张铁峰,柴金花,李 颖,蒋海斌
张铁峰,柴金花,李 颖,蒋海斌*
(兰州市第一人民医院麻醉科,兰州 730050)
认知功能障碍是一类严重影响中老年人身心健康和生活质量的疾病,随着我国进入老龄社会,其发病率逐年增加。术后认知功能障碍(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)是指手术麻醉后患者出现定向、记忆、思维、自知力等中枢神经功能改变。POCD是全身麻醉手术后常见并发症之一[1],有效防治认知功能障碍已成为一个刻不容缓的问题。
老年人本身中枢神经系统功能减退,这使得老龄成为记忆障碍的危险因素和长期因素,老年患者全麻术后血清兴奋性氨基酸(excitatory amino acids,EAA)水平维持较高水平可能是老年POCD发病率高的原因之一[2−3]。全麻药能够干预学习记忆的过程,引起记忆障碍,但不同麻醉药对认知的影响各异,七氟烷(sevoflurane)、异氟烷(isoflurane)和丙泊酚(propofol)均可阻断情绪记忆[4]。故不同的麻醉方法、不同的麻醉用药对老年患者血清EAA浓度有不同影响,从而为临床试验提供可行性。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
1.2 方法
1.2.1 麻醉方式、监测与管理 所有患者麻醉前30min肌肉内注射吗啡0.1~0.2mg/kg,东莨菪碱(hyoscine)0.3mg,术前β-受体阻滞药和硝酸甘油维持至术日晨。入室后常规监测心电图(electrocardiogram,ECG)、脉搏和血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation,SPO2)(惠普HEWLETT PACKARD,美国),局麻下行桡动脉穿刺监测动脉压。麻醉诱导采用咪达唑仑(midazolam)0.05~0.1mg/kg,维库溴铵(vecuronium bromide)0.1mg/kg,丙泊酚1~2mg/kg,舒芬太尼(sulfentanyl)1μg/kg。肌松后快速气管插管,连接麻醉机(Drager Fabius美国)机械通气,维持潮气量8~10ml/kg,呼吸频率10~12次/min,氧流量1.5L/min,呼吸末二氧化碳分压(end-tidal CO2,ETCO2)35~45mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)行颈内静脉穿刺置管监测中心静脉压(central venous pressure,CVP),放置尿管监测尿量。麻醉维持P组用丙泊酚1~3mg/(kg·h)和瑞芬太尼6~10μg/(kg·h)持续泵入。S组吸入七氟烷(批号:5Y18,Abbott公司,美国),呼气末浓度1.0%~1.5%。两组均使用维库溴铵0.07mg/kg,每小时追加1次,脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)值40~50之间。术中经中心静脉持续泵注硝酸甘油0.3~0.5[μg/(kg·min)]。维持血压、心率(heart rate,HR)稳定,如收缩压(systolic blood pressure,SBP)>140mmHg(高血压患者SBP>160mmHg)持续>3min,则静注尼卡地平(nicardipine)0.3~0.5mg,如SBP<80mmHg持续>3min则静注苯肾上腺素30~50ug;如HR>90次/min,则静注艾司洛尔(esmolol)每次20~30mg,HR<50次/min,静注阿托品(atropine)0.3~0.5mg。术中输注乳酸钠林格氏液(sodium lactate ringer)和羟乙基淀粉(hetastarch)注射液,根据术中出血量的多少,适当成分输血。切开心包后给肝素1mg/kg,保持激活凝血时间>300s,术毕用鱼精蛋白(nucleoprotamine)拮抗,术后患者送ICU病房。
1.2.2 样本采集与测定 麻醉前经右颈内静脉球部穿刺置管用于采血样,分别于麻醉前(T0)、术毕即刻(T1)、术后24h(T2)、48h(T3)、72h(T4)空腹采血2ml,肝素抗凝,3 000 转/min离心15min分离血浆,取血浆1ml加入50%磺基水杨酸100μl,混匀后以15 000转/min,4℃离心20min,取上清液经0.122μm微孔滤膜过滤,去除蛋白质,过滤液置-80℃冰箱保存待测。采用反相高效液相色谱荧光法检测血清中EAA浓度。
1.2.3 仪器和试剂 高效液相色谱仪(日本Shimadzu公司);荧光检测器(美国Varian公司);C18色谱分析柱(日本Shimadzu公司);氨基酸标准品(上海化学试剂公司):谷氨酸(glutamic acid,Glu)、天冬氨酸(asparagic acid,Asp)、甘氨酸(glycine,Gly);邻苯二甲醛(O-phthalaldehyde,OPA)、β-二巯基乙醇(β-Mercaptoethanol,2-MCE,美国AMRESCO公司)。
1.3 统计学处理
2 结 果
两组患者性别构成分别为:P组男50人,女10人;S组男48人,女12人。两组患者的年龄、体质量、性别构成比、美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists,ASA)分级、左室射血分数、术后拔管时间、手术时间比较,差异无统计学意义(>0.05,表1)。
表1 两组患者一般情况及术中相关指标比较
P: propofol and remifentanil; S: sevoflurane; BM: body mass; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction
血清EAA浓度比较:术后24h、48h两组血清Glu、Asp、Gly浓度与麻醉前均有不同程度升高(<0.05),术后72h两组血清Glu、Asp、Gly浓度与麻醉前比较,差异无统计学意义(>0.05);与P组比较,S组Glu、Asp、Gly浓度在术后24h明显升高(<0.05),Glu浓度在术后48h明显升高(<0.05),术毕即刻和术后72h Glu、Asp、Gly浓度与P组比较,差异无统计学意义(>0.05,表2)。组内比较术前及术后72h结果比较无差异,可能是术前无用药,而术后72h药物高峰期已过。
3 讨 论
