中图分类号:O343.9 文献标识码:A
Planar Buckling Mode and Critical Load
for Arch Structure with Non-ideal Boundary
KANG Hou-jun1, YI Zhuang-peng2, ZENG You-yi2
(1. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan Univ,Changsha,Hunan410082, China;
2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Changsha Univ of Science and Technology,Changsha,Hunan410114, China)
Abstract: The non-ideal boundary conditions (neither fixed nor hinged) of arch structure were considered as an elastic constraint with certain stiffness in different directions, and the nonlinear equilibrium equation was determined by using deformation geometric relation and energy variation principle. A circular arch under radial uniform load was taken as an example to establish the relationships between the external load and the internal force, and the radial displacement. By defining the shallowness and critical constraint stiffness, the snap-through buckling and bifurcation buckling were studied and the occurrence condition and distribution range were investigated. The buckling path and critical buckling load in the proposed method were in good agreement with the results from the finite element method. And the numerical method was used to study the buckling path and critical buckling load for different stiffness of elastic constraint. The results show that the critical shallowness and the critical constraint stiffness play a fundamental role in the buckling mode and critical buckling load for circular arch.
Key words: buckling; circular arch; non-ideal boundary;bifurcation buckling; variation principle
图1(a)所示圆弧坐标下的圆弧拱,径向均布荷载q增至一定程度时会发生分岔屈曲(图1(b))或跳跃屈曲(图1(c)),2Θ为展开角,R为半径,θ为角坐标,kvi, kwi(i=±Θ)分别为两端径向、轴向弹性约束刚度.屈曲前变形呈现非线性,求解屈曲荷载及变形时需考虑屈曲前非线性的影响.图1(a)中拱上任意一点P总的轴向应变εP=εm+εb,其中薄膜应变εm和弯曲应变εb分别为: