Loser like Me


新东方英语·中学版 2015年9期


你是否因为别人无足轻重的批评黯然神伤?你是否因为别人尖酸刻薄的嘲讽垂头丧气?你是否因为无法融入别人的圈子而感到自卑?如果是,请听听这首“Loser like Me”,重新拾起你的信心和希望吧!

“Loser like Me”这首歌出自美剧《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)第二季第16集,是剧中New Directions合唱团在地区赛上的参赛曲目。这首歌不仅帮助该合唱团一举赢得地区赛,也在现实生活中取得了巨大的成功和不俗的反响。作为《欢乐合唱团》剧组的原创歌曲,这首歌在美国Billboard音乐排行榜上获得第六名的成绩,并在美国获得金唱片销量认证。歌曲不仅节奏轻快,旋律动听,歌词励志,还很好地诠释了这部剧的主题:即使我们现在不被人看好,但只要我们坚持做自己,就会获得成功,最终令瞧不起我们的人刮目相看。歌曲表达的是对个性的尊重和支持,对个人努力的积极肯定,以及对那些冷嘲热讽的旁观者的不屑。在剧中,人物的命运也确实如此——New Directions合唱团的主唱Rachel Berry在高中时被人瞧不起,甚至还被人泼过饮料,但她最后成功实现了自己的梦想,成了一名出色的百老汇演员。正如歌中所唱,每一个成功的人都是从loser like me开始的,即使你现在是一个loser,即使你被奚落和嘲笑,也没关系,请对看不起你的人淡淡地说一句“I don't care”,对自己大声地说一句“I could be a superstar”。因为只要你努力,成功终会属于你,而那些曾经奚落你的人终会仰望你。

Yeah, you may think that I'm a zero.

But, hey, everyone you wanna be

Probably started off like me.

You may say that I'm a freakshow.

(I don't care.)

But, hey, give me just a little time.

I bet you're gonna change your mind.

▲ All of the dirt you've been throwing my way,

It ain't so hard to take,

(That's right.)

'Cause I know one day you'll be screaming my name.

And I'll just look away.

(That's right.)

☆ Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth,

So everyone can hear.

Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down.

Baby, I don't care.

Keep it up, and soon enough you'll figure out

You wanna be, you wanna be

A loser like me, ☆

A loser like me. ▲

Push me up against the locker,

And, hey, all I do is shaking it off.

I'll get you back when I'm your boss.

I'm not thinking about you haters,

'Cause, hey, I could be a superstar.

I'll see you when you wash my car.

(Refrain ▲)

Hey, you over there,

Keep the "L" up, up in the air.

Hey, you over there,

Keep the "L" up, 'cause I don't care.

You can throw your sticks and you can throw your stones.

Like a rocket, just watch me go.

Yeah, L-O-S-E-R,

I can only be who I are.

(Refrain ☆)

(Refrain ☆)

A loser like me.

A loser like me.

A loser like me.

A loser like me.



无视毛毛雨 终会湿衣裳
生 活
美国野马变身摇滚主唱 似引吭高歌表情陶醉