(采埃孚(中国)投资有限公司,上海 201615)
(采埃孚(中国)投资有限公司,上海 201615)
变速器 齿轮 轴承 有限元 优化
1 采埃孚变速器的应用范围
2 齿轮和轴承计算方法开发
1 Application fields of ZF transmissions
ZF develops transmissions for a large range of engine outputs and applications. Application fields range from passenger car applications with 9-speed automatic transmissions, to heavy truck transmissions, and wind turbine gearboxes. ZF also develops transmissions for aircraft, buses and industrial engineering applications. Therefore, the requirements of the individual application fields result from different safety requirements, temperature ranges, torque and speed ranges, comfort, driveline types, and high degrees of efficiency. In the following paper a uniform method for optimization using FEM will be presented.
3 对有限元法的要求
4 对齿轮和轴承计算的要求
2 Method development for gearing and bearing calculation
These fields of application require a wide range of transmission types. This, combined with a large number of different gearings, bearing concepts, materials, and often contradictory requirements for use, makes an equally precise and efficient calculation method essential. Frequently, individual parts or transmission systems must meet very high standards of comfort or load-bearing capacity, therefore it is necessary to take into account the interaction of all components. In the view of ZF, FEM provides the basic conditions to ensure this. To guarantee high process reliability, the basic transmission is designed using a commercial pre-processor. A separate process chain is used for the complex meshing of the gearing and the bearing. Independent programs create the meshed gearings and bearings according to the requirements of the gearing and bearing design. The process chain described has the advantage of providing a seamless documentation of the gearing and bearing data used. The various items are precisely integrated in the overall model. Evaluation of the results with available post-processors is replaced by our own standardized routines that systematically access a certain evaluation area.
3 Requirements of the FE method
Apart from offering high process reliability and availability, modern hardware platforms and solvers are capable of solving very large FE models and complex contact problems. The Group-wide application of the FE method in various areas of transmission development makes it easier to adapt already existing FE models to our own tasks. An important factor in all contact analyses is not only the macro-geometry that creates rigidity, but also precise mapping of the contact areas. To ensure a comparable results quality it is necessary to follow standards when meshing parts/contact surfaces, i.e. the meshing must not have any significant effect on the results. To achieve the objective of a noise and/or stress analysis, the contact area is often di-
4.1 前处理(图1+图2)
rectly corrected, and the optimization of the surrounding rigidity is an option which additionally meets the demand for weight-saving solutions. Therefore, the development of our own FE tools and evaluation routines ensures more efficient pre and post-processing.
Using the FE method and evaluating a large operational area mean that we can analyze in depth the effects on the noise levels and load-bearing capacity of gearings and bearings. Both the surround-ing rigidity and the contact rigidity are taken into account here. The objective is very often finding a compromise between load-bearing capacity and noise. The contact analysis makes it possible to examine the interplay between individual influencing variables.
图1 有限元结构自动生成器的协作流程图
图2 采埃孚的齿轮和滚动轴承有限元模型
4.2 后处理(图3)
除齿根应力外,还能对作用于啮合作用线方向的齿面应力进行分析。这涉及到了在各个接触位置下的所有应力值。通过分析能够确定在被分析区域的最大或最小应力分布。可以使用低扭矩和高扭矩来得到不同的应力分布结果。此外,除了局部应力的分析, 同时也应进行寿命计算分析。
4 Requirements of gearing and bearing calculations
Reliable statements on load-bearing capacity and noise emissions are only possible with precisely determined contact geometries. Apart from the general gearing data, we need corrections and modifications. Usually, these are available during the design (or otherwise from measurement data).
The contact definition is based on standardized contact values for both surface-to-surface contacts as well as node-to-node contacts. The meshing fineness is independent of size and can be modified if necessary. An MPC (multi-point constraint) can be used for connection to the gear body.
An efficient contact solver supplies the results in a usable Ascii format.
图3 对齿轮和滚动轴承的有限元分析流程
5 应用实例
4.1 Pre-processing (Fig.1+2)
Apart from the spur gears mainly used (also shaft gearing with runout), beveloids can also be meshed in an automated way. The necessary gearing data is accessed from the design process via an interface and the gearing is generated with the required meshing fineness. Possible options are not only tightly meshed gears for simulating the meshing conditions but also loose meshing for simulating rigidity. If required, a mixture of degrees of mesh density can be used. Semi-automated processes are available for further gear cutting methods (bevel gears, drive gearing, meshing gears).
The bearing types available are cylindrical roller, taper roller, and ball bearings. The input data for the bearing geometry is taken from bearing catalogs or supplier drawings. Raceway profiles are either stated by the bearing supplier or derived from measurements.
4.2 Post-processing (Fig.3)
Apart from root stress, flank stress over the line of contact can be analyzed.
This involves evaluating any number of individual contact positions. The analysis then determines the distribution of the maximum/minimum stresses in the analyzed area. This allows a valua-tion of the stress distribution for both low and high torques. In addition to the local strain approach, a durability analysis can also be performed.
