

天文研究与技术 2015年2期

胡 辉,曾佐勋,苏有锦,付 虹,王 锐

(1. 中国科学院云南天文台,云南 昆明 650011;2. 中国地质大学,湖北 武汉 430074;3. 云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

CN 53-1189/P ISSN 1672-7673


胡 辉1,曾佐勋2,苏有锦3,付 虹3,王 锐1

(1. 中国科学院云南天文台,云南 昆明 650011;2. 中国地质大学,湖北 武汉 430074;3. 云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)




1 发震时间的预测

1.1 可公度性

可公度性是自然界的一种秩序,所以是一种信息系[1]。“可公度性” (Commensurability)一词,最早由提丢斯和波特提出,他们注意到太阳系星体围绕轨道运行天体的“平均运动”与其到轨道中心的主星的距离有关,并利用数学的数量给出“平均运动”的经验关系式,后成为著名的提丢斯-波特定则[2-3]。


这里an是行星n到太阳的距离,单位是天文单位,n是行星离太阳由近到远的编号。对于水星n不是1,而是取 ∞,β就是可公度值。




1.2 川滇块体地震信息的可公度性



为了便于理解,本文给出了图1,在图1中,地震发生的日期(年×10 000+月×100+日)在括号内,带有箭头横线上的数字就是该相邻两次地震间的时间间隔,其下面是K的数值,即根据可公度性预测,后一次地震应该是发生在它的时间轴上距前一次地震K倍的可公度点上。

图1 自1 900.0以来川滇块体地震信息的可公度性

Fig.1 A figure showing the commensurability of earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan block since 1900.0




2 发震地点的预测


表1 自1900.0以来川滇块体地震信息的可公度性




图2 雅安地震震中,预测震中,汶川地震震中,龙门山断裂带及其与2~360阶卫星重力异常的关系 (引自曾佐勋, 王杰(2013)[6],卫星重力异常资料据费琪[6-7])

Fig.2 A map showing the locations of the actual epicenter and the predicted epicenter of the Ya’an earthquake. The epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake, the Longmenshan fault zone, and gravity anomalies with orders from 2 to 360 from satellite measurements are also plotted to show their relationships to the Ya’an earthquake. The epicenter locations are adapted from Zeng Zuoxun and Wang Jie, 2013[6]. The data of gravity anomalies are from Fei Qi[6-7]

3 关于震级


4 结束语


(2) 地震的发生似乎是偶然的,其实不然,它是必然性寓于偶然性中。就本例而言,从川滇块体的可公度性分析,将有一大地震发生于2013年;而从地壳密度分布图分析,将有一大地震发生于雅安市西侧,所以无论从时间还是地点来讲,这个地震的发生是必然的。



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On the Forecasts of the Lushan Earthquake in 2013

Hu Hui1, Zeng Zuoxun2, Su Youjin3, Fu Hong3, Wang Rui1

(1. Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650011, China; 2. University of Geosciencesof China, Wuhan 430074, China, Email:; 3. Seismological Bureauof the Yunnan Province, Kunming 650224, China)

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred at the Lushan County, Ya’an City, Sichuan Province, China in April 20, 2013. We had various forecasts of the time and location of this earthquake. In order to advance development of geosciences and improve accuracies of forecasts of earthquakes, which, should help to minimize damages from earthquakes, we summarize these forecasts in this paper. After a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred off the northeastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, we used the method of commensurability to analyze the earthquakes in recent years in the world and found that the dates of these earthquakes are all at commensurable points. According to our analyses dates (in units of years from the A.D.) of earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan block follow a law of commensurability as 2.44K+b with K an integer numbering between 0 and 5. From this law we predicted an earthquake to occur at the time 2013. 24 A.D. in the block, which is consistent with the Ya’an (Lushan) earthquake. We further checked a map of gravity anomalies from satellite measurements, which actually reflects the distribution of crust-density anomalies. From the map we found that there were two highly abnormal regions of local abrupt changes of gravity gradients on the west side of the Ya’an and at the Wenchuan County, respectively. The two regions have common characteristics. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake only released the energy and stress in the northeastern section of the Longmenshan fault zone. In the southwestern section of the fault zone, particularly in the regions of gravity anomalies there, the energy and stress became more concentrated due to the Wenchuan earthquake. Prior to the Ya’an earthquake one of us (Zeng Zuoxun) had noticed the pattern of gravity anomalies and repeatedly pointed out that the next high-magnitude earthquake in the Sichuan Basin after the Wenchuan earthquake was about to happen between Ya’an and Kangding. It is unfortunate that the studies of commensurability and gravity anomalies were carried out by different authors without communications about the studies. If the two studies were combined before the Ya’an earthquake, a short-term forecast of the earthquake could have been realized. This once again shows that earthquake forecasts need to take synthetic approaches.

Earthquake; Commensurability; Crust density

中国科技部攻关项目 (2012BAK19B01-07) 和国家“985”创新平台建设项目 (长江三峡库区地质灾害研究) 资助.

2014-07-25;修定日期:2014-09-15 作者简介:胡 辉,男,研究员. 研究方向:天文与地震等重大自然灾害的相关研究. Email: 通讯作者:曾佐勋,男,教授. 研究方向:地震地质. Email:




, 王杰, 2013. 雅安地震:一个成功的中期预测案例,



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