Canadian National Identity and Anti—Americanism


校园英语·下旬 2015年5期


【Abstract】Canadian national identity is closely related to anti-Americanism and for Canadians,comparing with America has become the main way to identify themselves.So some scholars argue that Canada lacks a real national identity and this is the main reason of its anti-American tradition.However,the author remarks Canada has its national identity.In this paper,the author will present three reasons to support her view.

【Key words】Canadian; National identity; Anti-Americanism; Tradition

If you ask a Canadian what are the Canadians like,they would say:“We are not like Americans...We are...We believe...We own...”[1]They are tending to get their national identity by contrasting with Americans.

Canada was once treated as the 51st state of America because of their similar life style and custom.They are both colonies explored by European countries; they inherit European religions and language; they are constituted by aboriginal and immigrants.Gradually,the Canadians found it's hard to distinguish them from the Americans.Is lacking of national identity the reason for Canadian anti-Americanism? I don't think so.There are three reasons in the following.

Ⅰ.Canadian Anti-Americanism Enjoys Various Historical Reasons.

Before the WWⅡ,the Canadians' anti-Americanism came from their loyalty to British Empire and their fear of being controlled.However,since the American Independence War,the America chose to get rid of the British reign; but Canada still maintained its identity of British colony.Besides,the two nations share totally different value and belief.The Americans emphasize on lives,freedom and pursuit of happiness,while the Canadians highlight peace,order and favorable governance.[2]In America,the public opinions have the same place as the British Loyal Family in Canada.In 19th century,some American politicians and historians preached that assimilating Canada into America is their nation's“Manifest Destiny”.[3]Later,America invaded Canada in 1812,which aroused Canadians' further enmity and guard.

If the US-Canadian relation before the WWⅡ was restricted in the North Atlantic relation circle of America,Canada and Britain,the two countries shared a bilateral relation after that.At that time,the anti-Americanism aimed to protect Canada from the economic and cultural pervasion of America.

After the 9-11 Event,Canadian anti-Americanism showed in its attitude to Iraq War.Canada insists on its value of peace and order instead of violence.

Ⅱ.Contrast with Another Nation Is Inevitable When A Nation Identifies Itself.

National identity is the sense of belonging,a feeling one shares with a group of people,regardless of one's citizenship status.Samuel P.Huntington points out that a nation need other nations,even enemies to identify itself.[4]Let's take America as an example.During the Cold War,America,a leading capitalist country,always contrasted with Soviet Union; after that,it contrasted with China by mentioning democracy,human rights,ect.; after 9-11,the Americans built their identity by treating terrorists as their enemies.Therefore,Canadian anti-Americanism is natural and acceptable.

Ⅲ.Canadians Have Common Understanding of Their Own Nation.

First,Canada's special geographical conditions in some way determine its special economy,habitation forms and way of living.

Besides,Canada has its own history.It undergoes from colony to national autonomy.It is constructed on peaceful political negotiation not violent revolution.

Thirdly,Canada has its own internal and external politics.When it deals with foreign affairs,it's an independent political entity.

Last but not least,Canadians' national character and their nationalism are vividly presented in Canadian literature.Traditionally,Canadian heroes are low-key.They seldom conflict with others,for they strictly stick to the idea of peace and order.

According to a research in 1990s,74% of the visited hold that Canadians have their unique characteristics.As to the question:“what is their speciality?”,30% of the people chose nonviolence,and 29% of them chose tolerance to others.[5]


All in all,Canada has its unique geographical conditions,economy,history,internal and external policies and national characteristics.Most Canadians share common view on their nation.They are proud of their unique identity.


[1]Metcalfe,William,ed.Understanding Canada:A Multi-disciplinary Introduction to Canad ian Studies[M].New York: New York University,1982.P.36.

[2]Clark,S,ed.The Developing Canadian Community[M].Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1983.P.190.



[5]Anastakis,Dimitry.Anti-American? What about anti-Canadian ism?[N].Toronto Star.March,2003.