图4 滚动仿真
图5 计算流程与实例
The required corrections of flank direction of a gearing are also determined using our own evaluation program. The deformation of previously defined evaluation nodes in connection with the known contact surfaces and flank directions results in signed correction proposals. The gradient of the flank direction correction is determined over a load range, and the sensitivity of the observed tooth contact to load changes can be read off from the gradient of the correction curve.
图6 影响轴承寿命目标的因素图示
图7 负载相关的接触印痕变化
轴承反作用力是从有限元结果中提取出来按照已知的鼓形比例转化到负载相关的压应力图表中。在给定的负载循环下,行星轴和行星轮与接触对象的相对滚动关系是不确定的。如果行星轴与行星架相固连,那么行星轴上损伤只发生于轴上滚道上的某一位置。 而当行星轮转动时,滚道会由转动负载所损伤。这时齿轮相关的损伤或总合性的损伤就要由我们采埃孚的轴承S/N曲线来判定。
For the bearing calculation, the compressive stresses that occur are determined from the contact forces and the known radii of curvature. Taking into account the location of damage and the stress reversal cycle, the maximum occurring damage in the axial and circumferential directions is determined. It is possible to effectively influence the contact compressive stress by modifying the contact gap on the outer or inner ring. Bearing damage is avoided or an increase in performance can be achieved without additional installation space. Apart from these optimization options of our own, we also use commercial FE optimization programs (e.g. gear body optimization, housing) to optimize rigidity and weight.
5 Applications
In the current application, we will demonstrate possibilities of the ZF programs presented by means of a roll-off simulation and a bearing calculation.
For a roll-off simulation (Fig.4), the shafts and surrounding rigidities up to the interface to the gearing are prepared. Using the ZF pre-processor
The test points were re-calculated for an accelerated test procedure and carried out on the test bench. The test transmission bearings were evaluated in the back-to-back test setup. The new calculation and test results were also included in the DoE analysis.
6 计算过程的输出结果及测试
for gearing, an FE meshing pattern is generated from internally provided manufacturing data for the gearing including corrections. The gearing model is integrated in a precise position in the overall model. Subsequently, the contact partners, loads and boundary conditions must be entered. The further calculation models are generated from this basic model by transforming the coordinates of the gearing nodes. In this case, 10 evenly distributed roll-off positions of a pitch module were evaluated. The result is the distribution of the load-sensitive contact and root stresses over the contact width. The example of a simple spur gear chain shows that the flank corrections for the selected load situation are well chosen. In order to correctly record the influences of housing and shaft deformations in connection with the flank corrections, the roll-off simulation is always carried out in the overall model and/or a reduced sub-model with corresponding shifting boundary conditions.
Recording the effects of pitch errors and tolerances on bearing behavior is more complex for planetary gearsets. This is shown in the following using the example of a planetary gear bearing.
The objective of the examination is to ascertain the service life in a planetary bearing taking into account the gearing contact. For the study (Fig.5), we selected the parameters (Fig.6) bolt misalignment S (of the bolt axis), bearing clearance L (of the planetary bearing), contact profile P (of the planetary bearing), bolt pitch Tx (of the planetary bolt in tangential direction), bolt pitch Ty (pitch of the planetary bolt in radial direction), bolt bearing B (fixing in planet carrier), and bolt inclination N (of the planetary bolt in radial direction).
预测数值如图9中y轴所示,x轴列出了各因素数值的范围。较大的斜率意味着影响也越大, 反之较小的斜率意味着影响也越小。但是,这些曲线只是简单的概括,当考虑交互作用时,斜率变化可能会非常明显,甚至由正值变负值。在预测图表中能清楚地看到相互作用的影响。行星轴位置和同轴度的实例表明行星轴位置的影响是和同轴度的影响相互作用的。在同轴度偏差较小时,轴的位置对寿命几乎没有影响。而同轴度偏差较大时,其影响要大的多。
To ascertain the influence of the main parameters, 2197 different variants would be necessary for a full-factorial analysis. With the help of the DoE (design of experiments), the number of necessary calculations can be reduced to 36. This means the calculations can be made much more quickly. In this case, the gearing is not tested in relation to stress, but a simplified contact model is used. The gearing was integrated into the model with coarse FE mesh.
图9 使用DoE的结果分析
7 总结
Even with this simplification, the decisive influences on the contact finding are still taken into account. For this, the gear geometry with crowning and if applicable with flank direction corrections is simulated using node-to-node contacts for the contact pairs sun/planet and planet/ring gear. The contact pattern (Fig.7) shows the distribution of the contact forces over the ring gear contact area at 25% and 100% sun torque.
The tested flank correction leads to lower load transfers at low torques. An increase to 100% load level produces a one-directional contact pattern. This makes it clear that load-dependent contact patterns in the gearing inevitably lead to contact pattern alterations in the bearing. The interactions between the gearing and bearing contact patterns are taken into account in this study. This means the influence due to errors in the planet pitch can also be considered.
