

机械制造文摘(焊接分册) 2015年5期



GB/T 30562—2014钛及钛合金焊丝

Solid wire electrodes,solid wires and rods for fusion welding of titanium and titanium alloys

(ISO 24034:2010,Welding consumables—Solid wire electrodes,solid wires and rods for fusion welding of titanium and titanium alloys—Classification,MOD)


JB/T 7948.1—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法重量法测定二氧化硅量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The gravimetric method for determination of silicon dioxide content

JB/T 7948.2—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法电位滴定法测定氧化锰量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The potentiometric method for determination of manganese oxide content

JB/T 7948.3—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法高锰酸盐光度法测定氧化锰量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The permanganate photometric method for determination of manganese oxide content

JB/T 7948.4—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法EDTA容量法测定氧化铝量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The EDTA volumetric method for determination of aluminium oxide content

JB/T 7948.5—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法黄基水杨酸光度法测定氧化铁量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The sulfosalicylic acid photometric method for determination of iron oxide content

JB/T 7948.6—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法热解法测定氟化钙量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The pyrolytic method for determination of calcium fluoride content

JB/T 7948.7—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法氟氯化铅-EDTA容量法测定氧化钙量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The lead chlorofluoride-EDTA volumetric method for determination of calcium fluoride content

JB/T 7948.8—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法钼蓝光度法测定磷量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The molybdenum blue photometric method for determination of phosphorus content

JB/T 7948.9—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法火焰光度法测定氧化钠、氧化镁量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The flame photometric method for determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide content

JB/T 7948.10—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法燃烧-库仑法测定碳量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The direct combustion-coulomb method for determination of total carbon content

JB/T 7948.11—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法燃烧-碘量法测定硫量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The direct combustion-iodimetric method for determination of sulfur content

JB/T 7948.12—1999熔炼焊剂化学分析方法EDTA容量法测定氧化钙、氧化镁量

Methods for chemical analysis of melted welding fluxes The EDTA volumetric method for determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content

5 钎焊材料及相关检验

GB/T 3131—2001锡基钎料

Tin-lead solder

GB/T 6418—2008铜基钎料

Copper base brazing filler metals

GB/T 10046—2008银钎料

Silver brazing filler metals

GB/T 10859—2008镍基钎料

Nickel base brazing filler metals

GB/T 11363—2008钎焊接头强度试验方法

Test method of the strength for brazed and soldered joint(ISO 5187:1985,Welding and allied processes—Assemblies made with soft solders and brazing filler metals—Mechanical test methods,NEQ)

GB/T 11364—2008钎料润湿性试验方法

Test method of wettability for brazing filler metals(ISO 5179:1983,Investigation of brazeability using a varying gap test piece,NEQ)

GB/T 13679—1992锰基钎料

Manganese base brazing filler metals

GB/T 13815—2008铝基钎料

Aluminium base brazing filler metals

GB/T 15829—2008软钎剂分类与性能要求

Soft soldering flux—Classification and requirements(ISO 9454 -1:1990 Soft soldering fluxes—Classification and requirements—Part 1:Classification labelling and packaging,MOD ISO 9454 - 2:1998 Soft soldering fluxes—Classification and requirements—Part 2:Performance requirements,MOD)

GB/T 20422—2006无铅钎料

Lead-free solders

JB/T 6045—1992硬钎焊用钎剂

JB/T 7520.1—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法EDTA容量法测定铜量

JB/T 7520.2—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法氯化银重量法测定银量

JB/T 7520.3—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法钒钼酸光度法测定磷量

JB/T 7520.4—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法碘化钾光度法测定碲量

JB/T 7520.5—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法次磷酸盐还原容量法测定锡量

JB/T 7520.6—1994磷铜钎料化学分析方法丁二酮肟光度法测定镍量

JB/T 11084—2011 A-TIG焊活性剂

The activating fluxes for Low-carbon steel and stainless steel

6 工艺方法

JB/T 4251—1999摩擦焊通用技术条件

Friction welding-General requirements

JB/T 6046—1992碳钢、低合金钢焊接构件焊后热处理方法

JB/T 6965—1993焊接操作机

JB/T 6967—1993电渣焊通用技术条件

JB/T 8833—1999焊接用变位机

JB/T 9185—1999钨极惰性气体保护焊工艺方法

Welding procedure specification for gas tungsten arc welding

JB/T 9186—1999二氧化碳气体保护焊工艺规程

Welding procedure specification for CO2 shielded arc welding

JB/T 9187—1999焊接用滚轮架

Welding turning rolls

JB/T 10375-2002焊接构件振动时效工艺参数选择及技术要求

Recommended practice for vibration stress relief on welding structure

JB/T 11062—2010电子束焊接工艺指南

Recommendations for electron beam welding(ISO/TR 17671 -7:2004,Welding—Recommendations for welding of metallic materials—Part 7:Electron beam welding,MOD)

JB/T 11063—2010激光焊接工艺指南

Recommendations for laser beam welding(ISO/TR 17671- 6:2005,Welding—Recommendations for welding of metallic materials—Part 6:Laser beam welding,MOD)

JB/T 11085—2011振动焊接工艺参数选择及技术要求

Parameter selection and specification in vibratory welding