虽然Gly是抑制性氨基酸,并非EAA成员,但却是NMDA受体的协同激动剂,因NMDA受体复合体中有与Gly结合的亚基,所以Gly升高也提示兴奋性毒性增加。Gly通过调节激动NMDA受体影响离子通道,增加Ca2+内流,其释放增加能扩大脑缺血损害。Saransaari等[11]用伪拮抗剂利鲁唑(riluzole tablets)治疗脑缺血损伤大鼠,发现Gly含量减少,而损伤效应减轻。
丙泊酚可对抗自由基氧化,减少体外培养神经突触体释放EAA,有减轻脑缺血再灌注后的脑细胞水肿、形态学损伤和脑神经功能损害的作用。有研究表明,丙泊酚对氨基酸类神经递质含量的调节是其产生全麻作用的重要因素[12]。丙泊酚可明显上调下丘脑、海马和顶叶氨基酸转运体2(excitatory amino acid transporter 2,EAAT2)mRNA的表达[13],EAAT2是位于细胞膜的兴奋性氨基酸最主要的转运体。
表2 两组患者血清Glu、Asp、Gly浓度的比较
S: sevoflurane; P: propofol and remifentanil; T0: before anaesthesia; T1: immediately after surgery; T2: at 24h after surgery; T3: at 48h after surgery; T4: at 72h after surgery; Glu: glutamic acid; Asp: asparagic acid; Gly: glycine. Compared with before the anaesthesia,*<0.05,**<0.01; compared with group P,#<0.05
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(编辑: 李菁竹)
Effects of different anaesthetics on serum excitatory amino acids in elderly patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
ZHANG Tie-Feng, CHAI Jin-Hua, LI Ying, JIANG Hai-Bin*
(Department of Anesthesiology, the First People’s Hospital of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730050, China)
To compared the effect of different anaesthetic drugs on the serum levels of excitatory amino acids (EAA) in the elderly undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.One hundred and twenty patients at America Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA)Ⅱ orⅢand aged 60 to 75 years who undergoing selective off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in our department were enrolled in this study. They were randomly divided into propofol and remifentanil group (group P) and sevoflurane (group S) (=60 for each group). Group P received propofol and remifentanil to maintain anesthesia, and group S inhaled sevoflurane at the end-tidal concentration of 1.0%~1.5% during anesthesia. Blood samples were harvested from the internal jugular vein before anesthesia (T0), immediately after surgery (T1), at 24h (T2), 48h (T3) and 72h (T4) after surgery. Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence was used to measure serum EAA concentrations.The serum concentrations of glutamic acid (Glu), asparagic acid (Asp) and glycine (Gly) were significantly higher at T2, T3than at T0(<0.05). The concentrations were significantly higher at T2in group P than in group S (<0.05), and Glu concentrations was increased significantly at T3(<0.05). But there was no significant difference in the Glu, Asp, Gly concentrations at T1and T4between the 2 groups (>0.05).Anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil reduces the serum concentrations of EAA for the elderly undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass, and thus protect them from postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
cognition disorders; off-pump; coronary artery bypass; amino acids; aged
R741.041; R654.33
蒋海斌, E-mail: lzjianghaibin@hotmail.com