and investment capacity of leveraged firm are negatively related to each other under the given capital structure; The manager will accelerate the investment and increase the investment capacity, compared with an unlevered firm; Leverage ratio exhibits a Ushaped pattern against the manager's ownership stake; A greater manager's ownership stake makes investment earlier and results in an increase in investment capacity and debt financing capacity, and a decrease in agency costs of debt; An increase in project risk delays investment and leads to an increase in investment capacity and debt financing capacity, a sharp increase in agency costs of debt, and a decrease in leverage ratio.
Key words principalagent; investment timing; investment capacity; capital structure
1 引 言
投融资决策是公司理财的重要内容,其科学性直接关系到公司发展和经营的持续性.因此,公司投融资决策理论和应用问题一直是公司金融的研究热点.其中,以Dixit and Pindyck(1994)[1]为代表,实物期权理论已成为了探究公司不可逆投资策略的标准方法.然而,随后基于标准的实物期权模型对公司决策的扩展研究多集中在无委托-代理冲突下最优投资时机和最优融资策略(资本结构)的选择上,如Mauer and Triantis(1994)[2]与Mauer and Sarkar(2005)[3],着眼于最优投资规模的研究很少,尤其是考虑委托-代理冲突下同时选择最优投资时机、最优投资规模及最优资本结构的问题.
实际中,公司投资规模的大小反映未来公司生产水平的高低,进而影响公司投资效益的好坏.有鉴于此,一些文献在实物期权模型中融入公司选择投资规模的灵活性,从而拓展了标准的实物期权方法.例如,Barllan and Strange(2000)[4]和Barllan and Agne(2002)[5]比较了一次性投资、增量投资和可逆性投资对最优投资时机和最优投资规模的影响;Sudipto(2011)[6]基于文献[4]融入债务融资,并假定管理者和整个公司利益一致,同时考虑了最优投资时机、最优生产规模及最优资本结构的选择问题.但现实中,管理者由于没有拥有公司的所有权,他们的投融资决定往往都是追求个人财富价值最大化,而不是股东和整个公司利益,从而导致委托-代理冲突问题,对公司的投融资选择造成不利的影响.