冯照晗,刘乃波,王建峰,王一飞,丁振山,徐 鑫,周晓峰,王 翔
冯照晗,刘乃波*,王建峰,王一飞,丁振山,徐 鑫,周晓峰,王 翔
(中日友好医院泌尿外科,北京 100029)
探讨应用120W半导体激光治疗良性前列腺增生(BPH)的疗效和安全性。选择年龄>51岁、膀胱出口梗阻症状明显的57例BPH患者,应用120W半导体激光治疗。统计分析前列腺体积、手术时间及术前术后国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、最大尿流率(Qmax)及残余尿(PVR)的变化。所有患者手术均获得成功,手术时间为(52.6±19.6)min。术前IPSS 15~32(24.7±4.4)分,术后下降到2~6(3.5±1.2)分;术前Qmax 0~12(6.7±3.4)ml/s,术后提高到(24.1±4.9)ml/s;术前PVR(77.2±45.7)ml,术后下降到(5.1±7.7)ml,差异有统计学意义。无死亡、输血、尿失禁、二次手术等病例。120W半导体激光治疗BPH安全有效,但费用较高。
良性前列腺增生症(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)是男性最普遍的病症,>60岁的老年人BPH发病率高达33%~63%,目前临床药物治疗周期长、见效缓慢,而手术治疗虽然快捷但有一定风险。手术治疗方法已从开放性手术切除、经尿道切除术[包括经尿道前列腺电切术(transurethral resection of the prostate,TURP)和经尿道前列腺气化电切术(transurethral vaporization of the prostate,TUVP)]发展到目前的激光微创前列腺手术治疗等。TURP曾被国际上公认为前列腺手术治疗的“金标准”,但仍有出血及前列腺电切综合征等并发症发生(前列腺体积越大越容易发生),人们一直在寻求更好的可以替代TURP的手术方式[1−3]。激光医用光纤通过膀胱镜或内镜经尿道进入到前列腺增生组织部位,将气化、切割的组织通过冲洗液排出体外。激光无电场效应,采用生理盐水冲洗膀胱,术中及术后发生电解质紊乱的风险极小,提高了手术的安全性,缩短了术后护理时间。近十几年来,各类激光技术不断地在临床应用,如钬激光、绿激光、铥激光、980nm半导体激光技术等,为BPH的手术治疗提供了多种新方法,其各自的优越性和弱点,仍在临床探讨中[4−6]。
1 对象与方法
1.1 临床资料
本组共57例,年龄51~89(71.7±7.1)岁。进行常规直肠指诊,均为前列腺质地韧、无硬结或质硬等异常。前列腺超声未见明显低回声区,计算测得前列腺体积40~110(52.3±17.2)ml。国际前列腺症状评分(International Prostate Symptom Score,IPSS)15~32(24.7±4.4)分,最大尿流量(maximum flow rate,Qmax)0~12(6.7±3.4)ml/s,尿潴留而留置尿管5例,Qmax均视为0ml/s。血清前列腺特异性抗原(prostate specific antigen,PSA)测定值为1.7~6.5(4.1±3.4)ng/ml。残余尿(post-void residual urine,PVR)10~238(77.2±45.6)ml。合并糖尿病22例;高血压、高血脂28例;慢性阻塞性肺病12例。
1.2 治疗方法
1.2.1 术前准备 (1)术前常规检查:包括胸片、心电图、血常规、肝肾及凝血功能等,合并心、肺疾病者给予心脏超声、肺功能等检查及请相关科室会诊并确认无明显手术禁忌后再安排手术。(2)并发症处理:心血管病以缺血性心脏病、冠心病的危险最大。急性心肌梗死、脑梗塞在6个月内,则不适合做手术切除前列腺。术前应将血压控制在<165/95mmHg,并且稳定1周后才考虑手术。慢性呼吸道疾病:肺功能测定和动脉血气分析,日常活动时无气促者方可考虑手术切除前列腺。阻塞性肺病选择局麻及区域阻滞麻醉较安全,用药则要求对呼吸无抑制。糖尿病在术前1d或当日改用普通胰岛素治疗;血糖控制不稳定者,术前3~5d开始胰岛素治疗,控制空腹血糖<10.0mmol/L再安排手术,术前行尿流动力学检查,排除神经源性膀胱。
1.2.2 设备 CeralasD120型120W/980nm半导体激光治疗机(德国Ceram Optec GmbH),由主机、光纤、脚踏开关等组成,工作激光波长为(980±30)nm;最大输出功率(120±20%)W。瞄准光波长(650±10)nm是可见红光,最大功率≤2mW。使用STORZ摄像系统,灌注液为生理盐水。
1.2.3 手术治疗方法 连续硬脊膜外麻醉或全麻,截石位,连接摄像系统、灌洗,灌注液压力80cm H2O。接触式弯头CeralasD120半导体激光治疗系统,30°窥镜,F26双鞘膀胱尿道镜,激光输出功率120W,峰值功率150W。冲洗液为生理盐水,直视下观察尿道、精阜、前列腺、膀胱及输尿管开口,确定精阜与膀胱颈部的距离,将光纤伸出膀胱镜约15mm,见到位于光纤头上的标志物和红色瞄准光后[瞄准光波长(650±10)nm,瞄准光最大功率≤2mW],直视下发射激光,从前列腺中叶开始气化,先气化5~7点至精阜,然后分别气化前列腺左、右侧叶至尖部,运用左、右旋转,前后移动的方法均匀气化前列腺组织至包膜。术后插入F22三腔Foley导尿管,如有血尿时再行持续膀胱冲洗[1]。
