

重庆与世界 2015年5期

□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿


□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿









Recently, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is overwhelming among media from TV to Internet. As an institution for multilateral development, the China-led bank has drawn the attention from not only more than 20 Asian countries but also the Western developed world. On this March 12, Britain became the first major Western country to apply for joining the bank as one of the founding members. And on March 17, France, Germany and Italy jointly announced to be parts of the AIIB. As of April 15th, the number of this bank’s founding members will reach 57.

What makes the AIIB so popular? How does it mean to Chongqing? How do the enterprises of Chongqing recognize the opportunities that come with the AIIB? Our reporters interviewed some experts for such questions and now see their thoughts below.

Professor Pu Yongjian, a renowned economist, deputy director of the Development Research Center in Chongqing University and doctoral supervisor, has been long paying attention to this issue as early as in October of 2013 since when the Chinese top leader proposed the establishment of AIIB. He said that after the bank is put into operation, it will directly drive the construction of Chongqing as an international financial center and the industrial development of the Two Wings. There is also a chance for Chongqing to become the home to the AIIB’s regional executive body, which will improve the city’s international image.

AIIB wiII Speed up Chongqing’s Pace to become an InternationaI FinanciaI Center

As a financial banking institution for investment, Professor Pu added, the AIIB’s influence on Chongqing’s opening-up and export economy will be firstly seen in financial industry. He explained, in the strategy of “One Belt, One Road”, Chongqing is regarded by the Central Government as the “major support to West development and openingup”, “the inland highland of opening-up” and the Western hub for the Yangtze River Economic Belt. And given these settings, combined with the ever more popular Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway and advantage of Yangtze River’s golden watercourse, Chongqing in the future will be very prosperous in entrepot trade, and then a large number of international trade and out-/in-bound investment companies will emerge. And either for trade or for investment, especially for cross-border financial transactions, financial settlement is necessary, and Chongqing will be upgraded from a regional financial center into an international one. The role of the AIIB entails Chongqing’s participation, which will promote the development of Chongqing’s export economy and quicken its pace to be an international financial center.

With ExpIicit Features of “Infrastructure”, AIIB wiII FueI the DeveIopment of Chongqing’s Two Wings

In recent years, becoming increasingly open, Chongqing, as home to Three Gorges and three world heritages, attracts ever more foreign tourists, whose number reached 2.6376 million in 2014. And it ranked the third in the Forbes list of the most thriving tourist cities in Chinese mainland in 2014. The Two Wings of Chongqing, which refers to Southeast and Northeast Chongqing, has become the pillar of its tourism, and the municipal government also urges to ramp up the Two Wings’ tourism for driving the development of other industries. The incomplete infrastructure in these areas, such as transportation and accommodation, however, is the major hindrance to their development. Considering the feature of AIIB’s business as infrastructure investment, Professor Pu suggested that Chongqing could ride the wave to apply investment from the bank for the infrastructure construction in the Southwest and Northwest areas, which will further improve the touristic infrastructure in the Two Wings, so as to prompt their tourism-led industries.

Pu also regarded that Chongqing should seek to become the home to the AIIB’s regional branches, which will help to raise the international status of the municipality.

Pu Yongjian: AIIB will Directly Drive the Construction of Chongqing as an International Financial Center

□ Written by Zeng Rui


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