杜鸿波 景丽
摘 要:针对控制系统中广泛存在饱和问题,主要研究执行器饱和线性连续系统的镇定问题并进行吸引域估计。首先根据Finslers 引理和Lyapunov 函数方法研究系统稳定的充分条件,得到执行器饱和控制系统稳定的新判据。其次,在稳定条件下,应用凸组合方法和新引入的自由权矩阵使得系统吸引域估计具有更小的保守性,将所得非线性矩阵不等式转化为线性矩阵不等式,给出求解最大吸引域的优化方法和状态反馈控制器的设计方案。最后通过仿真算例验证结果的有效性和可行性。
中图分类号:O231 文献标识码:A
Abstract:Aiming at the saturation which plays important roles in the control theory,this paper studied the problem of stabilization of linear continuous time system with actuator saturation, and estimated the domain of attraction of the system. First,by using Finsler 's lemma and Lyapunov equation method to study the stability condition of the system, we get the new criterion of the stability of the actuator saturation control system. In addition, under the condition of stability,by using convex combination method and the newly introduced liberty matrix,this paper reduced the conservatism of the estimation of domain of attraction. By converting the nonlinear matrix inequality to linear matrix inequality, the optimization method of the biggest domain of attraction and the design scheme of the state feedback controller were presented. Finally, the simulation example verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the results.
Key words:continuous system;actuator saturation;estimation of domain of attraction;linear matrix inequality
1 引 言
近几年,Hu等针对状态反馈下的饱和系统,利用饱和非线性的特性,提出了凸组合的处理方法,通过引入辅助矩阵H,处理饱和非线性项[1,2]。Cao和Lin基于饱和关联函数,给出了线性离散系统的稳定性判据,应用线性矩阵不等式计算最大吸引域[3]。Ma和Yang根据Finslers引理,得到了线性离散执行器饱和控制系统稳定性新方法,并通过迭代算法进行吸引域估计[4]。朱发旺等人基于饱和关联函数研究了线性离散时间系统的吸引域估计问题,通过为每一个椭球寻找辅助的增益矩阵来降低吸引域估计的保守性[5]。陈奇等采用时变的二次Lyapunov函数,对线性离散饱和系统进行稳定性分析及吸引域估计,得到了最大吸引域的优化方法[6]。对于线性连续执行器饱和控制系统,Zou和Wang 通过对Lyapunov方程的模型转换,给出了一种改进的稳定条件,并且进行了吸引域估计[7]。Guan和Yang基于锥互补的线性化程序给出了动态输出反馈控制器的设计方法[8]。Shi等应用仿射的饱和关联Lyapunov函数对系统进行吸引域估计,得到了较好的结果[9]。
6 结 论
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