For the planetary bearing (Fig.8), the roller profile was measured and the profile shape smoothed in order to rule out unsteadiness. The planetary bolt and the planetary raceway are cylindrical. The combination of bearing clearance and roller profile create the initial contact gap of the bearing in the FE model. The contact profile and the bearing data (rolling-body diameter, rolling-body length, number of rolling bodies, inner bearing diameters, and position data) are processed by the ZF pre-processor to generate an FE mesh.
The bearing reaction forces are extracted from the FE calculation results and converted with the known crowning ratios into a load-dependent compression diagram. Using a given load duty cycle, the overrolling relationships of the contact partners on the bolt and the planet are ascertained. If the bolt is fixed to the planet carrier, a constant location of damage on the bolt raceway results. If the planet turns, its raceway is damaged by a rotating load. Then gear-related or aggregate damage is determined using our own ZF bearing S/N curve.
The damage peak marked (Fig.8) is attributable to the tilting moments that occur on the planetary gear. The proportional tilting moments that result from the tangential, radial, and axial forces depend on where the main focus of a contact pattern is in the sun and ring gear meshing. In the diagram of the circumferential distribution, the rolling bodies involved in the contact pattern can be seen.
To verify the calculations, a new test plan was drawn up for the main influencing factors. Factors which were not to be influenced (roller body profile) or only had a slight effect (tilt) were not taken into account. The test points were re-calculated for an accelerated test procedure and carried out on the test bench. The test transmission bearings were evaluated in the back-to-back test setup. The new calculation and test results were also included in the DoE analysis.
6 Results from the calculation process and the test
The objective of quantitatively proving the geometric influencing factors on the bearing life was achieved. The main influencing factors on the service life can be determined by calculation. The calculation process can be used to determine both the location of damage and the damage probability. Within the boundaries of the manufacturing tolerances we were able to determine a reduction in service life by 37% when very unfavorable parameters were selected. Under favorable conditions, an increase in service life of 74% can be expected. The results were determined for the load direction traction operation. At superposition of coast loads, the load reversal damages the opposite side of the bolt and does not influence these results.
The predictive graph (Fig.9) shows the influences of the parameters. Work points can be set with the help of the perpendicular dotted lines.
The predicted values are shown on the y-axis in Fig.9. The x-axis gives the factors with their value range. A large rising gradient indicates a large influence, a small rising gradient
indicates a smaller influence. However, these curves are only snapshots -when interactions are taken into account, the curve gradients can change dramatically, including from positive to negative. An interactive effect can clearly be seen in the predictive graph. The example of the parameters bolt position and misalignment shows that the influence of the bolt position is dependent on the factor misalignment. In the lower value range of the misalignment, the bolt position barely has an influence on the service life, while at the other end of the scale, the influence is much greater.
In the Pareto chart, the single and the interactive effects are evaluated. The influencing variables are shown as weighting factors on the target figure. The misalignment and the bearing clearance have the greatest influence on the service life. The inclination and the bolt pitch are shown to have little influence.
7 Summary
Calculation according to FEM can be carried out more quickly and with much more meaningful results by systematically using our own programs. Complex geometries such as gearings and bearings can be reliably processed using our own FE mesh programs for gearings and bearings. With the multitude of application fields, size-independent mesh strategies minimize the influences of the FE structure on the results. The results are also determined and interpreted according to standardized processes. This also significantly improves the meaningful quality and reproducibility. The necessary documentation chain facilitates the documentation of the initial data and results. Standardized processes also improve the reproducibility of provisions and results.
The simplifications achieved also make the use of other procedures such as DoE easier. The planning, procedure, and evaluation of large data volumes is possible. Simultaneously, the model quality and the procedures used are tested in terms of quality of results.
The influence of various factors (e.g. manufacturing deviations, micro-geometry, surrounding rigidity) can be systematically evaluated. Tolerance values can be determined and unnecessary production costs avoided.
The robustness of transmission systems can be determined. Factors with a high impact can be identified and influenced using suitable measures.
The most effective measures can be determined for optimizations (e.g. for an existing installationspace). That improves safety and reliability.
[1] PERMAS-User’s Reference Manual, INTES Publication #450, Rev. F, Stuttgart 2000.
[2] Heinz Linke: Stirnradverzahnung; Berechnung-Werkstoffe-Fertigung, Carl Hanser Verlag 2010.
[3] G. Niemann, H. Winter: Maschinenelemente Band 2; Getriebe allgemein, Zahnradgetriebe-Grundlagen, Stirnradgetriebe.
Optimization of Gears and Bearings in Vehicle Transmissions by Means of FEMThomasMerath,JoachimNaas,Dr.FranzJoachim
A large variety of gearings are developed and manufactured by the ZF Group. FEM is especially suitable for optimal, reliable gearing development. It can also easily be integrated into the ZF program landscape. This paper shows how the method can be used in the development process to optimize gearings. However, once again the strong interaction between gearing and bearing is repeatedly demonstrated. That is why ZF has also invested in the development of bearing calculations. We give an example of how rolling bearings can also be optimized for an ideal gearing contact pattern. Naturally, the methods can also be applied to running gears.
Transmission Gear Bearing FEM Optimization