

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2015年3期

郁凯 杨剑 刘敏 杨杰 杨人军 张殿英,3



目的 比较曲安奈德、派瑞昔布钠肩峰下间隙注射治疗肩关节撞击综合征的疗效。方法 59例确诊为肩关节撞击综合征患者随机分为激素组和非甾体消炎药(NSAID)组,激素组注射曲安奈德40 mg, NSAID组注射派瑞昔布钠40 mg,每位患者注射前后分别进行疼痛(VAS评分)和肩关节功能评价(HSS评分、外展度)。结果 37例最终获得随访,3周后随访,两组患者活动度与疼痛均明显改善。肩关节HSS评分NSAID组和激素组注射后30 min均明显优于注射前,3周随访时NSAID组优于注射前,激素组与注射前比较差异无统计学意义。肩关节外展,NSAID组和激素组注射后30 min均明显优于注射前,3周随访时NSAID组优于激素组,差异有统计学意义。结论 肩峰下注射激素和NSAID药物均有助于减轻肩关节撞击综合征患者的疼痛,NSAID组肩关节活动度和HSS评分优于激素组。


肩关节撞击综合征常见的症状是肩部疼痛和活动受限,其中疼痛为大多数患者的主诉[1]。引起疼痛的原因很多,常见的如肩峰下滑囊及肩袖在肩部外展活动时肱骨与肩峰发生撞击导致的滑囊炎及肌腱退变。肩袖损伤导致的肱骨头与肩胛骨活动异常也可以导致肩关节发生撞击而出现症状[2]。为了达到减轻疼痛和增加活动度的目的,非手术治疗肩关节撞击综合征目前常常采用无负重休息、冷敷、理疗、口服非甾体消炎药(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,NSAID)及注射皮质激素等方法。国际的多中心研究表明,对采取休息等方法均无效的患者注射皮质激素是一种有效手段,但其显效的机制尚不明确[3-4],其中广为接受的一种解释就是激素可以减轻无菌性炎症反应。但多次应用激素的副作用是明显的,常见的有冈上肌腱自发断裂,注射局部皮肤萎缩及肱骨头软骨退变等。


资 料 与 方 法


选取我院门诊中确诊为肩关节撞击综合征的患者。纳入标准:(1)肩外展60°~120°时存在痛弧;(2)Neer′s 症阳性;(3)Hawkin′s 症阳性;(4)B超或MRI诊断肩峰下滑囊炎。排除标准:(1)年龄<18岁;(2)病程<1个月;(3)过去3周有肩关节注射史;(4)既往有肩袖撕裂病史;(5)既往有肩关节骨性关节炎病史;(6)有全身炎症反应性疾病;(7)既往有患肩手术病史;(8)既往有患肩感染病史;(9)既往有肩关节黏连或不稳定病史;(10)既往有消化道溃疡及血液病史。



本研究为随机对照试验,为确保双盲,纳入患者由门诊医师开具局部注射医嘱后,由一位固定药师进行注射药物开具及配制,随机采用信封法(由患者抽取信封)。配置好的两种药物:(1)激素组:40 mg曲安奈德(昆明积大制药有限公司)加入2%的利多卡因(中国大冢制药公司)配置到5 ml;(2)NSAID组:派瑞昔布钠(辉瑞制药有限公司)加入2%利多卡因配制到5 ml。吸入5 ml注射器并由药师编号记录(外加封套无法看到内容物)后由开具医嘱的医师完成局部注射。每位患者均采用标准的注射方法,后外侧“软点”作为进针点,肩峰后角向下2 cm,向外1 cm进针,指向喙突的方向。注射完成后,肩关节外展活动时疼痛减轻作为注射位置正确的标志。


由本文第一作者和第二作者分别对每一位患者注射前、注射后30 min,注射后3周肩关节活动度(外展)、HSS评分、疼痛(VAS评分)进行评估及记录,完成后每一位患者取两位医师评估和记录的平均值。



结 果


表1 纳入患者一般资料汇总


注:NSAID为非甾体消炎药图1 激素组与NSAID组HSS评分比较

注:NSAID为非甾体消炎药图2 激素组与NSAID组肩外展度比较

讨 论






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郁凯,杨剑,刘敏,等.肩峰下间隙药物注射治疗肩关节撞击综合征疗效[J/CD]. 中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2015,3(3):146-150.

Analysis on the curative effects of subacromial space drug injection therapy on shoulder impingement syndrome