1.3 统计学处理
2 结 果
表1 术前术后统计分析
IPSS: International Prostate Symptom Score; Qmax: maximum flow rate; PVR: post-void residual urine. Compared with preoperative,**<0.05,***<0.001
3 讨 论
但120W半导体激光也有不足,目前其光纤成本较高,费用高,在大多数医保地区不予报销,增加了患者的治疗费用,也限制了该项技术的广泛应用,但随着其功率的进一步提高,其优势会更明显[12,14]。与传统的TURP相比,120W 2μm激光前列腺剜除术疗效与TURP相似,半导体激光单纯切割速度稍差;切除的前列腺增生大多数气化、焦化,切除下的标本病理检查为炭化、凝固组织,影响了病理判断结果。为弥补术后病理诊断缺乏的不足,可以在术中用普通电切切除部分前列腺组织标本后再行激光治疗[1,6,12,14]。
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(编辑: 李菁竹)
Clinical efficiency of 120W diode laser vaporization for benign prostate hyperplasia: report of 57 cases
FENG Zhao-Han, LIU Nai-Bo*, WANG Jian-Feng, WANG Yi-Fei, DING Zhen-Shan, XU Xin, ZHOU Xiao-Feng, WANG Xiang
(Department of Urology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China)
To determine the clinical efficiency and safety of 120W diode laser vaporization in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).A total of 57 patients [aged 50 to 89 (71.7±7.1) years] with obvious bladder outlet obstruction and diagnosed as BPH were included in the study. They were treated with the HPD Laser (120W/980nm Ceralas D120, Germany) in our department. Their operation time, the prostate volume, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), maximum flow rate (Qmax) and post-void residual urine (PVR) before and after operation were measured and compared.The surgery was successfully performed to all of the patients within a duration of (52.6±19.6) min. Their IPSS was decreased from 24.7±4.4 (15 to 32) before surgery to 3.5±1.2 (2 to 6) after surgery surgery. Their Qmax was increased from (6.7±3.4) ml/s (0 to 12ml/s) before surgery to (24.0±4.9)ml/s (17.8 to 31.2ml/s) postoperatively, and PVR was reduced from (77.2±45.7) to (5.1±7.7) ml. Significant differences were seen in above indexes. No death, blood transfusion, urinary incontinence or secondary operation was observed in the cohort.Diode laser of 980nm with output power up to 120W is safe and effective in prostate vaporization for BPH, but quite expensive.
lasers, semiconductor; benign prostatic hyperplasia
R318.51; R697.32
刘乃波, E-mail: fengzhaohan99@126.com