

中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2015年3期

李素芳,陈 红,任景怡,李晶津,宋俊贤,耿 强


李素芳,陈 红*,任景怡,李晶津,宋俊贤,耿 强

(北京大学人民医院心脏中心,北京 100044)

明确不稳定冠心病患者循环microRNA(miRNA)表达谱,并对差异表达miRNA在细胞增殖中的调控作用进行探讨。(1)分别收集不稳定冠心病患者(试验组)及疑似心绞痛的非冠心病患者(对照组)血浆,通过miRNA芯片检测,得到试验组患者循环miRNA表达谱。(2)分别在3个不同的生物信息学数据库——TargetScan、miRanda和DIANAmT,对miRNA靶基因进行预测,得到在3个数据库均有预测的miRNA靶基因。(3)通过DAVID数据库,对上述靶基因在细胞增殖方面的功能进行聚类及信号通路分析。(4)通过实时(real time,RT)-PCR实验,进一步验证循环miRNA-19b(miR-19b)在两组中的表达水平。(5)结合功能聚类分析结果,对差异表达最明显的(miR-19b)在细胞增殖中的调控作用进行验证。(1)与对照组相比,试验组存在39个差异表达miRNAs,其中miR-19b差异表达最明显。(2)通过对miRNA靶基因的预测,发现有14个miRNAs与细胞增殖关系密切,其中miR-19b调控的细胞增殖相关基因最多。(3)RT-PCR检测证实不稳定冠心病患者血浆miR-19b水平较对照组明显增高。(4)细胞增殖实验表明,miR-19b明显抑制血管内皮细胞(EA.hy926细胞)增殖。不稳定冠心病患者具有特定的循环miRNA表达谱,这些miRNAs可能是不稳定冠心病的潜在生物标志物。miR-19b可能通过抑制内皮细胞增殖,发挥稳定动脉粥样硬化斑块的保护作用。


微小RNAs(microRNAs,miRNAs)是一类在进化上高度保守的单链、非编码小分子RNA[~22nt],在转录后水平负性调控靶基因的表达。目前在人体中已发现1000多个miRNAs,约30%的人类蛋白编码基因受到miRNAs的调控[1,2]。miRNA参与调节体内许多生理和病理过程,与心血管疾病、糖尿病、肿瘤等多种疾病的发病或预后密切相关。早在2008年有关肿瘤的研究中发现,miRNAs广泛存在于血液循环中[3]。而且在不同的疾病状态或病理刺激下,循环miRNAs表达谱存在差异,因而可能成为一类新的诊断疾病的生物标志物。急性冠脉综合征主要包括不稳定冠心病(unstable coronary heart disease,UCHD)、急性心肌梗死、心源性猝死3大类。其中有关急性心肌梗死的miRNA标志物已有大量研究和报道,心肌特异表达或高表达的miRNAs——miR-1、miR-133、miR-208a、miR-499,可能是优于肌钙蛋白的诊断急性心肌梗死的生物标志物[4−11]。然而,目前有关UCHD的循环miRNA标志物的研究相对较少[12],其确诊主要依据患者的临床症状及冠状动脉造影检查。因此,本研究收集人民医院心内科UCHD患者及以胸痛收入院的非CHD患者的血浆,对UCHD的循环miRNA表达谱进行筛选,借助生物信息学分析差异表达miRNA的潜在生物学作用,并通过生物学实验对miRNA的作用进行验证。

1 对象与方法

1.1 入选与排除标准


1.2 血浆标本的收集


1.3 循环miRNA的提取

采用miRNA提取试剂盒(miRNeasy kit,Qiagen公司),按照试剂盒说明书进行提取[14]。

1.4 miRNA芯片

采用TLDA(TaqMan low-density array)低密度芯片(TaqMan Array Human MicroRNA A+B Cards Set v3.0,ABI公司))进行筛查实验。使用Data Assist软件(TaqMan gene expression assays version 2.0)对芯片原始Ct值数据进行分析。

1.5 差异表达miRNA筛选

使用微矩阵显著性分析(Significant Analysis of Microarray,SAM)软件包筛选差异表达的miRNA,通过设置错误发现率(false discovery rate,FDR)值<0.0001%,差异倍数值(fold change)>1.5,得到组间表达差异的miRNA。

1.6 生物信息学分析


1.7 实时聚合酶链反应

采用TaqMan MicroRNA递转录试剂盒和带颈环结构的miRNA特异性探针(ABI公司,美国)进行(real-time polymerase chain reaction,RT-PCR),实验流程参照试剂盒说明书进行。提取血浆miRNA时,外源性加入化学合成的秀丽隐杆线虫[miRNA-39(miR-39),cel-miR-39,Qiagen公司,美国],10mol/样本,作为PCR的内参[15]。数据以2-△△CT表示。

1.8 细胞增殖的实验(CCK8实验)

利用转染试剂Lipofectamine 2000(Invitrogen,美国)将miRNA mimic(ABI公司,美国)转染至内皮细胞(培养条件:含10%胎牛血清DMEM培养基,5% CO2培养箱),24h后加入cell细胞计数盒2(counting kit2,CCK8)试剂继续孵育1h,检测样本在490nm波长处的吸光值,反映细胞增殖情况。

1.9 统计学处理


2 结 果

2.1 研究人群一般情况


表1 研究人群基线资料

UCHD: unstable coronary heart disease; BMI: body mass index; WBC: white blood cell; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; LDL-C: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker. Allvalues represent comparisons between UCHD patients and controls. Comparisons between UCHD patients and controls were performed with Student’s-test for continuous variables and with chi-square test for categorical variables.