Background The common symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome include shoulder pain and shoulder activity limitation, and shoulder pain is the chief complaint of majority of patients. There are many causes for shoulder pain, and the common causes include bursitis and tendon degeneration which are resulted from the impingement between subacromial bursa/rotator cuff and humerus/ acromion in the abduction activity of shoulder. The abnormal activity of humeral head and scapula which is resulted from rotator cuff injury may also cause shoulder impingement and generate symptoms. To alleviate pain and increase joint range of motion, such methods as no-load rest, cold compress, physical therapy, oral administration of nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and injection of cortical hormone are adopted for non-operational treatment of shoulder impingement. An international multicenter study shows that, injection of cortical hormone is an effective means for the patients for whom the other methods such as rest are ineffective without exception. However, the mechanism of its significant effect has not been made clear, and an widely accepted interpretation to its mechanism is that hormone can relieve sterile inflammatory reaction. However, the adverse effects of application of hormone for many times are obvious, and the common adverse effects include spontaneous rupture of supraspinatus tendon, skin atrophy on local injection site and cartilage degeneration at humeral head etc. The reason why local injection of hormone is effective in treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome is that hormone can relieve local inflammatory reaction. Then, whether local injection of NSAID can also avoid the adverse effects resulted from hormone in the mean time of achieving good curative effects thanks to its anti-inflammatory action? It is the objective of this study to know the effects of local injection of parecoxib sodium in reducing shoulder impingement syndrome as well as the advantages and disadvantages of hormone.Methods Ⅰ. Inclusion and exclusion criteria:The patients with shoulder impingement syndrome confirmed in Outpatient department of our hospital were selected. The inclusion criteria:(1) there exists painful arc when shoulder is abduced by 60°-120°; (2) Neer′s disease positive; (3) Hawkin′s disease positive; (4) subacromial bursitis confirmed through B ultrasound or MRI. Exclusion criteria:(1) Age <18 years; (2) course of disease <1 month; (3) has history of shoulder joint injection in the past 3 weeks; (4) has past history of rotator cuff tear; (5) Has past history of shoulder osteoarthritis; (6) Has systemic inflammatory reaction disease; (7) Has past history of shoulder operation; (8) has past history of shoulder infection; (9) has past history of shoulder joint adhesion or instability; (10) has past history of alimentary tract ulcer and hematopathy. For each patient included in this study, our hospital described the objective and method of this study, the personal information to be acquired, the probable problems and signed informed consent. This study was performed upon approval by the Ethics Committee of Tianjin No.5 Central Hospital. Ⅱ. Study design:This study is a randomized control test. To ensure double blind trial, after the clinic doctor has issued medical advice for local injection, the patients included in study should take medicine from pharmaceutist; one fixed pharmaceutist should issue and prepare the drug for injection, and randomized evelop method is adopted (envelops randomly drawn by patients). Two kinds of drugs are prepared: (1) Hormone group: To 40mg Triamcinolone acetonide(provided by Kunming Jida Pharmacy Co.,Ltd), add 2% lidocaine(China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd), prepare the solution to 5 ml; (2) NSAID group: Add 2% lidocaine to Parecoxib sodium (Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Limited), and prepare the solution to 5ml. The drug is sucked into a 5 ml syringe. After the pharmacist has made numbering and recording (the content cannot be seen since envelope is added), the doctor who issued the medical device should complete local injection. Each patient is injected according to standard injection method. The "soft spot" on posterior-lateral side serves as the needle insertion point, and needle is inserted from posterior angle of acromion and inserted downwards by 2 cm and outwards by 1cm, pointing to the direction of coracoid. After completion of injection, pain relief in the abduction of shoulder joint is used as the mark of correct injection position. Ⅲ. Evaluation indicators:For each patient, the first author and the second author of this article respectively make evaluation and recording for the shoulder joint range of motion(abduction), HSS score and ache (VAS score) at 30 min prior to injection, 30 min after injection and 3 weeks after injection; After completion of evaluation and recording, for each patient, take the mean value evaluated and recorded by two physicians.Ⅳ. Statistical analysis:For the comparison on the results between two groups, two sided t test is performed. IfP<0.05, it is meant that the different has statistical significance. According to the Equation for sample size, calculate the required number of patients in each group. Two groups need to respectively include 14 patients.Results During the period from October 2012 to September 2014, 59 patients with confirmed shoulder impingement syndrome entered the study; After evaluation based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, 48 patients were incorporated into the study groups. Every 24 cases were randomly divided into hormone injection group and NASID injection group, 4 cases lost to follow up (2 cases in hormone group and 2 cases in NSAID group); 2 cases failed to receive follow-up visit on schedule (1 case in hormone group and 1 case in NSAID group). Through MRI at 2 weeks after injection, 7 case were confirmed as rotator cuff tear (2 cases in hormone group and 3 cases in NSAID group). Finally, 37 cases obtained complete follow-up visit (19 cases in hormone group and 18 cases in NSAID) and

MRI or ultrasonic examination, and it was made clear that they did not suffer from rotator cuff tear. Both drug injection groups received follow-up visit at 3 week after injection, when both drugs shown obvious ache relief (NSAID group:1.12±2.11,P=0.04; hormone group:1.48±2.97,P=0.05). However, there was no difference in ache relief when two kinds of drugs were compared (P=0.170). In the 3-week follow-up visit, the difference of shoulder joint HSS score of NSAID injection group in comparison with the value prior to injection has statistical significance (P=0.143). Both NSAID group and hormone group shown obvious improvement in abduction function in comparison with the abduction function prior to operation, with both differences having statistical significance (NSAID group:P=0.03;hormone groupP=0.04). In the 3-week follow-up visit, the shoulder joint abduction range of NSAID group is greater than that of hormone group, withP=0.03.Conclusion Injection of hormone and NSAID drug under acromion can help relieve the pain of patient with shoulder impingement syndrome. The shoulder joint range of motion and HSS score of NSAID injection group are superior to those of hormone group.

Shoulder impingement syndrome;Nonoperative treatment;Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;Corticosteroids








