Unit 7第一课时教学设计


读写算·素质教育论坛 2015年16期


中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2015)16-0055-02




(1)Knowledge goals

①Words and expressions: license, safety, smoke, part-time, pierce…

②Target languages

Teenagers should be allowed to…

Sixteen-year-olds should (not) be allowed to…

I don't think teenagers should be allowed to…

I agree/ disagree.

(2)Ability objects

①To develop their skills of listening, speaking, writing, debating and cooperating skills.

② To train the students' communicative competence.

(3)Moral object: Let Ss know the rules, talk about what they are allowed to do, then obey rules. Help students have a good habit in their life.

(4)Teaching key points

①Key vocabulary in this period.

② Master the structures in Grammar Focus.

③ Improve Ss' listening and speaking skills.

(5)Teaching difficult points:

①How to improve Ss' listening ability.

②Make conversations using the structures in the passive voice of modal verbs.


Step 1 Revision & Leading-in



The telephone ___________(invent) by Bell in 1876.

The trees may ____________(plant) in spring.


2. 预习检测




Show a video to students, then ask “What will the father say?”

In this video, a son plays guitar so loudly, the noise makes others annoyed, so his father goes upside to knock at the son's door.

T: In our daily life, there are many rules in our school or at our home. First, let's get to know them.


Step 2 Pre-task

1. Talk about rules

Show a picture on the screen. Some students break rules in the classroom, students will talk about these behaviors, then they will give us rules using can't, don't …. Then the teacher grasp this chance to lead new phrases: allow sb to do sth/ allow to doing sth.

Use different ways to express what we are allowed to do or not: If we can do our homework in our group, that is, We are allowed to do our home-work in our group.=We should be allowed to do our homework in our group.

(设计说明:通过复习旧知识点,情态动词can't do , shouldn't do…导入知识点,用同义句转换的形式帮助学生们练习不同的表达方法,并导入本课重点句型。)

2. Agree or disagree

Show some pictures about students' behaviors. Then students talk about these activities to practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Teenagers/ Students/Sixteen-year-olds should (not) be allowed to…

Students say agree or disagree.


Step 3 While-task

1. Finish 1a

Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.

Ask students to tell teacher what their attitude toward each sentence is, ask students to raise their hands to show which things are or aren't allowed to do.

Then students explain each sentence, at the same time the teacher will give some help and exercise.

如:(1)辨析:sixteen-year-olds,sixteen-year-old与 sixteen years old.(2)worried的用法。(3)get ones ears pierced 意为“打耳洞”,此处get为使役动词,相当于make和have,意为“使;让”。“get / have+宾语+过去分词”意为“使某事被做”或“让某人做某事”等等语法讲解。

(设计说明:帮助学生训练重点句型“should (not) be allowed to”,并谈论自己对于哪些能够做哪些不能够做发表自己的意见;对于语法讲解,让学生展示讲解,老师起辅助作用,在需要时进行补充讲解,可以检测学生的预习效果,并且给学生更多的舞台展示自己。)

2.Listen to the tape, finish 1b

Listen and circle T for true or F for false. Then ask one of students to check the answers.


3.Do a report

1.Make conversations

Show some activity pictures on the screen, and give some phrases. At the same time, the teacher shows a model on the screen, which can help students do conversations easily.


2.Make a report

As a teenager, she should (not) be allowed to ……


Step 4 Post-task

Summarize the important points and difficult points of this period.

Go through the new words and Grammar Focus with the whole class. Then ask them what we have learnt in this class. Lead the Ss to point out the key words and sentences by themselves.

(设计说明:These activities will help to cultivate the students' ability to analyze, practice, and innovate, and meanwhile strengthen the cooperation among themselves.)

Step 5 Homework

①Review the important points of this period.

②Write an article about your family rules.






(责任编辑 刘 馨)


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