2.2 不稳定冠心病患者循环miRNA差异表达谱

共进行TaqMan miRNAs TLDA低密度芯片(A+B板)筛查实验24例(其中试验组12例,对照组12例)。经SAM软件分析,设置FDR值为<0.0001%,差异倍数>1.5,得到组间差异表达的miRNAs共39个,其中miR-19b差异表达最明显(表2)。

表2 不稳定冠心病患者39个差异表达的循环miRNAs

UCHD: unstable coronary heart disease. Circulating miRNAs show significant change in UCHD patients (=12) compared with controls (=12). Only miRNAs with more than 1.5-fold change and false discovery rate <0.0001% are shown here

2.3 差异表达miRNA参与细胞增殖的调控


2.4 miR-19b抑制内皮细胞增殖

冠心病患者血管内皮激活后,细胞发生增殖、迁移,最终导致血管新生,不利于动脉粥样硬化斑块稳定性的维持。首先,我们通过RT-PCR实验,在另外一组人群中(试验组20人,对照组20人)检测了血浆中miR-19b水平,PCR实验结果与芯片数据一致,即试验组患者循环miR-19b水平较对照组明显增高,约为对照组的3.65倍(<0.01,图3A)。为进一步验证miR-19b对内皮细胞的调控作用,通过CCK8实验证实,与对照组(NC mimic)相比,转染miR-19b mimic组(终浓度30nmol/L)的内皮细胞增殖受到明显抑制(约抑制40%,<0.001,图3B)。

3 讨 论




图1 在细胞增殖过程中具有潜在调控作用的miRNAs

Figure 1 The miRNAs potentially regulating cell proliferation

图2 介导miRNA发挥调控细胞增殖作用的信号通路

Figure 2 Signaling pathway mediating the regulating role of miRNA on cell proliferation

图3 不稳定冠心病患者血浆miR-19b水平和miR-19b对内皮细胞增殖的抑制作用

Figure 3 The miR-19b levels in plasma from UCHD patients (A) and inhibitory effects of miR-19b on the proliferation of endothelial cells (B)

Con: control group; UCHD: unstable coronary heart disease group; CCK8: cell counting kit 8. A: Real-time PCR analysis of the miR-19b levels in plasma from UCHD patients (=20). Compared with control group (=20),**<0.01. MiRNAs levels were normalized to the spiked-in cel-miR-39. B: The inhibitory role of miR-19b on endothelial proliferation. Compared with NC mimic,***<0.001 (=3)



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(编辑: 李菁竹)

Expression profiles and functional analysis of circulating microRNAs in unstable coronary heart disease

LI Su-Fang, CHEN Hong*, REN Jing-Yi, LI Jing-Jin, SONG Jun-Xian, GENG Qiang

(Heart Center, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China)

To determine the expression profile of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the patients with unstable coronary heart disease and investigate the regulation role of differential expressed miRNAs in cell proliferation.(1) After the plasma samples of patients with confirmed unstable coronary heart disease and non-coronary heart disease with suspected angina (control) were collected, miRNAs array was employed to identify distinct miRNA expression profiles. (2) The potential target genes of the above miRNAs were predicted by 3 miRNA target prediction algorithms, TargetScan, miRanda and DIANAmT. (3) The genes predicted by the three algorithms were further analyzed for their regulation roles in cell proliferation and involed signaling pathways by DAVID database. (4) Real-time PCR were used to test plasma miR-19b levels in patients with unstable coronary heart disease compared with the controls. (5) Based on the results of function cluster analysis, the effect of the most differentially expressed miR-19b was detected on the regulation of cell proliferation.(1) Compared with the controls, there were 39 differentially expressed miRNAs, and miR-19b was the most obviously one. (2) By analyzing the target genes of the differential expressed miRNAs, there were 14 miRNAs closely related with cell proliferation, and miR-19b was the closest one. (3) Real-time PCR confirmed that the plasma miR-19b level was obviously higher in the patients with unstable coronary heart disease than in the controls. (4) The results of CCK-8 assay showed that miR-19b indeed inhibited the proliferation in EA.hy926 cells.There is a specific expression profile of circulating miRNAs in the patients with unstable coronary artery disease. The differentially expressed miRNAs may be the biomarkers of unstable coronary heart disease. MiR-19b may play a protective role in the stability of atherosclerotic plaque by inhibiting the proliferation of endothelial cells.

coronary heart disease; microRNAs; cell proliferation

R541.4; R342.3






陈 红, E-mail:

(2012ZX09303019),(81470473, 81270274),(7132225, 7122198).


ADAMTs-1、 CF6、 CARP在冠心病合并慢性心力衰竭中的意义
经济稳中有进 调控托而不举
顺势而导 灵活调控